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Arrison Leon, you have a lot of nerve to have designs on my daughter?!" A middle-aged woman with a strong demeanor and a half-old appearance sat in the chairman's office of Diva Construction Company berating a young man in front of her with anger and disgust on her face. Although it was lunchtime, there were still many employees inside the company who couldn't help but look over when they heard the commotion, filled with schadenfreude. "You're just an ordinary employee of my company. What ability do you have to be with my daughter?" The woman continued to scold, "You dare to think about her?!" "Chairman, please give me a chance to prove myself," Arrison Leon looked embarrassed, his nails sinking into his palms. "Who do you think you are, Leon? What can you prove? You're just a frog in a well who wants to eat swan meat. I give you until the end of today to leave the company!" Emily slammed the table and stood up, throwing a dismissal letter directly at Leon. Seeing the dismissal
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Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 175 (Final Chapter)
After some consideration, they finally decided to prioritize saving Emerald. The crowd waited outside for an unknown amount of time until suddenly, the sound of a baby crying could be heard. Upon hearing this, the crowd was deeply moved. Soon after, the door slowly opened and Frank walked out once again. "Congratulations, young master. During the surgery, there was a significant improvement. Through relentless efforts, both the mother and child were saved!" Upon hearing this good news, everyone's tense hearts were finally relieved, and a long sigh of relief was let out. This was followed by an unprecedented cheer. Leon didn't care about anything else and rushed in. When he saw Emerald, who was weak and holding the baby in her arms, Leon couldn't help but shed tears. "!!!" Emerald showed a faint smile despite her weakness and said, "Leon, I made it through, and our child made it through too. Look, this is our child!" After speaking, Emerald handed the baby
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 174
Faced with Leon's actions, Adeline had no resistance at all.Adeline was in excruciating pain,feeling utterly humiliated and helplessat this last moment. She neverexpected to suffer such torture.However, Leon paid no attention toher suffering. After piercing hershoulder with his sword, he ruthlesslywithdrew the blade and slashed at herchest again and again.Adeline screamed in agony, her bodycovered in blood. Freya watchedthe scene in horror, but consideringAdeline's evil deeds, he did notsympathize with her. She had broughtthis upon herself!People like Adeline deserved to die ahundred or even a thousand times.As Adeline's screams echoed in hisears, her wounds continued to pile up,leaving her covered in bruises andcuts.Finally, Adeline ran out of strengthand collapsed in a pool of blood, barelybreathing and with dilated pupils.Leon waved his blood-stained sword,pointing it at Adeline's throat, andsaid coldly, "Adeline, I know you mustbe unwilling, but there'
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 173
After the passing of the old lady,everyone in the Arrision family woremourning clothes and set up amemorial for her. This event was ofgreat significance to the entire Arrision family, as the old lady's statusrepresented an era of the Lin family. Allthe servants and family memberscame from all over to mourn and paytheir respects. Although the era hadcome to an end, everyone was deeplysaddened by the old lady's passing.However, her departure did not signifythe end, but rather the beginning of anew era for the family.During the memorial ceremony, thetrue identity of the Heavenly LordTianluo was finally revealed to thepublic, and the servants who saw histrue appearance were amazed.Through the exchange of information,the servants learned about the reasonsbehind the old lady's protection of the Arrision family, and they were moved by herefforts.As the day of the Heavenly Lord'selection drew closer, the situationbecame more urgent. No one knewwhat the final outcome
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 172
The rain grew heavier and heavier. Thelightning flickered, casting a gloomyatmosphere in the deep night, as ifforetelling an ominous sign. Leonbraved the storm and made his wayback home, his emotions rising andfalling with the sound of thunder.Finally arriving at the Arrision residence, heheaded straight for the door, but couldhear mournful weeping coming fromthe direction of the backyard.Holding a black umbrella, Leon's heart suddenly tightened, his bodypetrified, his eyes empty and lifeless,and even his breathing stopped. Untilthe black umbrella fell to the groundand his lips trembled."It's impossible..""It can't be!"At that moment, Leon could nolonger care about anything else andheaded straight for the backyard,passing through corridor after corridor,his footsteps getting faster and faster.As he approached, the sound ofweeping became clearer and clearer.He finally arrived at the entrance to thebackyard and immediately rushed in.When he saw what was in fr
