Chapter 7: Dragon Queen.

Eleanor stood stunned, looking at Mary sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, gently touching her smooth forehead, her eyes moist: "I won't divorce him. We've been married for four years, and it's not true that there's no affection. Besides, he will always be Mary's father, unless he doesn't want us anymore."

Hearing this, Lisa stamped her foot angrily: "Eleanor, how can you be so foolish! What's so good about that useless man?"

Eleanor turned, looking at the agitated Lisa: "Alright, Lisa, I know you mean well, but this is my matter."

Lisa opened her mouth to say something, but restrained herself and said: "It's up to you, but I will do my best to separate you two! You are my best friend, I won't let you sink into the quagmire!"

Eleanor said nothing; she understood Lisa's good intentions, truly wanting the best for her.

However, certain things, especially her feelings for Alexander, made Eleanor's heart chaotic.

In the evening, Alexander brought home a bag of apples, but hadn't even entered the door when he heard the noise inside.

"Eleanor, you must listen to me, tomorrow, you divorce that useless man! Our Marshall family cannot tolerate him!"

It was the voice of her mother-in-law, Valeria, sounding very angry.

"Look, today at the hospital, that boy embarrassed you, nearly broadcasting it to all of Golden Harbor. Everyone saw it, today Alexander's attitude towards the old man, wasn't that pushing our whole family into trouble! In a few days, it's the half-yearly summary meeting of the Marshall family, where a new vice president must be chosen, at this critical moment, Alexander acted rudely towards the old man. Do you still have a chance of being selected? You must divorce!"

Valeria was almost exploding, after Eleanor shut the door and went to her room, she vented her anger on her husband, Rodger Marshall, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

Rodger Marshall lowered his head, pretending to read the newspaper seriously, making no sound.

He was a typical husband under his wife's control, with no status in the family, big or small matters were all handled by his wife, Valeria.

Moreover, his natural disposition was weak, in front of a fierce wife like Valeria, he truly couldn't raise his head.

Rodger's silence made Valeria even angrier, she walked over, snatched the newspaper from his hand, then tore it apart, scolding: "Look at you, every day you come home and just read the newspaper, why don't you care about our family's affairs, isn't Eleanor your daughter?"

At this, Rodger helplessly said: "How can I not care, but this is not something we can decide, Eleanor has to speak for herself."

Valeria didn't care, immediately shouting: "I don't care, our daughter must divorce that useless man, it's been four years, we've endured so much spit and ridicule from others, haven't you had enough?"

Saying this, Valeria started crying, sitting down on the sofa and wailing: "Rodger, if you are still a man, you must stand up for your daughter! Our daughter has suffered so much, now Mary is diagnosed with leukemia, all this is because of that useless Alexander! Originally, she could have married into a wealthy family and become a wealthy lady, we could have enjoyed blessings too, do you want to see Eleanor tired every day, enduring the mocking from relatives? Don't you feel heartache!"

The Marshall family, dealing in material equipment in Golden Harbor, truly had Eleanor running to construction sites, material markets, and markets every day, very tired.

Moreover, because of Alexander, the status of the second house of her family within the Marshall family was very low, even the inheritance from the old man excluded Eleanor.

Hearing these words, Rodger also fell silent, after all, she was his daughter.

Just as he was about to stand up, Eleanor, who had locked herself in her room, opened the door and walked into the living room.

She looked at the furious Valeria and the sorrowful, suffering Rodger, and said: "Dad, Mom, I won't divorce Alexander!"

Hearing this, Valeria immediately became enraged, shouting: "Eleanor, what nonsense are you talking about? You don't divorce him, do you want to live your whole life with that useless man?!"

"Mom, I'm not talking nonsense, I love Alexander, even though for the past four years, because of him, I have been criticized and ridiculed by relatives and friends, he is still my husband, Mary's father!"

"These four years, he has silently maintained this family, has he ever complained?"

"Everyone looks down on him, Grandpa looks down on him, everyone looks down on him, but I don't!"

Alexander stood at the door, holding a bag of apples, sighed, his eyes wet, looking up at the sky.

He was smiling, for four years, it turned out she had always loved him, despite the grievances he had caused her.

This woman, why is she so foolish.

He once promised her a prosperous life, now it seems there is nothing.

Alexander clenched his fists, a serious look in his eyes, Eleanor believed in him, his promise to her, would never change, she would become the happiest woman in the world!

In the living room, Eleanor's face was already full of tears, her beautiful appearance like a pear blossom in the rain, looking at Valeria and Rodger, she said: "Mom, Dad, you don't understand, I love him, I have always waited for him, waited for him to openly tell everyone he is Mary's father, Eleanor's husband..."

The room suddenly became quiet.

Although Valeria's face was still angry, hearing Eleanor's words, she had nothing more to say.

At this moment, Alexander pushed the door open, stood at the door, a warm smile like the sun on his face, looking at the tearful Eleanor, walked up to her, gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Alexander, can you promise me? For me and Mary."

"I don't want to endure those mocking words anymore, I don't want Mary to call you 'uncle' in front of others, I want everyone to know, you are Mary's father, my husband, not a useless man."

Eleanor's eyes were red.

Her eyes filled with mist.

"I promise you."

Alexander said seriously, looking at Eleanor gently.


At BrightPath Solutions private club, in the imperial private room.

Alexander stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the neon-lit street outside.

Behind him, Sherman stood bowing, clearly very respectful.

"Young Master, do you have any instructions?" Sherman asked.

"On the 23rd of next month, it's my daughter's birthday, book the most luxurious room at Skyline in Golden Harbor, I want to hold a banquet with 300 tables, inviting the rich and noble of the whole city.

Alexander had promised Eleanor, he would gradually make it a reality.

This time, he wanted everyone in Golden Harbor to know, Mary is Alexander's daughter.

And Eleanor, you are Alexander's wife.

The wife of the Young Master of Dragon Sect.

The future Dragon Queen of Dragon Sect.

Sherman was a bit stunned, saying: "Young Master, are you sure you want to do this?"

Alexander turned around, looking at Sherman, frowning: "Is it difficult?"

Sherman smiled: "This little matter, for the Reynolds family's Dragon Sect, is not a problem at all. But the main issue is the current Dragon Queen. Young Master's reckless actions might displease the Dragon Queen."

The current wife of the Dragon Master was a very formidable person.

Back then, she had expelled the Young Master and the second lady from the dragon gate, even the Dragon Master dared not say anything, enough to see the Dragon Queen's prestige.

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