Chapter seven

The orphanage was busied with the presence of a lot of dignitaries. The matron of the orphanage was a widow who had lost her wealth after her husband's death.

Vance capitalized on that to destroy the orphanage and Damien supported him.

Lots of children would lose their homes, but the pair did not care. They only wanted to enrich their pockets.

Jaxson had reached out to the matron and helped her prep for the event.

Like everyone else, Damien and Jane had arrived at the orphanage.

Suddenly, there was a buzz in the air, and reporters began to take photographs of someone. Both Damien and Jane exchanged glances as Jaxson walked into the Hall, wearing a green hat.

Jane's heart fluttered at the sight of him. As she swallowed hard in lust, Damien approached Jaxson.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you show your face here after what you did to me?" Damien asked him. Jaxson chuckled.

"You never learn, do you?" He asked Damien who scoffed in disbelief.

"Why don't you take that hat off your head and show me who you truly are? I demand to see your face!" Damien yelled.

"You're in no position to demand anything. Why have you come here today? To pay the highest price for the first copy in this book launch? That copy is mine for your information," Jaxson said, waiting for Damien to take the bait.

Damien was already furious. He couldn't believe Jaxson was challenging him.

"You're not leaving this place with that copy. It's mine!" Damien vexed. Jane tried to calm him down but he was too far gone.

"Then, let's launch," Jaxson said and chuckled. Damien took heavy breaths.

"He's challenging me, Jane. I can't let him leave this place with that book. I must claim that prize,"

"And for what? You have to calm down. I have a bad feeling about this-"

"To hell with your feelings! This is about my pride as a man! I don't expect you to understand," Damien yelled at her. Jane resisted the urge to slap him. She shot glances at Jaxson whose wide back was turned to her.

"For your sake, you better be right," she added and walked away.

Then, the event began.

In no time, a copy of the self-help book was brought out, the first official copy of the book.

"This book was written to remind us of our status as humans, and the things that we have to deal with every day. It's a culmination of the tears that have drowned in this orphanage. We are struggling, and we need help. Please, help us. You all showed up tonight. Extend a hand of pity," the matron said.

There was silence in the hall afterward. Everyone looked around. The millionaires weren't interested in the book. They only showed up for political reasons.

"One thousand dollars for the book. And that is me being generous," a millionaire said. 

No one countered immediately. Then, Damien spoke up.

"One hundred thousand Dollars,"

People gasped. The matron was surprised.

"One million dollars," Jaxson suddenly countered and there was an eruption in the air.

"Five million dollars!" Damien said.

"Fifty million!" Jaxson countered and people murmured. Jane had a weird feeling. 

Something wasn't right.

"One hundred million dollars!" Damien raised the bid.

"Two hundred million dollars," Jaxson said, and then it dawned on Jane.

"Damien. Stop. It's a trap. Please, stop!" She cried out to him but Damien was too far gone.

"Five hundred million dollars!" Damien raised the bid again.

"Damien!" Jane panicked in her seat.

"Eight hundred million dollars!" Jaxson said out loud with a smirk on his face. Damien hated that smirk.

"Damien, don't!" Jane begged. All eyes fell on Damien to counter, and he breathed heavily. Then, he frowned.

"One billion dollars!" Damien said.

"No!" Jane cried out.

Then, everyone looked at Jaxson to raise the bid but he didn't. He gazed at Damien and smiled.

Damien basked in his triumph and made the transfer. The matron couldn't believe what just happened. Jaxson had promised to help her but didn't tell her how.

Then, Jaxson stood up and took the mic.

"Before now, Damien and Vance Newbold had desired to tear down this orphanage and send dozens of kids into the street. They embezzled the funds meant for the orphanage and threatened to destroy anyone who would come to their aid…"

Jaxson then gazed at Damien and smiled.

"...But, due to Damien's generous contribution tonight, the orphanage shall not shut down. For they are one billion dollars richer!" Jaxson declared and Jane slapped her face.

It was at that point that it dawned on Damien that he had made a terrible mistake.

As the book was given to him, he froze. Then, Jaxson walked past him and smiled.

"Enjoy your read. You need it," he said and walked away, leaving Damien in shock.

"You fool! I warned you! I told you it's a trap. Why didn't you listen to me? Why?" Jane screamed at Damien.

"I-I… I'm sorry…" he muttered.

Jane pulled out the engagement ring and slapped him with it.

"Our engagement is off!" Jane stormed out of the place.

Damien suddenly felt lightheaded. He tried to stand but couldn't, and the next thing he knew, he blacked out and collapsed.


Meanwhile, Jaxson headed to his car, satisfied with his act. The matron quickly approached him with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you very much, Mr Jaxson. How can I ever repay you?" She asked. Jaxson wiped her tears and smiled.

"Things will be different in this city from now on," he assured her.

Then, Jaxson's phone began to ring. It was Semira calling.

"Semira?" He said as he picked up the phone.

"Master Jaxson, come quick! We need you here!!" She yelled.

Then, the line disconnected. 

Jaxson was instantly alarmed. What was going on?

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