Chapter 10

Xavier turned to Miranda, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Surprised? You shouldn't be," he said.

Before Miranda could respond, Mrs. Rodriguez, who was also present in the boardroom, stood up and shouted, "Who the hell let you in here? You think you can steal some fancy clothes and walk in here like you own this place?"

Xavier scoffed. "You still don't get it, do you? First off, you have no business here."

Mrs. Rodriguez slammed her hands on the table, rising to her feet. "This is my daughter's company!"

Without missing a beat, Xavier signaled his security. "Take her out."

Mrs. Rodriguez's face contorted in shock. "You wouldn't dare!"

Xavier's voice was cold. "Too late."

Two of his men grabbed Miranda's mother and dragged her out of the boardroom, ignoring her frantic protests. "Put me down! Let me go!" she screamed as they hauled her all the way out of the company. Outside, the media captured the scene, curious about the commotion inside.

Miranda stood up, her face pale with anger
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