Chapter two

"Jaxson. So, they finally let you out. Man, you don't look good at all. Was prison food that bad?" Damien mocked Jaxson while his hand was still wrapped around Jane's waist.

The way she giggled to his touch made Jaxson enraged.

"How long has this been going on?" Jaxson yelled. "Was it after I went to prison?" He questioned.

Both Damien and Jane exchanged glances and laughed. Jaxson felt wounded.

"It was way before you went to jail. Just because you were friends with Damien didn't make you like him. We were dating in secret and he even took me to that party to ask me to break up with you. And I was going to do it. That was why I got high that night!" Jane snapped. 

"And then, Jane and I plotted to make you take the fall and rot in jail forever. Sad for you, but good for us," Damien said and smiled.

"I trusted you, Damien. I called you a friend!" Jaxson said to Damien.

"You were never my friend, Jaxson. You were a nobody. You still are. Right now, I am a manager at Green Oil Incorporated. The biggest company in the country. Do you have any idea how much I earn now? I'm the man Jane deserves, not you! Now, leave, before I have these guards give you a beating. You're ruining my engagement!" Damien said to him.

"You'll both pay for this! I assure you!" Jaxson yelled at them.

Damien turned to Mike the bodyguard.

"Teach this idiot some manners," he said and walked away with Jane, who sent a final glance of disgust at Jaxson before she went inside.

As soon as they were gone, Mike and three other bodyguards stepped out and attacked Jaxson. They beat him up and kicked him into the middle of the road.

"The next time you return here, we'll kill you!" Mike snapped at him and went inside, shutting the gates behind him

Jaxson groaned while he managed to stand. His nose was broken, and the downpour of rain didn't make anything better.

His world was shattered, and he had to pick up the pieces. But what would he do? Where would he start from?

As Jaxson attempted to walk away, an SUV suddenly pulled up before him. Jaxson, shivering, gazed at the car. A beautiful young girl stepped down from the car and sophisticated bodyguards held an umbrella over her head.

She fixed her eyes on Jaxson, and that made him uncomfortable. As she began to approach, Jaxson took a step back in caution.

"Don't be afraid, young master Jaxson. I'm not here to hurt you," the lady said and raised her hands in submission.

Jaxson was puzzled.

"Who are you? He asked.

"My name is Semira. Your Grandfather sent me to bring you home," she replied. Jaxson chuckled in pain.

"It appears you have the wrong man, miss. I have no family. My mother died of cancer nine years ago and she was the only family I had," Jaxson added. Semira sighed and stepped into the rain to meet with Jaxson.

He was surprised.

"A month ago, you saved an old man's life in prison with your amazing medical skills. He told you that he was there for a short time. Well, that old man is your grandfather, and he is in desperate need of your help," Semira said to Jaxson with urgency in her voice.

And she wasn't wrong. Jaxson had saved an old man's life. The old man was the CEO of Green Oil Incorporated, the largest Oil company in the entire country. The same company that the betrayer Damien was working for. 

Was that truly his grandfather? 

"He also orchestrated your early release from prison. Just follow me. I'll take you to him," Semira said and gestured to the car. Jaxson got in. He was too tired and confused to think straight.

Even if it was a mistaken identity, Jaxson figured that it would be good to be out of the rain for some time.

The car zoomed off. Jaxson noticed that all of the bodyguards were bald and had matching tattoos on their scalp. He was alarmed, but Semira held his hand and smiled at him.

"It's okay," she whispered. Her touch brought him warmth. Jaxson felt his anxiety disappear.

They finally arrived at a mansion that was unlike anything that Jaxson had ever seen. It was three times as large as Jane's mansion, and the gates were almost unearthly. Not even the night could sink its beauty and extravagance.

All in the vehicle stepped down. Jaxson followed Semira closely while she led him toward the door.

"A moment please," she said to him and went to the other side of the building. Jaxson was alone and his eyes began to roam.

"What the heck are you doing here? Who permitted you to be here?" A woman suddenly screamed at him. Jaxson was shocked

"I'm with Semira-"

"You're a filthy thief, aren't you? Look at your unkempt beard and hair. You're a criminal! I'll call the guards on you!" The woman screamed at Jaxson again. He was furious but didn't show it. 

"Grace, what's going on here?" Semira asked as she approached 

"I caught a thief!" Grace replied and pointed to Jaxson. Semira fumed.

"He's not a thief. He is Ezekiel Green's grandson! Our boss!! Maybe get your facts right before you accuse people, silly!" Semira lashed out at Grace who was beyond confuzzled. She could barely stand.

"I'm sorry-" she muttered while Jaxson walked past her and stepped into the mansion on Semira's lead.

"Please forgive that horrible accusation, young master. It's my fault. I never should have left you alone," Semira apologized.

"It's not your fault," was all that Jaxson could mutter. The thought of Jane and her betrayal still filled his mind, bringing him excruciating pain and anger.

Then, Semira climbed the staircase and opened a door. She turned to Jaxson and said.

"He will see you now," 

Jaxson braced himself and stepped into the room, wondering what lie await behind those doors.

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