Chapter six

"Under no circumstance should Jane Newbold or anyone related to her step into this company. Do you understand? I don't care how you stop her from entering! That virus must never find its way in here!"

Jaxson instructed his guards at the company and they nodded.

"Yes, boss," they replied to him while he walked away.

It was his first day in office, and Jaxson had the feeling that Jane would arrive to cause trouble.

And he wasn't wrong!

Jane soon stepped down from a car and checked herself out in the mirror. She looked beautiful in her skimpy red dress and lipstick. 

Her father had given her a mission to seduce Jaxson Green, the new CEO, and get a sample for a DNA test. Vance wanted to ensure that Jaxson was truly Ezekiel's grandson, and his daughter was the perfect person to get the job done

"Stay back. We have orders not to let you or any of your family members into this building," a security guard said to Jane while she attempted to walk into Green Oil Incorporated.

She frowned.

"What do you mean? Orders from who?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Orders from our new boss, Jaxson Green. You must leave, now," the security guard said to her. Jane scoffed.

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm going in, and there's nothing you can do to stop me," she said and attempted to walk inside, but the security guards pushed her back. 

Jane fell with a thud and yelped. 

"Stay back, miss! We have orders to use force to keep you away!" The guard yelled at her. 

As people stared at her, Jane flushed with embarrassment.

First, Jaxson exposed her as a klepto and now he's kept her out of his company?

"Why does he hate me so much?" Jane pondered. Then she shot a glare at the security man.

"I can pay you to let me in!" She said to him.

"Leave, miss. Now!" the guard replied to her and she scoffed.

"Your loss. Brute."

Jane walked away.

She began to approach her car when she saw Semira and Jaxson walking side by side. Jane's feral nature kicked in and she approached them.

"I can see that they're paying you well. You don't look as miserable as you did a week ago," she said to Jaxson who just kept staring at her, smiling as he did.

The smile haunted Jane, terrifying her. Then, she turned to Semira.

"You must be the new girlfriend. Did he tell you that he went to prison? He's a criminal. You better run away from this one. He'll taint your career," Jane said with pride.

Jaxson smiled again.

"Tell me, Jane, why are you out here? I suppose they didn't let you into the building, did they?" He asked her with a smirk. Jane frowned.

"How did you know about that?" She asked him. 

"I know everything that happens in this company now. The likes of you do not deserve to step foot into this company. You're like a stain, and you leave a mess wherever you go," Jaxson said to her. 

Jane gasped.

"How dare you? I'll get your boss to fire you! You stupid lowlife. Do you think that working here has suddenly made you somebody? You're nothing!" She screamed at him. 

Jaxson and Semira exchanged glances and laughed before they walked out on her. 

"Hey! Come back here. I'm still talking to you!!" She kept yelling while they approached a Porsche. 

As Jaxson opened the car door and got in with Semira, Jane's jaw dropped. Then, he drove off at high speed and she was puzzled.

What sort of position did Jaxson hold in the company that gave him access to a Porsche?

Then, she suddenly began to think that he may be able to give her access to Jaxson Green, the CEO. Maybe she'll just sleep with him to convince him to put in a good word.

"He's my ex after all. He can't resist me." Jane thought.

 Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. It was Damien. She picked up the phone.

"Finally sober?" She asked him, rolling her eyes 

"Guess what just came in! We have a book launch to attend tonight. Do you remember Sage Orphanage?" He asked her with so much excitement in his tone.

"The same orphanage that we are in the process of tearing down? Of course, I do!" She said to him.

"Apparently, one of them wrote a pathetic book and they've invited top-notch people to attend. Both of us included. I plan to show the millionaire world that I am still in the game. News of Jaxson Green firing me has spread already. I want to remind everyone who the fuck I am!" He yelled over the phone.

"Damien, I do not have a good feeling about this. Maybe think this through. We want to destroy this orphanage, not uplift it. Your money would go into its renovation and that is not what we want," Jane said to him and got into the car.

"Nonsense! How much will the books cost anyway? I just have to spend above all others and show everyone who's boss. What could go wrong?" He asked and she sighed.

Damien hung up before she could reply. Rolling her eyes, Jane drove off.

Meanwhile, in their car, Jaxson and Semira discussed.

"You've been invited to the book launch too, by Sage Orphanage. Are you going to attend?" Semira asked him.

Jaxson smiled.

"Why will I not attend a book launch that I orchestrated?" He asked her and she arched a brow.

"I don't understand sir. What do you mean?" She asked him.

"I reached out to the orphanage. They're in danger of shutting down due to Damien shutting off all of their resources. He wants the land for himself. I'm going to make sure he refunds all that he owes them. Even more," Jaxson said.

"What's your plan?" Semira asked Jaxson. He gazed at her.

"Don't worry, Semira. You'll see," he replied and kept driving. Semira wondered what would happen next.

For the first time in her life, she couldn't predict the future.

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