Son-in-law of Fortune
Son-in-law of Fortune
Author: Suzzy

Arrison Leon, you have a lot of nerve to have designs on my daughter?!" A middle-aged woman with a strong demeanor and a half-old appearance sat in the chairman's office of Diva Construction Company berating a young man in front of her with anger and disgust on her face.

Although it was lunchtime, there were still many employees inside the company who couldn't help but look over when they heard the commotion, filled with schadenfreude.

"You're just an ordinary employee of my company. What ability do you have to be with my daughter?" The woman continued to scold, "You dare to think about her?!"

"Chairman, please give me a chance to prove myself," Arrison Leon looked embarrassed, his nails sinking into his palms.

"Who do you think you are, Leon? What can you prove? You're just a frog in a well who wants to eat swan meat. I give you until the end of today to leave the company!" Emily slammed the table and stood up, throwing a dismissal letter directly at Leon.

Seeing the dismissal letter in front of him, Arrison Leon was suddenly struck by lightning and begged, "Chairman, I can't lose this job. My mother is still in the hospital and needs a lot of long-term expenses. Otherwise..."

"Your problems are not my concern. Don't play these games with me. Someone like you will never be able to enter my family's door in this lifetime, Be smart and leave the company, don't make everyone embarrassed in the end."

Emily's face was full as if she were a fierce lioness, making it difficult for people to breathe.

"Chairman, I beg you!" Arrison Leon fell to his knees. "Do you think kneeling and begging me will work? Arrison Leon, do you know that my husband died early and that my daughter is the only one who can inherit the family business? Do you think anyone can just come and be my son-in-law?" Emily looked at Leon with extreme contempt," I Don't think you know what you're thinking!"

"Chairman, I have never had any ulterior motives. I love Emerald and I beg you to believe me. Please don't make me leave the company." Arrison Leon was humiliated to the extreme, but he was powerless to do anything about it.

A year ago, Leon's mother fell seriously ill and had to be hospitalized. She relied on medication to stay alive every day. Without this job, Leon would not be able to afford the expensive medical expenses.

If he lost this job, the consequences would be unimaginable. Just then, the office door was pushed open. A middle-aged man with a fat head and a powdered face walked in, holding a carved walnut.

"Leon, your affair with Emerald has caused a lot of trouble in the company and has had a very negative impact. It's only natural for you to leave the company. Why are you still here? Get out of here!"

The speaker was none other than Lex, the vice chairman of Diva Construction Company, and also the uncle of Emerald, the sister-in-law Emily. Diva Construction Company was founded by Emerald's father many years ago.

The business grew bigger and bigger and eventually became a second-tier family in Cuba. Unfortunately, Emerald's father died in a car accident, and the huge family business was taken over by his wife, Emily.

Lex, Emily's younger brother, was a powerful figure in the company. He was extravagant and domineering all day long. If it weren't for the large business left by Emerald's father, he might have been bankrupt long ago. Emily turned a blind eye to this and supported her brother.

Lex said confidently, "Leon, I might as well tell you that you'd better give up on Emerald. We've made plans to have her engaged to Adam's family in Cuba." "Do you know about Adam's family in Cuba? They are the real first-tier family in Cuba. Once this engagement is settled, we can truly leap to a higher level of society!"

"Does Emerald agree?" Leon's heart sank. The Adam's family in Cuba was well-known. There were only three real first-tier families in all of Cuba. The Adam's family's status was like a giant, unshakable." Emerald may not agree, but she has no say in this matter," Emily pressed on.

"So you took advantage of Emerald's absence and kicked me out without even consulting her?" Leon stood up unsteadily, unable to hide his frustration.

The oppressive reality was almost driving him insane." So what if we did?" Because of you, the whole company was laughing at us. Everyone, including the company, thinks you're just trying to climb the social ladder. If we don't get rid of you completely, who knows what other absurd things you'll do! Lex sneered.

Are you staying here to ask for money? Emily narrowed her eyes. "Don't give him a penny, sister. Let's just call security and have him thrown out. Someone like him is not worth even a penny!" Lex didn't hesitate to pick up the office phone and call Security.

Within a minute, a dozen security guards rushed in and restrained Leon. The employees outside the office door looked even more pleased with themselves as if they couldn't wait to see Leon embarrassed and kicked out.

Faced with this situation, Leon decisively broke free from the security guards' grip and, with his last bit of composure, hoarsely said, "I don't want your money. I'll leave on my own."

Then he turned and walked out of the office, down the stairs, and into the street. He felt helpless when he thought of his mother in the hospital. After hesitating for a long time, he couldn't help but pick up his phone and type a breakup message to Emerald.

Before he could send the message, a brand new Rolls-Royce suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him so much that he dropped his phone. Leon quickly picked up his phone and saw that the screen was shattered.

That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. He didn't hesitate to make a scene. As the car door opened, a middle-aged man dressed like a butler walked up to Leon and immediately bowed ninety degrees without hesitation. " Young master, I'm sorry to have startled you!" The butler spoke with the utmost respect. Before Leon could even get angry, the sudden change in the situation caught him off guard.

"What did you just call me?" he asked. " Young master," the butler repeated with a bow. "Wait a minute, you must have made a mistake!" Leon was completely taken aback.

"No, I haven't. You are the biological son that the master has been searching for over twenty years. To be precise, you are the master's illegitimate child and the only heir to the Arrison family", the butler spoke again, shocking Leon.

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