Chapter three

As soon as Jaxson stepped into the room, he was greeted by the smell of drugs that hung in the air. Lying on the bed placed centrally in the room, was an old man who had oxygen prongs 

The man looked up and saw Jaxson, and tears began to form at the corners of his eyes.

"My grandson. You're finally here," the man said and pulled himself out of the bed. Jaxson couldn't believe his eyes.

It was the same man that he had saved in prison. The man has a heart attack. Jaxson wondered why the CEO of Green Oil Incorporated was in prison in the first place.

The man pulled Jaxson in for an embrace.

"I have waited for this day, my grandson. I have so much to tell you. My name is Ezekiel," he added.

"I don't understand sir. I have no family. My mother died when I was younger. Perhaps you have the wrong person," Jaxson said to him.

The Ezekiel gestured to him to sit and Jaxson did.

"A lie designed to keep you safe. The truth is, my boy, that by being alive, you have more enemies than you can count. And as you can see, I haven't got much time left…" the man coughed severely.

Jaxson jumped up to assist him, and Semira entered the room with a glass of water. As soon as the man had drunk, he lay down.

"The people who did this to me are also waiting to do the same to you. If not worse," Ezekiel said.

"How do you mean?" Jaxson asked him.

"Twenty-eight years ago, on the day of your birth, my shareholders tried to usurp me. They are six powerful CEOs with immense affluence. Together with my position as the Head, we are known as The Seven. On that day, they killed your parents, and they believed that they had killed you too," Ezekiel said to him.

Jaxson was confused.

"You're mistaken sir. My mother died nine years ago, not twenty-eight years ago," Jaxson protested.

"The woman who raised you wasn't your biological mother. She was a nurse under my employment. A quiet type. When I figured out that you, a baby, had survived an assassination attempt, I knew I had to keep you safe,"

Ezekiel sighed.

"That woman always kept me informed on how you were fairing. We changed your surname from Green to Stroker. Even when she died, I kept tabs on you. Then I saw you dating the daughter of the man who ruined our family and I wanted to intervene, but I couldn't risk exposing you. You are the last hope of this empire," 

Ezekiel cried. Jaxson's head was buzzing with the new information that he had gotten.

What the heck was going on that day?

"Sir, what do you mean I was dating the daughter of the man that ruined our family?" Jaxson asked him.

"Vance Newbold, Jane Newbold's father, was the major orchestrator of the assassination attempt that killed your parents! He is the devil himself. From time immemorial, Vance has always wanted to be the Head of The Seven. And he wanted my wealth for himself. With my son gone, Vance knew he would be next in line to take over when I was dead,"

Ezekiel coughed again, and that time, blood followed the sputum. 

"He fabricated a lie against me that sent me to jail where I met you. Then he tried to poison me in jail and that gave me a heart attack. But you saved me. I wanted to tell you who I was, however, I knew that you must see the Newbolds as the monster that they are first, or you'll not be ready to do what needs to be done," Ezekiel said.

Jaxson was already fuming with anger. He couldn't believe that the greatest pains of his life were getting traced back to the same people. Jaxson couldn't believe that he once fell in love with Jane, the daughter of a monster.

Little wonder she was so evil.

"Why didn't you destroy them until now  grandfather?" Jaxson asked the older man.

"They're very crafty, grandson. They eradicated every evidence that could point to their involvement in the crimes. They were too powerful for me. I could only stay alive to pass on my legacy to you. Come closer,"

Jaxson got up from the chair and approached the older man. When he was close, Ezekiel gave him a ring with a large "G" inscribed on it.

"This is the ring that signifies my authority in The Seven. It also makes you my heir. Everything I have is yours. I have wealth beyond your wildest dreams. It all belongs to you now, Jaxson. Make our family name great again," Ezekiel held on to Jaxson's hand.

Where Semira stood, she sobbed quietly. Jaxson's anger began to skyrocket. He had had enough!

"Don't worry, grandfather. I will destroy them all. These people have brought too much pain to my life. It's my turn to stir the ship now," Jaxson said. 

"Spoken like a true heir," Semira commented with admiration. "But how do you intend to handle them, young master Jaxson?" She asked.

Jaxson looked around and his eyes settled on a hat that lay on the table. He suddenly had an idea and smiled.

"The element of surprise, Semira. They will never know what hit them!" Jaxson said and fumed. "Since they are fond of eradicating evidence, I will make them present new ones by themselves. Evidence that will damn them to hell!"

Ezekiel was relieved. He could see that Jaxson was ready for the task ahead. 

For the first time in a long time, Ezekiel saw hope. But what would it take for Jaxson to restore order? Would taking his place as CEO be easy? 

Ezekiel pondered on these questions as he drifted off to sleep.

Later that night, Jaxson and Semira hooked up.

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