Between The Dimensions

Ferahn watched as Tyler made quick work of the Kobolds.

"What on earth is going on?" She panicked yanking her hair. "I'm losing more viewers!"

"I've already raised the difficulty level to persuade my viewers, this will only ruin me. Nobody wants to watch a boring scene such as this. What do I do!?"

Ferahn decided to check Tyler's status but she received an error message.


Ferahn plopped to the floor.

"Just who on earth is this human and what entity is backing him? I'll have to see Yoon about this."

Ferahn summoned the beam of light and beamed away.

The Dimension between the 3rd and 4th dimension was the home and work place of the streaming Imp. Ferhan stormed through the hallways of the Streaming Imp headquarters.

She stopped in front of a door with a tag "Head Administrator."

Ferahn knocked before entering, an Imp with Red horns was seated at a desk.

"Ferahn, what brings you here?" he asked.

"It's about a certain human..." Ferahn proceeded to tell him about the trouble with Tyler and the blocked access to his status.

Yoon then tried accessing Tyler's stats but faced the same warning.

"Interesting," Yoon mused. "I'll discuss this with the trial master. For the meantime, Monitor our friend Tyler closely."

Ferahn worried. "Alright Yoon, but don't you think we should take some measures? I can't afford to keep losing my viewers!"

Yoon rubbed his chin, "Hmm. Why don't we establish a contract with him?"

Ferhan's eyes widened. "A contract? With that human?"

"Yes, he's an intriguing one from what I've heard, it's best to keep him close. Understood?"

Ferahn clicked her tongue before replying, "Yes sir." With that, she left the office of the Head Streaming Imp.

Ferahn left, uneasy. Yoon's interest in Tyler was unusual.

Yoon watched her go, intrigued by Tyler's mystery.

"This could be a threat or an opportunity," he mused, curious about Tyler's power.

"Things are about to get more interesting."

Ferahn stepped through the portal back to Earth, where darkness had fallen over the landscape.

She surveys the area, The once-grand and beautiful college building was now a shell of its former self.

Parts of its structure had crumbled and the debris scattered around like the aftermath of a siege.

The trial stage's barrier kept everyone inside, but it wasn't just the walls that seemed damaged; it was the spirit of the players as well.

They huddled in small groups, casting wary glances toward a particular spot in the middle of the wreckage.

"There you are." Ferahn muttered with a grin as her eyes fell unto Tyler.

Tyler sat on a heap of monster corpses, as if it was some sort of grotesque throne.

Ferahn was astounded to see that Tyler had killed so many Kobolds. The ones inside the ball room were just a few dozens but she had deployed 200 Kobolds.

"He even took out the Kobold champion." She remarked as she noticed the centerpiece of his collection was the corpse of a Kobold champion. It was a hulking brute with mottled green skin and a massive cleaver still clenched in its lifeless grip.

The horrific sight made Ferahn's stomach turn, but what caught her attention was the blue status window hovering in front of Tyler.

"Here goes nothing," Ferahn took a deep breath as she prepares to approach him.

Meanwhile, Tyler's view was bombarded with system notifications.

"Your fame has risen, more Divines are keeping their eyes on you." 

-He is ruthless and precise, I like him.

-He took out over a hundred of those Kobolds, including the Champion effortlessly!

-Tyler is cool. Take my coins!



Tyler noticed the timer on the status window ticking down.

"30 seconds remaining for the scenario to end." 

He sighed, "Finally, the first trial is coming to an end."

"Tyler!" A woman called out to Tyler as she approached him waving her hand. "You're so strong, and cool."

But before she could take more than a few steps, Liz, grabbed her by the shoulder and yanked her back. Her eyes were set ablaze as he gives the woman a death glare.

"Ack, let go of me!"

Liz was holding a dagger she'd taken from a Kobold. She pressed it against the woman's throat.

"Don't even think about it," Liz said, her voice low but filled with menace.

"He's my Ty-Ty, and I don't share. If you know what's good for you, you'll turn around and beat it. Got it?"

The woman was taken aback by Liz's sudden aggression, she widened her eyes feeling the pressure of the dagger against her skin.

Yet, she quickly tried to regain her composure, letting out a strained laugh that was meant to convey confidence, but it came off shaky and forced.

It was clear that she was nervous, but she wasn't about to show weakness, especially not in front of the other players.

"What are you gonna do about it? The world isn't what it used to be. You think you can stop a real woman from getting what sh—"

But her words were cut short.

Liz's dagger flashed in a blur of motion, slicing through the air with a whispering hiss and embedding itself in the side of the woman's skull.

It was so fast that the woman didn't even have time to flinch, her bravado shattering into a stunned silence. Her eyes went blank, her body swayed slightly, then she dropped to the ground like a puppet with its strings severed.

The players who watched the incident whispered amongst themselves while giving her looks.

Liz didn't care about the dozens of looks she was getting, she simply simply smiled as if nothing unusual had happened, her expression sweet and serene as she carefully wiped the blood off her dagger with a piece of cloth.

She hummed softly to herself while cleaning the blade as if she was merely tidying up after a meal.

The rest of the players instinctively took a step back. The look in her eyes held a coldness that sent shivers down their spines.

It was clear that she would not tolerate anyone trespassing on her territory.

Liz glanced up and noticed the fearful stares from the other players. She gave them a gentle wave with her free hand, her smile never wavering.

"No worries, everyone," she said in a cheerful tone, as if she hadn't just ended a life.

"I just had to teach her a little lesson about respecting boundaries. You all understand, right?"

The players nodded silently.

It was better to keep their distance and not provoke her. She was capable of doing whatever it took to protect her position, even if it meant eliminating anyone who stood in her way.

"Good, this is what's going to happen to any woman who tries to get close to my Ty-Ty," she declared with a smile and a  cheery voice.

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