Chapter four

"Tonight, I shall announce you, Jaxson, as my heir. But why did you want me to keep it off the agenda?"

Jaxson's grandfather asked him during a party Jaxson instructed him to host a week later. Top CEOs and politicians were invited, including The Seven.

Jaxson smiled, intent written on his face.

"Because tonight, grandfather, I will strike my first blow. Our enemies will not see it coming." Jaxson replied as more guests trooped into the large hall.

"I know you have a plan, grandson, but do you think it will work? Our enemies are powerful. I do not want you to get hurt," his grandfather replied.

Jaxson could see the concern in the man's eyes, but he was not the same poor and powerless guy that his grandfather had met a week ago. 

Jaxson had changed, and he was going to show it.

"Don't worry, grandfather. Let me worry about you instead. I'll take care of everything. Trust me," Jaxson replied.

Just then, Jane, his ex-girlfriend, and her father, Vance walked into the Hall.

Jaxson fixed his eyes on them as his anger swirled. She looked as mischievous as ever, wearing a cunning smile that matched her father's own.

"Vance probably thinks I'll be announcing him as CEO tonight. He has been craving my wealth since he murdered your parents," Jaxson's grandfather said with disgust.

And in that moment, Jaxson's plan dawned on the old man.

"You want to break his will and aspirations as well, don't you?" Jaxson's grandfather gasped. Jaxson smiled. 

"Precisely. Take out the head, and the body will crumble," Jaxson replied and his eyes caught Jane walking away from her father to meet Damien, her new fiance.

Just then, Jaxson saw her grab something from a woman's wrist on her way to Damien. His eyes narrowed.

She whispered into Damien's ears and Jaxson could see the unrest in them, like Damien wished no one had seen what Jane did.

"I'll be right back, grandfather. I have to get ready," Jaxson said and walked away.

As Jane was in his path, he approached her to walk past her, but she stepped on him when he was close enough and dropped the glass in her hand, shattering it to pieces.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!!" She screamed and turned around, only to see Jaxson standing there.

He was still dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans. The ring was off sight.

Jane scoffed in disbelief.

"What are you doing here? This is not a place for the likes of you!" She yelled at him.

Jaxson just kept quiet, and from the corner of the room, Vance gazed at him. He knew that his daughter had broken up with Jaxson, but there was always something about the boy that triggered Vance.

He always perceived Jaxson as some threat but he didn't know why.

"And how did you get in here? Do you work here now? Do they know that you're a criminal who just got released from jail?" Jane yelled again. All eyes were on them.

"I can see you're already drunk even without tasting the wine. I have no time for this tonight," Jaxson said and attempted to walk away.

But Jane scoffed and dashed in front of him, intending to slap him. But then, a guard immediately grabbed her hand before she could land the slap.

"Control yourself, miss, or I will send you out!" The guard yelled at her. Jane was flustered.

"How dare you raise your hand on me? You should kick this criminal out of here. He's a criminal! He's not supposed to be here!!" Jane kept yelling. Damien watched the drama as Jaxson scoffed and walked away.

"The guts! Who does he think he is? Does Jaxson think that now that he's an ordinary employee here, he's on the same level as me?" Jane fumed while she stood by Damien's side.

Just as she was about to say something else, Jaxson's grandfather showed up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may all be wondering why I have called you here tonight. Well, it is to announce my heir and the new CEO of Green Oil Incorporated!"

The old man announced and people murmured. Vance smiled and winked at his daughter Jane. He thought his desires were coming true.

"You all know that I have been without a family for decades now. I lost everything. Well, almost everything…" He said and a smile came upon his face.

Vance was suddenly alarmed. Something wasn't right.

"Allow me to introduce Jaxson Green, my grandson, heir to my empire, and CEO of Green Oil Incorporated!" Jaxson's grandfather announced and people clapped and murmured within themselves.

Jaxson stepped out of the shadows dressed in a black velvet suit with a Black hat over his head, which covered a part of his face, preventing people from seeing who he truly was.

He approached his grandfather and shook his hand. Vance staggered back in shock.

"I thought I killed this bastard when he was a baby? How did he survive?" Vance muttered.

Jane saw the power that Jaxson exuded and she suddenly began to drool over him. Damien noticed this and scoffed in disbelief.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I am Jaxson Green, grandson of Ezekiel Green and his heir. I have come out of the shadows to create a revolution. Everything will change from now on. Every wrong will be made right, and every crime will be punished," Jaxson said and gazed at Vance who met his eyes with the same fury.

"Right now, a crime has been committed here. Jane Newbold has stolen a bracelet that isn't hers!" Jaxson announced and people gasped.

Jane was shocked. How did he know?

"What? That's insane. I did not!" She denied it as people gazed at her.

"Senator Kelly's wife was wearing a rare bracelet. Well, until now. Jane Newbold stole it," Jaxson repeated. 

When the senator's wife confirmed her bracelet was missing, the crowd gasped.

"Search her!" Jaxson ordered and security pounced on her.

"No! Don't touch me! Let me go!!" She screamed and kicked

"Get your hands off my daughter!" Vance yelled.

"You will not interfere, Vance. Stay quiet!!" Jaxson boomed, and Vance fumed. Just then, the security guards found the bracelet in Jane's purse.

"Found it!" They announced and people gasped.

"N-no. This is a setup. It's a setup!" Jane tried to gather sympathy but everyone gazed at her with disgust.

"Throw her out of here," Jaxson ordered the guards and they dragged her along.

"No! Let me go!! I belong here!!!" She screamed and fought but they threw her out.

"That's my fiance!" Damien yelled. Jaxson's eyes flashed with anger.

"And him too!" He commanded, and the bodyguards picked Damien up and kicked him out.

"As of this moment, The Seven, which were my grandfather's shareholders, have been disbanded!" Jaxson announced and Vance gasped. "They no longer have any business with my company!"

Vance yelled in frustration and dashed out of the party. Jaxson raised his head in power.

"Like I said, I am bringing a revolution. Things will be different from now on," Jaxson added.

On his way out, Jaxson exchanged glances with his grandfather. The old man was so proud.

But he also knew the battle line was drawn. And from what he had seen, Jaxson was more than ready to handle anything!

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