Xavier Steel's Vendetta
Xavier Steel's Vendetta
Chapter 1

"Everything must be perfect" Xavier muttered to himself as he clutched a bouquet of fresh red roses, his wife's favorite, in his hands.

He was clad in his classic jeans and a casual button-down shirt, and walked into the lobby of his wife's company with a nervous smile playing on his lips.

Today was no ordinary day, it was a special day. He had carefully planned and financed with his last bit of money.

It wasn't just about picking Miranda up; Xavier had something special planned. Despite the fact that she surpassed him in career success and earnings, Xavier harbored no resentment.

He was genuinely proud of her achievements, recognizing that his sacrifices had contributed to her flourishing career.

Years ago, when Miranda's company faced the threat of bankruptcy, Xavier had sold everything, even selling the house his mom left him, which was his only asset.

His unwavering support and sacrifices had lifted Miranda from the brink of failure to becoming one of the most influential women in New York City.

As he approached the elevator, he took a moment to inhale the fragrance of the flowers and couldn't help but smile, whispering to himself, "Perfect."

Stepping out of the elevator, he continued to hold the bouquet of roses as he walked purposefully towards Miranda's office. Just as he was about to enter, Stella, Miranda's secretary, interrupted him.

"Xavier!" she called out, causing him to turn with a smile.

"Is Miranda in?" He inquired.

Stella's stern expression hinted at something amiss, and Xavier's counternance changed instantly.

His smile faded as concern crept into his voice, "Is everything alright?"

Without a word, Stella handed him a white envelope.

Xavier, his eyes widening in disbelief, stared at the white envelope in his hands. Confused, he looked back at Stella, questioning, "What's this?"

Expecting an explanation, he was met with a rude response as Stella retorted, "Why not take a look at it yourself?"

As he opened the envelope, shock painted his face when he realized it contained divorce papers. Instantly, he lifted his gaze to meet Stella's eyes. "Wh….what is this?" He stammered.

Stella, displaying no sympathy, yelled, "What the hell does it look like, Xavier? Are you blind? Or you suddenly can't read?"

The commotion drew the attention of the surrounding crowd as Stella's voice escalated, their curious eyes now fixed on them.

Embarrassed and still trying to understand what was happening, Xavier questioned Stella, "Where is Miranda? Where did you get this from?"

Stella's response was harsh as she shouted, "I can see being wretched has also gotten to your brains, and you can't seem to comprehend all of a sudden. Leave here now before I call security on you! You're causing a nuisance here!"

Confusion and humiliation clouded Xavier's expression as he grappled with the sudden revelation, surrounded by the prying eyes of onlookers in Miranda's company.

Xavier stood there, holding the divorce papers in his hands, it felt like a dream, like the whole world around him was shattering right before his eyes.

"I won't leave here till I see my wife!" He yelled, amidst the whispers of the crowd.

"His wife? Who is his wife?" Whispers rippled through the crowd, as it was revealed that Xavier was married to Miranda, one of the most famous and influential women, creating a buzz.

Xavier, undeniably handsome with a strong physique, seemed classless compared to the renowned Miranda. No one believed he was her husband.

Stella, frustrated by the scene and whispering crowd, snapped back at Xavier, "You are creating a scene here! And Miranda isn't in the office!"

Xavier's desperation persisted as he declared, "I'm not leaving until I'm sure this came from her!"

Stella, growing more agitated, pointed out the growing attention, "Can't you see everyone is starting to talk? Do you want to ruin her reputation? Getting a husband like you is enough! The last thing she needs is for you to tarnish the only thing she has managed to build all by herself!"

Phones were out, recording the unexpected drama.

Xavier, holding the flowers tightly, paid no attention to the gathering crowd. "I'm going in," he declared, as he walked towards Miranda's office.

"Security!" Stella yelled, and in an instant, two hefty security personnel swiftly blocked Xavier's path, standing right in front of him.

Frustrated, Xavier demanded, "Get out of my way this instant!"

His attempts to move were met with the guards adjusting their positions, effectively obstructing him.

Xavier's desperation escalated as he yelled. "Miranda! Miranda!"

Stella quickly approached him as she whispered sharply, "What the hell is wrong with you, Xavier? Why are you making a fool of yourself? Why are you so bent on destroying Miranda?"

"What the hell are you saying?" Xavier retorted.

Stella leaned in, her words a harsh whisper, "Take a look around, take a look at the scene you're causing here, and you claim you love her? You're embarrassing her, and destroying her reputation!"

Surveying the onlookers, Xavier realized all eyes were on him, some were even recording the scene he was causing.

Stella pressed on, "You've seen what you've caused, right? Sign the divorce papers if you claim you love her."

Xavier responded, "I love her, and that's why I want to see her! Let her tell me this to my face."

"Seems you don't get it here." Stella stated. "Sign the divorce papers and leave with ten thousand dollars."

She added, scanning Xavier from head to toe, "You need the money to help your wretched life! She's doing you a favor."

Xavier let out a bitter laugh, "You think it's all about the money? I'm not leaving here till I talk to my wife!" He stated firmly.

Stella, undeterred, replied, "If you want Miranda to be happy, sign it and get the hell out of here before she even sees you and the nuisance you've created, else you'll regret it."

"Are you threatening me?" Xavier questioned.

Stella leaned in closer as she whispered. "See it as advice, but if you feel threatened by it, I wouldn't be surprised anyways. Someone like you should be threatened by everything and everyone."

Just as tensions escalated, a voice from the crowd chimed in, "I can't believe this is Mrs. Miranda's husband. Can't believe she stooped this low."

Xavier, triggered by the statement, dropped the flowers he held and rushed towards the person. "Hey!" he shouted, pulling the individual out of the crowd.

"Get my wife's name out of your mouth!!" Instantly, he delivered a sharp punch, causing the person to crumple to the floor.

Before Xavier could land him another blow, a familiar voice, which sounded different from Stella's, called him from behind.


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