Chapter 3

Xavier stepped out of the house and walked outside, still trying to get over what just happened and how he had lost everything.

Suddenly, a car approached him with blinding headlights, preventing him from opening his eyes fully. Squinting against the brightness, he shielded his eyes with one hand, trying to see who was approaching.

Gradually, the car's lights dimmed, revealing the unexpected presence of his mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Surprised by their sudden appearance, Xavier wondered about their motive, especially considering their history of disliking him. They never liked him and to them, he was always a loser.

So their sudden visit was quite off, considering the time and all that just happened.

Standing there, he watched as Mrs. Rodriguez, Miranda's mother, approached. Turning to her, he opened his mouth to greet, "goo……"

Before he could finish, a heavy slap landed on his face, causing him to stumble back in shock. Clutching his cheeks with his hands, he looked lost.

"You wretched-looking thing! How dare you embarrass my daughter like that!" Mrs. Rodriguez, fueled by anger, exclaimed.

Xavier, still reeling from the unexpected slap, looked at her with confusion. Mrs. Rodriguez continued her verbal attack, "I don't even understand what my daughter saw in a loser like you! You disgust me!"

He remained silent, absorbing the barrage of insults from Mrs Rodriguez. She questioned, "Who do you think you are to go to my daughter's company? She snapped her fingers in front of him, emphasizing, "My own daughter's company!"

Xavier, swallowing hard, kept his gaze fixed on the ground.

"Look me in the face when I talk to you, you moron!" Mrs. Rodriguez raised her voice many octaves higher, as she demanded.

Xavier only took a deep breath, and looked up as he met her gaze.

Mrs. Rodriguez chuckled gloatingly, expressing satisfaction, "Good... let me look at the shame in your face! I'm happy she has finally gotten rid of the burden in her life! You're nothing but a piece of trash."

As she uttered those harsh words, she moved forward a little and spat right in his face.

Xavier stood there feeling disgusted, he was tired of everything already. He had sacrificed so much for Miranda only to be treated just like he was being described, "trash" and was now being disposed of.

He raised his hand as he cleaned Mrs Rodriguez spit on his face. Then he said, "I'm... I'm sorry I created a scene at Miranda's company," he stammered.

Mrs Rodriguez continued, her voice dripping with disgust, "My daughter provided everything for you, and that's how you could repay her, huh? Considering the fact that she didn't want to leave you penniless and still... You still decided to give her one last embarrassment!"

"I…….." Xavier attempted to speak, but Mrs. Rodriguez cut him off again, her words relentless.

"Or wait... Is it because of the little thing you did for her? Shame on you! Shame on you, Xavier! Whatever you thought you did for her is nothing compared to what she has today! Let me give you one last piece of advice."

She moved closer to him, eyeing him from head to toe with a face squeezed in disgust. "You're nothing! You're a loser, and you'll forever be a loser! Don't get your hopes up about ever making it in life, and never forget that you are nothing but a despicable eyesore!"

Xavier took a deep breath and slowly nodded in response to Mrs. Rodriguez's harsh words. She yelled, "Now get your pathetic, lowlife and despicable self out of my daughter's mansion!"

Xavier looked at her, he felt really bad and at the same time he didn't want to react because he still had so much respect for her.

Mrs. Rodriguez, unaware that the house actually belonged to him and not Miranda, repeated her command, "Get out like the trash you are!" Pointing toward the gate, she snapped, "Out!"

Miranda's brother, Andre, added insult to injury, chuckling and sneering, "Loser."

Xavier bowed his head with his hands in his pockets, proceeding toward the gate like a lifeless corpse. However, Andre intercepted him, blocking his path.

Xavier looked up at Andre, puzzled by the sudden obstruction.

Andre accused him, "What did you take with you, you thief!" Seeing Xavier's hands in his pockets, Andre assumed he had stolen something from the house before their arrival.

Xavier protested, "I don't understand.

"What did you steal from the house before we arrived!" Andre yelled.

Mrs. Rodriguez chimed in, "That's right, I even forgot. We should have searched him because someone as desperate as him can steal!"

Xavier defended himself, "I... I didn't take anything."

Mrs. Rodriguez mocked him, saying, "Oh... Were you expecting to leave with something? You have nothing! Even the clothes you have on were bought for you by my daughter, how shameless!"

Xavier remained composed, standing there as Mrs. Rodriguez continued her verbal assault.

She continued, "I'm sure even your boxers were also bought for you."

She and Andre burst into laughter, the humiliation cut really deep as Xavier took another deep breath, enduring the scorn in silence.

As Xavier was about to leave, Andre stopped him with a command, "Hey! I'm not done yet. Why are you in such a hurry if you're not a thief?"

Xavier defended himself, "I didn't take anything. I only took what belonged to me."

Mrs. Rodriguez chimed in, twisting his words, "Exactly! Then you're a thief!"

Xavier, firm in his stance, stated, "I didn't steal anything."

Mrs. Rodriguez, unrelenting, asserted, "Nothing belongs to you in this house. So what did you take that you claim belongs to you?"

She scrutinized him from head to toe, adding, "We should even strip you of the clothes my daughter bought for you! Shameless-looking idiot! I've never seen a man so shameless that even a woman clothes you!"

Andre joined the verbal assault, "You can't even provide for yourself! All you do is leech off Miranda's money! Such a pussy!"

Xavier, choosing to remain silent, stood there as Mrs. Rodriguez declared, "I'll make sure you don't ever set your foot anywhere close to this house or my daughter's company! It's high time you know your place and go get a job. A cleaner wouldn't be bad. That's the only thing that manages to suit you so well!"

Gulping hard, with his head facing the ground, Xavier attempted to leave again, but Andre blocked his path once more.

"You're not leaving here until you take your hands out of your pocket and show me what you stole, motherfucker!"

Frustrated, Xavier responded, "I said, I only took what belongs to me, nothing more!"

Suddenly, his phone rang……..

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