Chapter twenty five

Jane stormed into the coffee shop, her eyes blazing with anger. Her friend, Rachel, looked up from her laptop, concern etched on her face.

"Jane, what's wrong?" Rachel asked, closing her laptop.

Jane collapsed into the chair, her voice trembling. "He rejected me. Jaxson rejected me."

Rachel's expression softened. "Oh, Jane. I'm so sorry."

Jane's hands clenched into fists. "I went to him, poured my heart out, and he just...dismissed me. Like I meant nothing."

Rachel's eyes widened. "What did he say exactly?"

Jane's words spilled out in a torrent. "He said I used him, manipulated him. That he wouldn't be fooled again. Foolish? Me? Ha!"

Rachel's gentle touch on Jane's arm was a stark contrast to Jane's seething emotions.

"Jane, maybe you should take a step back. Reevaluate—"

Jane's fury boiled over. "No! You don't understand. Jaxson owes me. He used me, too. He pretended to love me, and now he's just...gone?"

Rachel's voice remained calm. "Jane, you know Jaxson's engaged to Semira now. M
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