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 171
In the name of rectification, cooperatewith Frank and replace thehigh-level officials as required! Don'teven think about resisting!Leon's few words revealeda greatdeal of information. The mother andson were shocked and finallyunderstood why Frank hadbeen working so hard during thisperiod. It turned out that he hadalready attached himself to Leon andwas using the name of rectification toeliminate dissidents!At this moment, all the doubts werecompletely cleared up, and the motherand son were extremely frightened,trembling and sweating profusely.Since Leon entered the militaryalliance, the layout had already begunin secret. With extraordinary mearns, hehad created this situation, which wastruly amazing!If the situation continued and thehigh-level officials of the militaryalliance were replaced before thegeneral election, the person who wouldwin without a single soldier would notbe Han Yongging, but. Tian Luo ShangZhu!!Until the last moment, Han YongqingWould
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 170
"I'm done for!""Once Lin Fei comes back, he won'tspare me!""What should I do now?"Lin Yan sat on the ground in despair,with an unprecedented fear in hisexpression.Lin Fei's election as the chiefrepresentative was undoubtedly anunexpected event, and a shockingreversal!No one could have imagined how LinFei could rise to power and receivesuch attention from the Heavenly LuoLord.After all, Lin Fei was born as a wildseed and had no connection with theHeavenly Luo Lord. Yet, the fact wasthat he had achieved this position,which was a slap in the face toeveryone!In the current situation, it was adisaster for Lin Yan, a complete blow tohis heart!What kind of status and power was thechief representative?!The Lin family was only part of thearistocratic alliance in Daxia, and theyhad no ability to compete with the chiefrepresentative!At this moment, Lin Fei had alreadystood at the top, overwhelmingeverything with absolute strength!There had never been a moment tha
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 169
As the situation progressed to thispoint, the old lady's emotions were nowsatisfied and greatly pleased! Since hisappearance, Lin Fei, this wild seed, hascaused many disturbances, causingthe entire Lin family to be in chaos. Theold lady truly despises the existence ofthis wild seed. In her heart, only Lin Yancan be considered the true legitimnatebloodline, even though Lin Yan'sabilities are not even half as good asLin Fei's! Even if the Lin familycontrolled by Lin Yan will face acomprehensive suppression from theLi family in the future, the old lady willnever regret it! After all, how can a wildseed be compared to a legitimatebloodline?! At this critical moment, LinFei was Overseas in the South Seas,deeply trapped in a crisis, and theoutcome was already predetermined.This bloodline dispute was finallycoming to an end, and how could theold lady not be pleased!! In addition,Zhao Xiu's thoughts were similar.During her time in Qingzhou, shesuffered various humili
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 168
Looking at Mo Qianjun's face, Lin Yancouldn't help but burst out laughing.Things had taken a turn for the better,as if they were being helped by theheavens!There was no doubt that Lin Fei, thiswild seed, would surely meet his end inNanyang after Li Chaozong waselected. He would disappearcompletely from this world.And everything belonging to the Linfamily would ultimately fall into LinYan's hands!Feeling the power at this moment, LinYan was more delighted than anyoneelse!After all, before this, he had beenextremely embarrassed and humiliatedmany times!"Mo Qianjun, do you have any lastwords? You'd better confess now, orelse don't blame me, Lin Yan, for notremembering the master-servantrelationship!" Lin Yan sat in the mainseat, his face full of mockery andridicule.Mo Qianjun was forced to kneel on theground and couldn't move. He couldn'thelp but spit out a mouthful of salivaand said calmly, "Lin Yan, you're toohappy too soon. You should know thatthe result
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
Son-in-law of Fortune CHAPTER 167
With a sigh from Li Chaozong, thesituation had become a dead end withno chance of turning back. And thissigh was also a result of the HeavenlyLuo Lord. Even if Li Chaozong tried toreason it out, he would never havebelieved that such a big secret washidden behind it all. It was beyond allexpectations and truly unbelievable.This secret also made Li Chaozong feelself-deprecating. From beginning toend, he had always been a clown,played in the applause. Even the entireLi family was like a leek, beingharvested! Only Lin Fei was theprotagonist from start to finish!At this moment, there was no trace ofunwillingness in Li Chaozong's heart.Under such means and arrangements,he was left with nothing but defeat andhelplessness that spread to the depthsof his bones.He had lost, completely and utterly. Hehad lost so badly that it wasunbearable to watch. Even all hisbeliefs had collapsed and shatteredinto pieces!Under this intense stimulation, LiChaozong couldn't control h
Last Updated : 2025-02-28
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Nathan Emorey
Amazing book author ...🤍