The Radiant Spawn




Tyler couldn't tell how many times the system window kept popping up in front of him.

But by the time the level up notification ended... "Status."

Tyler viewed his stats. "Level 17 already... Nice."

"Ty-Ty, I've reached level 13!" Liz cheered.




All the survivors except Tyler received Class chips. They ranged between C-B class chips.

Usually it would have been E-C, but given the heightened difficulty caused by Ferahn, the rewards were adjusted.

As for Liz who had second place in contribution, she received the A-Grade Class Chip- Thunder empress. "

"Congrats, Liz."

Liz's cheeks flushed.

"Together?" She asked him with a smile.

"Alright then," He smiled back.

They both pulled out their class chips and used them.



Tyler checked the details of the skill.

"I can raise the dead as a radiant servant, cool." He was eager to test out the skill immediately. Thankfully, there were alot of corpes to use it on.

Tyler went towards the corpes of a woman who had a dark shade, she was his history teacher who was also blind.

"Radiant Spawn!" He shouted as a bright golden light engulfed the corpes causing it to levitate. The woman's body was healed as a new life was breathed into her.




"What?" Tyler gasped. "My spawns can have classes? The Radiant Sovereign is an Overpowered class... I'll go with Samurai."

The woman was engulfed in light again, as it dims down she now donned a kimono and a sword made from light.

The newly resurrected woman stood beside Tyler, her body entire body was letting out a soft glow that contrasted sharply with the grim surroundings.

 Tyler sensed no resistance from her as she awaited his next command.

Liz stood a few feet away, as she darted the glowing woman killer looks.

She was overtaken with a pang of jealousy that shot through her chest, despite knowing that the resurrected woman was a mindless puppet.

Tt wasn't just about the attention Tyler was giving her—it was the fact that she was stunning, even in death.

"Maybe I should raise more Spawns."

Tyler spoke as he approached another coroner. But when he attempted to resurrect other dead players, he faced a setback...

"Skill level too low." 

Tyler clicked his tongue. The system required a higher skill level to do so.

"It seems that I can only create one Radiant Spawn at this stage." He shrugged it off and accepted his limitations for the moment, after all, all he had to do was raise his skill level.

Ferahn observed everything from a distance, her eyes were locked on Tyler and his actions.

"Now, how do I approach him regarding the contract without raising any suspicions?"

His abilities were unusual, and she needed to be careful not to scare him off. If he became a threat, her position as Streaming Imp could be at risk.

Tyler and Liz finally left the building given that the trial was over. But they were greeted by chaos.

The entire place was in a pandemonium, the players were running in all directions trying to escape the madness.

However, the duo weren't bothered by the chaos, they advanced without a care.

"Where do we go from here?"

Tyler considered their options. "We need to find a safe place to regroup," he replied, his gaze scanning the chaotic scene.

"I'd like to look for the other members of our Faction."

In the original timeline, Tyler was head of a faction. Both Liz and Sarah were a part of as well as Merrick. He intended to seek out the other members and reform the faction again.

"That's a great idea! I missed Dominic and Fey, yes even that witch Sarah."

"So do I, for now let's leave this place."

Liz nodded, and they stepped out of the college grounds. They saw piles of bodies littered all over the place.

It was a gruesome scene, with bloodstains splattered across the pathways.

"It must be Kobolds," Liz stated.

 "I'm surprised; there are even more dead people here than in the original timelin—"

They moved through the wreckage, keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble. As they turned a corner, they encountered a group of other players.

Their equipment was stained with red blood and green blood suggesting they had fought other humans.

The leader of the group, a tall man with a shaved head and a menacing scar across his cheek, spotted Tyler and offered a nod.

"Hey, I'm Ray," he said, introducing himself. "I'm from the engineering department. You two the only survivors from your trial stage?"

Tyler was puzzled. If this guy was part of a group, surely he'd have encountered the other students who ran out earlier.

The only reason he wouldn't have was if something—or someone—had kept them apart.

"Did I somehow cause the stage to end sooner than the organisers planned?"

Tyler realized that by killing too many monsters, he might have caused the stage to end early, but the end times were consistent regardless of location. The man had to be lying.

He gave the man a smile. "Yeah, just us," he said, his tone casual.

Ray's eyes darted to the glowing woman in armor behind Tyler.

"Who's that?" he asked, curiosity mixing with wariness.

"She's a summon," Tyler replied smoothly, keeping the details to himself. "I got her with my class."

Ray seemed to accept that explanation, then quickly made an offer.

"We're forming a group to clear the next stage of the trial," he said, sounding almost friendly. "We have a good food source and strength in numbers. You should come join us."

Tyler didn't trust Ray's smooth tone. Something about the man's demeanor didn't sit well with him.

He kept his expression neutral, but his instincts told him to decline the invitation.

"Thanks, but I've got to get off campus," he said, his voice steady. "I have things I need to take care of."

With that, he turned to leave with Liz approaching him.

"Was it a good idea to say no? They seemed well-equipped, and we don't know what else is out here."

Tyler shook his head.

"I don't trust them," he replied. "That guy was lying. They’ve likely been in fights with other humans, not just Kobolds. We need to stay on our toes."

That was the case, they couldn't just trust anybody and they had to be extra careful who they keep around them.

Before they could get anywhere... Ray stepped in their path, his expression was darkened than earlier. He was finally revealing his true colors.

"Hey," he said, voice low and menacing, "I never told you to leave. You don't get to decide. You're joining my group, whether you like it or not."

Tyler glanced back at him, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, really?" he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

A slow wave of yellow mana began to radiate from his body, creating an oppressive, murderous aura that filled the air.

The intensity of it caused a powerful tension to ripple through the area. Ray's lackies were blown away from the sheer pressure of the mana.

Only a few of them were able to maintain their footing.

Ray's bravado melted away in an instant.

He fell to his knees, trembling, his confidence from before was shattered by the sheer force of Tyler's presence.

His voice cracked as he asked, "What are you?"

Tyler shrugged as the deadly aura fading just as quickly as it had appeared.

"Nothing much, just a guy passing through," he said with a smirk.

He then looked at Liz and his Radiant Spawn, nodding for them to follow.

"Come on, we're leaving."

As they walked away, Liz kept looking over her shoulder, watching Ray and his group.

She could see the fear in their eyes, a fear that was now firmly associated with Tyler. 'They're lucky Ty-Ty is letting them go with just that.'

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