Chapter 7

Xavier Steel nodded instantly, his eyes darkening. "That fucking bastard. So what's the deal?"

Catalina leaned in slightly, her voice low and deliberate. "Your father and my father were business partners. They had a deal that no one knew about. If it worked out well, it was going to bring in billions. But my father died in an accident, and just a month later, your father died of a heart attack."

Xavier’s brow furrowed. "Wait... what are you insinuating?"

"Exactly what you're thinking," Catalina replied, her gaze steady.

Xavier's voice was tight. "And you have proof? Devin Foster had a hand in their deaths?"

"I'm not done," Catalina continued. "His company was meant to strike that deal with my father, but my father handed it over to your father. He thought no one knew about it because it was meant to be a secret until it was successful. But someone ratted the project out."

Xavier’s curiosity was piqued. "Who?"

"Someone from your side," Catalina said. "They probably found the documents after your father died and sold them off to Devin Foster. Or they were sent by Foster in the first place."

Xavier's face twisted with anger. "I can only think of one person, Andre. He’s Miranda’s fucking brother, and I trusted him with everything!"

Catalina nodded. "Your father was murdered before he could tell you about the business deal. Some of the documents were stolen by your brother-in-law and given to Devin Foster. They all wanted you ruined, Xavier."

"Those fucking bastards!" Xavier’s voice shook with rage. "I will make every one of them pay! So what does this have to do with you?"

"Devin Foster was my fiancé," Catalina explained. "He wanted my part of the documents, but I found them first and did some investigating. I discovered he was a fraud. I called off the wedding, but he managed to get 40% of my company. He and your ex-wife have been working together for years to destroy you. They are responsible for everything, including the deaths of our fathers."

Xavier yelled, "That fucking bitch!"

Catalina’s eyes flashed with determination. "The deal between our fathers was successful, and you're the only heir to the Steel estate. I'm giving you everything that rightfully belongs to the Steel family in exchange for us joining forces to destroy the Rodriguez family, your ex-wife, and Devin Foster."

Xavier didn’t hesitate. The rage and betrayal he felt demanded swift retribution. "Deal."

Catalina walked to the table, picked up a briefcase, and opened it. She handed a document to Xavier. "Sign here, and it's all yours."

Xavier took the document. The first thing he saw was a $100 billion check. His eyes widened. "A hundred billion dollars?"

Catalina nodded. "That's not all. The mansion and the cars outside are also yours."

Xavier smirked as he signed the document. This was the beginning of his revenge, and he wasn’t going to spare anyone who had betrayed him.

Catalina started to speak, but Xavier cut her off. "I know what to do," he said, his voice resolute.

Catalina raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"Would you mind being my date this evening?" Xavier asked, a smirk playing on his lips. "It's all over the billboards that my ex-wife is having a masked birthday party and launching some of the company's new products. I’d love to be there to buy every piece and throw it in their faces."

Catalina smiled, a gleam of approval in her eyes. "Now that's the Steel I know."

Xavier's expression darkened. "But there's something—we'll need an invite. It's a private party."

"Don't worry," Catalina replied smoothly. "I'll get that fixed. We also need some investors from the company to buy shares from, so you’ll be back in."

"Exactly," Xavier agreed. "I’ll be more powerful from the inside. They won't know what hit them."

Catalina’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "So, when is the party?"

Xavier glanced at his watch. "I saw it on a billboard on my way here. It should be starting in an hour or two. I need to get ready."

Catalina nodded. "Everything you need is upstairs in your room. The housekeeper will show you around. It's all yours. When you're ready, we’ll go."

The housekeeper, Gina, stepped forward. "At your service, Mr. Steel. I'll show you the way."

Xavier followed Gina upstairs to his bedroom. She opened the door and led him in, then walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a sleek, sequin suit. "This should fit your event, Mr. Steel, and I think this mask would do."

Xavier took the suit from her. It was perfect. He glanced at the mask, but it didn't quite feel right. "Let me see another mask. I need something that speaks of revenge and power..."

Gina nodded and started to bring out another one, but Xavier’s eyes fell on a particular mask. He reached out and picked it up. "This is it... Absolutely perfect."

The mask was green, designed to resemble a fierce tiger. It had sharp, angular lines and narrow eye slits that gave it a predatory look. The mouth was fixed in a permanent snarl, with white teeth gleaming menacingly. The surface of the mask was textured to mimic fur, but with a metallic sheen that made it look both dangerous and regal.

Gina nodded. "Okay, sir. I'll get the chauffeur ready for you." With that, she turned and left.

Xavier wasted no time. He showered and dressed quickly, anticipation coursing through him. He walked downstairs where Catalina was waiting, also in her own mask, elegant and enigmatic.

They exited the mansion and headed to the event. In the car, Catalina turned to Xavier. "You are Mr. X, and I’m just your PA. I’ve fixed us in already in the system."

Xavier scoffed. "That was fast."

Catalina smiled. "We live in a technology-driven world, Mr. X."

The bodyguards opened the door for them, and they stepped out. As they approached the entrance, Xavier spoke in a deep voice, "Mr. X."

The door was immediately opened, and they were let in. They arrived just in time—Miranda was giving her speech.

"You all know I’ve parted ways with my ex-husband," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "He was no match for me. I needed someone up to my standards, and my fiancé, Devin Foster, made all this possible."

The crowd clapped and cheered as Devin joined her, kissing her in front of everyone. "I love you, honey," he said.

Xavier scoffed under his mask. "What a joke," he whispered.

Miranda continued, "To celebrate this new milestone and my birthday, the company will be launching its first product, and the highest bidder gets it."

The slides dropped, unveiling the product. The audience clapped, and someone called out, "$5,000."

Devin Foster beamed. "Wow... That's impressive."

Then, from the back of the room, a deep voice echoed, "$18,000 dollars."

Everyone was surprised. Some of them turned around to see who it was. And there, standing tall and imposing, was Mr. X.

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