Chapter five

"Thank you for retrieving my wife's bracelet. That was a spectacular move back there!" Senator Kelly complimented Jaxson and he nodded in approval.

"Glad I could help," Jaxson replied.

"I want to reward you, Jaxson. How about a contract deal worth five hundred million dollars? This city's imports need someone like you to manage them. Do you think you'll do me the honor?" The senator asked.

Jaxson smiled. He just got his first official contract, and it was a lot of money too!

"I'll be pleased to work with you," Jaxson replied. 

"Thank you very much! This means a lot to me." The senator said and walked away. Jaxson felt fulfilled. What a nice way to end the night.

Meanwhile, there was trouble in paradise, as Jane and her fiance Damien rocked a heated argument.

"What sort of a man are you? Why did you let them treat me like trash?" Jane yelled at Damien while they stepped into their living room. 

Damien was as furious as a volcano, and he went straight to the minibar.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Jane said again.

"Maybe if you'd kept your fingers to yourself, we wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place!" Damien retorted while drinking the contents of the glass cup. 

Jane scoffed in shock.

"How dare you speak to me in that manner? Have you forgotten who I am? Who my father is?" She asked him. 

Damien rolled his eyes as he walked past her.

"Of course, I've not forgotten. You never cease to remind me! And instead of working on yourself, you'd blame me for everything. You are a girl who has everything in the world. Why do you still steal?"

Damien asked her and Jane slapped him. He scoffed and gazed at her.

"And then you drag me along in the dirt," he added.

"You're despicable! You're a weakling of a man!" Jane snapped at him.

"And you're a fucking bitch! I saw you drooling over Jaxson Green. I am your fucking fiance! I was standing right there and yet you had your eyes out for another man. How desperate can you be?" 

Damien paced around the room.

Jane chuckled while he grabbed another bottle of wine.

"So, Jaxson Green threatened your masculinity? Don't you know that I am the most eligible spinster in the city? I can do whatever I want, and not even you can stop me!" She snapped.

"So what happened to loyalty?"

"To hell with loyalty? I'm materialistic. You better realize this now!" Jane replied.

Damien kept drinking until he suddenly blurted out.

"Maybe that's why you didn't see that Jaxson Green has a striking resemblance to your ex-boyfriend," Damien said.

Jane sighed in awe.

"Oh my God. You're drunk, aren't you? Can you even hear yourself? To suggest that my poor, disgusting, ex-boyfriend Jaxson has any relationship with The Greens is despicable. Didn't you see the way he looked tonight? He's a servant there, not the heir!"

Jane quickly sat down as she was feeling light-headed. The argument was draining her. 

"They looked very much alike. They even have the same name…" Damien's words were starting to slur.

"They have the same first name, and it is a pretty common name." Jane dismissed the opinion.


"Oh, my God, shut the fuck up or I'll shut your mouth for you!" She yelled at him.

Damien stopped talking and suddenly heard a ping on his phone.

Damien's hands staggered while he tried to hold the phone, and his vision was even worse.

But his heart skipped a beat as the words began to make sense.

"'Damien Stone, you have been fired…' what?" Damien gasped. Jane's attention suddenly went to him.

"What is that? What just happened?" She asked, approaching him.

"Jaxson Green just fired me! He's figured it out. He's figured it all out"

"Figured what out?" Jane asked, her chest beating rapidly.

"I have been embezzling Green Oil Incorporated's funds…" he said and she flared her hands in shock. "I thought I was being careful!" Damien added.

"Clearly, you have not the talent to properly steal and yet you attempted to do so. How pathetic!" She walked away from him.

 Damien wallowed in his sorrow. "Jaxson. I'll deal with you! I'll fucking end you!!" He yelled and threw the bottle on the wall.

Jane yelped as the bottle shattered.

 And then, Vance, her father, stepped into the room.

He looked around with fury in his eyes and gazed at Damien, who was still trying to find a field of vision.

"I don't know how my daughter ends up with the stupidest of men! First, it was that poor thing Jaxson Stroker, and now this despicable drunk! Get out!!"

 Vance yelled at Damien who quickly staggered out of the living room.

Vance took his seat and his daughter approached.

"Jaxson Green just fired Damien. He figured out that he has been stealing from the company," she said and sighed.

"Well, that's the least of our worries right now. He has disbanded The Seven as well!" Vance said to her and Jane gasped.

"What? He can't do that! The Seven are the most powerful group of millionaires and his shareholders. He can't disband his shareholders!" She argued.

"He can, and he has. The Seven no longer exists. Jaxson Green, that despicable thing, has ruined all my plans. I was supposed to be the CEO, not him! I killed him as a baby. He's ought to stay dead!"

 Vance fumed.

Jane slowly walked away from her father. His anger had risen to the point where he became unpredictable.

Vance's face darkened as he picked up his phone and dialed a number. As soon as it rang, the call was picked up

"Mr Vance. It's been a while-"

"Reptile, twenty-eight years ago, I sent you to kill a couple and their newborn baby. You told me you killed everyone. Did you?" Vance asked.

"I did," Reptile replied.

"Well, someone survived!" Vance boomed.

"Sir, I did what you asked. I shot the couple and railed the car off a cliff. There's no way anyone would have survived that," Reptile replied.

"Except, that baby survived! And he has returned to make my life a living hell!! I paid you for an excellent job and you did rubbish!" Vance yelled. 

Reptile stuttered over the phone.

"Sir, it's not possible for a baby to survive that. Whoever it is that has come to you probably isn't who they claim they are. And you have to confirm!" Reptile said and Vance immediately hung up.

Somehow, Reptile made sense to him. Vance decided to confirm Jaxson's identity.

"Jane!" He called out, and Jane quickly came to him.

"I have a task for you…"

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