Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!
Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!
Author: KMyay
Chapter 1: Base Person!

"Idiot, useless! You can't even manage to watch over a car properly, letting someone scratch Young Master Roberts' car like this!"

"Absolutely useless, I shouldn't have hired you! Stupid, useless!"

In front of Ava Beautiful Spa stood a fat man in a suit, relentlessly berating a young man in his early twenties. The young man, named Alexander Reynolds, was working as a guard and car attendant at the spa because he couldn't find any other job.

Earlier, another car had accidentally scratched Peyton Roberts' car, a young master from the city's elite family, when its door was opened. It wasn't Alexander's fault, but as the guard, he bore the brunt of the excessive criticism.

"Half of your month's salary will be deducted!"

"But I only earn $3000 a month, if you deduct half then..."

"No more talking, or do you want to pay for the scratch on Young Master Roberts' car? Even if you sold your miserable life, it wouldn't be enough to cover it!"

Alexander remained silent. He couldn't afford to pay, but losing half a month's salary was too much.

He wasn't always this poor. If it weren't for the day his mother took him away from the Reynolds family—the top aristocratic family in the region—he wouldn't be struggling like this.

For years, he endured all this humiliation for the sake of his wife and daughter. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to withstand the insults from others.

"Yes, someone like you is truly shameless. Poor and daring to aim high, dreaming of marrying Miss Marshall. Everyone knows what disgraceful means you used to get her into bed, forcing her to marry you." Peyton Roberts added, pointing directly at Alexander, almost wanting to slap him.

But Alexander could only endure it. This familiar situation had been occurring for the past few years since he married Eleanor Marshall. He became famous for being useless and incompetent, constantly despised and humiliated. They believed he was unworthy of Eleanor, and he couldn't argue back.

Finally, after Peyton and the manager left, Alexander was left alone with his parking duty. He hung his head, filled with humiliation, anger, and an overwhelming sense of endurance that couldn't be expressed.

A few minutes later, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared beside Alexander's feet. Looking up, he saw an elderly man sincerely looking at him, saying:

"Young Master, it's been four years, you should return. Dragon Master has instructed me to bring you back to Dragon Sect."

"Dragon Sect is now in turmoil, Dragon Master is critically ill, and Elder Young Master is in a coma. Only you can lead Dragon Sect."

Outside Ava Beautiful Spa, a Rolls-Royce Phantom was parked, with an old man standing by the door, speaking to Alexander with a pleading face.

The old man was dressed in a formal suit, wearing a black hat and holding a gold and black cane.

"It's been four years, thank you for still remembering me."

Alexander's lips curled into a cold smile, his eyes calm, devoid of any illusions about Dragon Sect.

"Back then, my father listened to that woman's words and ruthlessly expelled my mother and me from Dragon Sect, like I was an illegitimate child, a bastard as they said! For all these years, did he ever care about my mother's and my well-being?"

"Now, he wants me to return, so I should go back? Am I, Alexander Reynolds, a dog of Dragon Sect? Summoned to come, chased to go?"

"I am married now, I don't need anyone's pity, especially from Dragon Sect! Leave, don't bother me anymore!"

Alexander said coldly, striding back into the spa, leaving the old man sighing repeatedly at the door.

Dragon Sect, the world's largest mysterious organization, held the most top-notch resources in medicine and minerals, possessing the richest fortunes!

Power beyond measure!

No one dared to provoke them, the oldest hereditary family!

Within Dragon Sect, the master was Dragon Master, under him were the 8 great Dragon Kings, each reigning supreme, wielding immense wealth and power!

And the masters of martial arts, extraordinary kung fu experts from around the world, were all disciples of Dragon Sect, all obeying Dragon Master!

Alexander pushed the door open, and the spa employees looked at him with strange eyes.

Alexander had been working here for four years, entirely a lowly figure.

Now, he was seen talking to someone who arrived in a Rolls-Royce, truly unbelievable…

As Alexander took a few steps, his phone rang in his pocket.

Looking at the caller ID, it was his wife, Eleanor Marshall.

"Hello, honey, what's up?" Alexander smiled as he answered.

Eleanor was a well-known beauty in Golden Harbor, one of the four great goddesses of the city.

However, people now mocked her for marrying a worthless man!

"Alexander! Come to the city hospital quickly! Something's happened to Mary!"

Eleanor's voice was urgent on the other end.

"Got it! I'm on my way!"

Without hesitation, Alexander told his manager and quickly ran out, hopping on his electric scooter, rushing to the hospital.

The Marshall family was a second-tier aristocratic family in Golden Harbor. Four years ago, Alexander met Eleanor by chance and became the live-in son-in-law of the Marshall family.

Their wedding had shocked Golden Harbor because it was the most impoverished and disgraceful wedding in the city's aristocratic history.

Alexander was poor with no background.

The Marshall family became a laughingstock among the elite of Golden Harbor.

For four years, Alexander lived cautiously in the Marshall family, enduring ridicule and harsh treatment.

Being a live-in son-in-law meant accepting such a role.

Moreover, Alexander needed the Marshall family's help because his mother required money for medical treatment.

At the hospital entrance, Eleanor had been waiting anxiously, looking both angry and worried.

When she saw Alexander arrive, her face turned cold, and she walked over, raising her hand.


The crisp sound of a slap echoed at the hospital entrance, attracting the attention of passersby.

"Why did you take so long!"

Eleanor's eyes sparkled with tears, filled with fury.

Alexander was stunned, looking at his wife anxiously and asking: "Wif… Eleanor, what happened? How is Mary?"

Eleanor let her tears flow, burying her head in Alexander's chest, sobbing: "Mary... Mary has leukemia."

At this moment, the man who had lived a humble life for four years, the man who had made himself and the Marshall family a laughingstock in Golden Harbor, had become Eleanor's only support.


Hearing this, Alexander's face froze, his pupils constricted, and he asked with trembling lips: "Leukemia? How can it be?”

Mary, of course, was the daughter of Alexander and Eleanor, just three years old.

In the hospital room, the Marshall family members were gathered around.

Mr. Marshall sat at the head of the bed, beside the adorable and lively little girl on the hospital bed, his eyes full of loving expressions.

Surrounded by the descendants of the Marshall family.

At this moment, seeing Alexander and Eleanor enter, a scolding voice exploded in the hospital room!

"Alexander! How dare this useless man show his face here, get out!"

Mother-in-law Valeria Jones, full of hatred, folded her arms and cursed!

This useless son-in-law was an embarrassment everywhere!

"Haha, I wondered who it was, turns out it's Alexander, what are you doing here, you good-for-nothing?"

From the side came a mocking voice, spoken by Tommy Marshall, the son of the eldest son of the Marshall family.

He had always disliked Alexander, a worthless person, and wondered how he could become the son-in-law of the Marshall family.

Moreover, because of him, the Marshall family had lost all face in Golden Harbor!

"Yes, what's a loser like him doing here?"

"Haiz, after all, he is Mary's father, it's right for him to visit."

"Shut up! Lower your voice, don't you see Mr. Marshall is here? Don't forget, in front or behind, Mary can only call him uncle."

At this point, everyone in the Marshall family room gave a cold laugh.

A man like Alexander, it was truly enough, he couldn't even acknowledge his daughter.

What a base person!

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