Get Ready For Allvar Falck's Ruthless Return
Get Ready For Allvar Falck's Ruthless Return
Author: Magical Inspirations
The Betrayal

Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Allvar Falck stood outside the imposing building, nervously adjusting the collar of his plain white shirt. It was the best he could manage, given his limited budget.

His hands shook slightly as he ran them through his messy dark hair, trying to calm his nerves. The reflection in the glass door showed a determined but clearly exhausted young man, ready to face yet another challenge.

Today’s interview was important, more than he wanted to admit. He was about to graduate from a top college, but no matter how hard he tried, every interview ended in disappointment. He couldn’t figure out what was going wrong.

“This is it, Allvar. You can do this,” he whispered to himself in front of the interview room. Straightening his back, he took a deep breath, pushing the anxiety down as the door swung open.

A woman in a sharp suit appeared, her face expressionless. “Mr. Falck, they’re ready for you.”

Allvar nodded, forcing a polite smile. His heart raced as he entered the cold, sterile room where three serious-looking men sat behind a large table. The atmosphere was suffocating, and the judgmental looks they cast at his cheap attire were unmistakable.

“Mr. Falck,” the man in the center began, his tone dripping with boredom. “Why do you think you’re qualified for this position?”

Allvar handed over his resume, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I’m in the top percent of my class, studying Business Administration. I’ve completed several internships, gaining experience in project management and leading teams—”

The man cut him off with a dismissive wave. “Yes, yes, we’ve seen all that. But what exactly makes you stand out from every other over-eager student?”

Allvar hesitated, the words he had rehearsed suddenly feeling hollow under their icy stares. “I… I believe my passion for the industry and my work ethic set me apart. I’m a quick learner and—”

“Passion?” one of the other men interrupted with a scoff, leaning forward. “You’re telling us that passion is enough to handle the pressure of this job? Look at you.” His eyes flicked over Allvar's modest outfit with thinly veiled disdain. “Do you even know what pressure looks like?”

Allvar’s face flushed. He could feel their judgment seeping into his skin.

The man at the head of the table smirked. “Pressure is more than just sitting behind a textbook, Mr. Falck. Do you even have the grit to deal with real-world problems? Your internships look like glorified coffee runs, at best.”

The other two interviewers chuckled under their breath. Allvar clenched his fists under the table, willing himself to stay calm. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

“I’ve led multiple projects,” Allvar began again, his voice slightly wavering. “I’ve taken charge of teams, improved productivity, and managed—”

“Managed what? A group of interns?” The oldest of the men raised an eyebrow. “You seem to think you’re already in the big leagues, but you’re not even close. This job requires real experience, not just playing office at your little internships.”

Allvar’s heart sank. Every word they said chipped away at his confidence, making him feel smaller with each insult.

“Tell us this, Mr. Falck,” the man in the center said, leaning back with a smirk. “How do you expect to lead when you can’t even afford a decent suit for an interview? Do you plan to charm clients with passion while looking like you just rolled out of bed?”

The other two men chuckled again, and Allvar’s face burned with embarrassment. He wanted to respond, but his words felt trapped in his throat. No matter how hard he tried to explain himself, they wouldn’t take him seriously.

“Well,” the oldest man said with a condescending smile, “this has been… enlightening. We’ll be in touch.”

The words were a clear dismissal, and Allvar knew it. They wouldn’t call. They had made up their minds the moment they saw him.

Allvar stood, muttering a quick “Thank you” as he left the room, but the sting of humiliation followed him. His steps were heavy as he walked out of the building, the weight of rejection settling deep in his chest.

This was the tenth time in two months he’d faced failure. He had done everything right, kept his grades up, worked hard, applied to every opportunity he could find, but it was never enough.

He checked his phone, hoping for some distraction from the sinking feeling in his stomach. Today was supposed to be a good day, it was his first anniversary with his girlfriend, Serena, and he had planned a surprise. He could already imagine the smile on her face when he came home early with her favorite cake.

Forcing himself to think of happier things, he made his way to a small bakery nearby. The smell of freshly baked bread and chocolate filled the air, and for a moment, his mood lightened. He picked out a simple chocolate cake and handed over the last of his cash, determined to make this day special for Serena.

But as he approached their apartment, something didn’t feel right. The door was slightly ajar, and faint voices drifted out, causing his heart to skip a beat. He heard laughter, hers, but also… a man’s?

The cake box felt heavy in his hands, his body tense as he stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind him. The hallway was dimly lit, but the voices grew louder. Laughter… followed by a low, intimate moan.

“God, you’re amazing,” the man said, followed by more laughter.

Allvar’s heart pounded as he moved toward the bedroom. He knew what he would find, but he prayed he was wrong.

He wasn’t.

Pushing the door open, the scene before him shattered his world. Serena, the woman he loved, was tangled in bed with another man, completely oblivious to his presence.

The cake slipped from his fingers, crashing to the floor with a dull thud, but he barely noticed.

Everything had fallen apart.

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