Chapter 2

As Xavier turned back, his eyes met his wife's, Miranda. He walked up to her, a nervous smile on his face as he stammered, "My... My love. I... I..."

He then moved towards the scattered bouquet of roses, picked it up, and approached Miranda, who stood there, visibly embarrassed by the scene and the prying crowds.

Xavier, still smiling, started to explain, "I brought this for you, and all of a sudden your secretary handed me some papers, some divo—"

Before he could finish, Miranda turned sharply to her secretary as she demanded in a cold voice, and it was as if he wasn’t even there. "Why the hell did you allow this to create a nuisance! I gave you a simple task to do, and you couldn't even handle it?"

Her gaze swept over him as if he was nothing, and worth no more than the ground on which she stepped.

Stella stuttered, "I'm... I'm sorry, ma'am, but he wasn't listening. He was bent on creating a scene."

Xavier, looking lost, interjected, "Was that your intention, Miranda? Did you really send those divorce pa—"

Miranda turned to face him, cutting him off abruptly, "Oh, yes!! I sent the divorce papers."

Xavier stood there in shock, releasing the flowers from his grip once again.

Miranda, feeling uneasy with the public gaze on them, looked around and said to Xavier, "Follow me to the guest room."

As Miranda walked ahead, her secretary followed closely behind. Xavier, still standing outside, whispered to himself in disbelief, "Am I dreaming? Could today be April fool’s day?"

It seemed as if his world was collapsing right before his eyes. Head bowed in shame, he finally walked inside the guest room.

Once inside, Miranda's cold tone filled the room as she instructed, "Shut the door behind you."

Confused and seeking answers, Xavier questioned without delay, "What is going on, my love? Is someone forcing you to do anything? Are you in some kind of trouble? Feel free to talk to me."

Miranda repeated with a chilling tone, "Shut the door, Xavier." Taking a deep breath, he complied, gingerly closing the door behind him.

As the room fell into an uncomfortable silence, Miranda began to speak. "I'll let you keep the house; it's yours after all, and I won't be needing it anyway. It’s obvious you need it more than I do, especially with the fact that you're jobless, and I can solve that for you."

Xavier, still trying to understand, protested, "What are you talking about, Miranda?"

"She's not done yet! You should be happy she still cares about you!" Stella interrupted sharply.

Miranda continued, "Because of my connections, I can arrange a nice job for you with a good pay."

Xavier, resisting the offer, declared, "I'm not accepting this!"

Miranda took a deep breath and insisted, "Trust me, Xavier, you need this. I wouldn't want to divorce you, leaving you wretched. It's the least you deserve."

Xavier felt his heart break, with his eyes welling up with unshed tears. He stammered, "Why... Why are you doing this, Miranda?"

Her response came with a heavy sigh, "It's for the best. I deserve more, and I feel we're just in two different worlds. I need someone on my level, and clearly, that person is not you."

"Two different worlds? Really? I've always been there for you, Miranda! Did you only notice this now?" Xavier exclaimed, his voice filled with hurt and confusion.

Stella chuckled dismissively, "Always there for her? Oh, please! You're nowhere close to Miranda."

Ignoring Stella's comments, Xavier kept his focus on his wife, pleading, "Tell me, Miranda, what did I do wrong? You want me to pick you up earlier? Dress up more?"

Stella laughed again, interjecting, "That doesn't change the fact that you're wretched and a nobody, Xavier. Accept it and move on."

Xavier still paid no attention to Stella as he continued to address his wife. "Tell me, Miranda, I'll do anything."

"That's enough, Xavier. That's not it." Miranda, with a stern expression, cut him off.

Frustrated and desperate for answers, Xavier insisted, "Then tell me, what happened? What's the reason for all this humiliation?"

Miranda took a deep breath before delivering a painful truth. "We're just two different people, from two different worlds. We grew apart, Xavier. Take a look at me, take a good look around you. That's me, all me. Yes, you supported me, but I need more, Xavier. I need to grow freely, and I can't do that with you."

"You're here because of me, Miranda. I gave you everything I had," Xavier insisted desperately.

Stella interjected once more, addressing Xavier, "Do you think she built everything from scratch with what you gave her? You think they were enough? If not for her, you wouldn't even be able to set foot in such a prestigious company or be seen around someone of her calibre."

Miranda continued, "Trust me, Xavier. That's why I want to compensate you. If I'm stuck with you, I can't grow, I can't reach new heights. The company needs more of me with someone that matches my energy and is in the same class with me."

"I can't introduce you to my friends and colleagues, Xavier. You're just not presentable, and it's not good for my reputation or the company. Just take a good look at yourself."

Stella couldn't help but laugh at the harsh reality as it sank in.

Xavier, still standing, took a good glance at himself from toe to head. It was as if the floor to ceiling window was meant to be his mirror.

"Good, now look at me." Miranda continued.

As Xavier studied Miranda, he couldn't deny the truth. She was more presentable than he was. He had taken care of her and played a significant role in her success, but that was in the past. The present reality was clearly different.

He resembled more of a chauffeur than the husband of an influential and prestigious lady.

Miranda clarified, "I hope you understand it now. We aren't compatible anymore. I need to grow, and with you, I'm nothing but stuck and stagnant."

Stella chimed in, "Exactly, and I believe you want her growth and what's best for her, right?"

Xavier took a deep breath as Miranda opened the divorce papers, placing them firmly on the table.

Nodding gently, he approached the table, stealing one last glance at the woman who had been a significant part of his life for seven years.

Everything now went to the drain, leaving him with nothing, yet, he was kicked out like trash.

Miranda looked away, but he could see the happiness and joy in her face like a heavy burden was about leaving her shoulders. He picked up the pen as he signed the divorce papers without hesitation.

With a heavy heart, he left silently. As he slammed the door shut, Stella's voice echoed, "Congrats, Miranda! You can finally accept Devin Foster's proposal!!!"

Xavier felt his heart bleed as he made his way home. Upon arriving, he found the cake and the mini surprises he had planned for his wife.

He muttered, "What a joke," and kicked the table, sending the cake crashing to the floor.

Walking straight to the room, he focused on one thing – the necklace his mom had given to Miranda, now his ex-wife.

He picked it up and left…….

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