JAXSON BROWN: Rise Of The Grand Successor
JAXSON BROWN: Rise Of The Grand Successor
Author: ERO HAY
Chapter one

Jaxson stood outside his girlfriend's mansion, tired and hungry. 

As the heavy downpour of rain soaked his old, worn-out clothes, he was at least grateful that his days in prison were over.

Mysteriously, he had gotten an early release.

He squeezed the little piece of Newspaper in his hand that stated that his girlfriend Jane was getting engaged to another man.

"There has to be a mistake. Jane wouldn't do this to me," Jaxson muttered while he shivered from the cold.

He had taken the fall for her and went to prison for it!

As lighting flashed, Jaxson approached the colossal gates of the mansion and rang the doorbell. He rang it again and then, he saw someone tall approaching with an umbrella over their head.

"Move along, beggar. We do not give alms today," the tall man said to Jaxson. Jaxson was hurt by the remark but he recognized the voice. It belonged to Mike, his girlfriend's bodyguard.

"Mike, it's me. Jaxson. I just got released from prison. Let me in, I want to see my girlfriend," Jaxson said to him. Mike who was standing at a good distance, eyed Jaxson with disdain.

"She doesn't want to see you, Jaxson. Best you move along. The madam is too busy tonight to engage with the likes of you," Mike retorted.

"The likes of me?" Jaxson scoffed in disbelief. How did Mike become so bold?

"She's my girlfriend and I demand to come inside. Do not deny me entry. Jane wouldn't like it," Jaxson added.

"She's not your girlfriend anymore, dummy. Two years in prison is a long time to get over anyone, especially someone like you who nearly killed a young girl. How could you be high on drugs and still drive?" Mike asked.

Jaxson realized where the misconception was coming from. Two years ago, on the eve of Jaxson's final exams in medical school, Jane had gone to a party and gotten high. 

Despite Jaxson's appeal to let him drive, she didn't. Instead, she ran into a young girl. Jane begged Jaxson to take the fall for it. She promised to get him out of prison under hours for her father was very influential, and a scandal involving her would destroy his political aspirations.

Jaxson agreed to it, but that was the last time he saw Jane.

 He missed his final exams and despite being the top student, he was sent to prison to rot. Jane never visited, not even once. Did she even care about him all? Jaxson pondered on the question.

But still, Jaxson refused to believe that she abandoned him. There had to be another explanation.

"Open the gates, immediately! I'm soaked in the rain. Let me in!" Jaxson rattled the gates while Mike fumed.

"You better get out of here before I call the guards to kick you out. Never show your face here again!!" Mike retorted. Jaxson was shocked.

He kept rattling the gates while yelling Jane's name. Mike, puzzled, didn't know how to respond. He had never seen anything like that before.

Then, Jane stepped out of the house. A guard placed an umbrella over her head while she approached in a skimpy, green dress. 

Jaxson was surprised to see her in green. She told him she despised the color green.

"Mike, why is someone screaming my name while my engagement party is on?" She yelled at Mike and those words were like a knife to Jaxson's heart.

"So it's true? You're getting engaged to another man?" Jaxson asked, and Jane's eyes roamed to him. She gazed at him with disgust.

"Jaxson. I can see you've been released. Leave now. There's nothing here for you anymore," she said to him. Jaxson fumed

"Are you serious? You're my girlfriend. And I at least, deserve an explanation for your behavior over the last two years," Jaxson replied. Jane approached him and placed a finger under her nose as if repulsed by him.

"Can't you read the room, stupid? Our relationship ended the moment you went to jail. I cannot be seen dating or even marrying a criminal. You know who my family is." Jane said without remorse.

"It was your crime! You hit that girl, not me. I only took the fall for you because I loved you, and wanted to help preserve your family's name," Jaxson replied.

"And you were foolish to do so! And I couldn't believe how easy it was to get you to do it. I have never loved you, Jaxson. Perhaps as a doctor, I would have considered you, but not even that could eliminate the fact that you were born and raised in trash!" She snapped.

"Now, leave! I have a party to go back to!!" Jane said to him and turned to leave, but Jaxson rattled the gates again, causing her to jump in fear.

She fell, and the rain spoiled her dress. Her bodyguards gasped in shock.

"You animal! Look what you've done! This dress is worth more than a thousand of your lifetimes!!" She yelled. 

"I'll expose you, Jane! I'll tell everyone the truth!" Jaxson yelled at her. Jane laughed in a frenzy while she stood up.

"The truth is that you committed a crime and went to jail. I, realizing that I cannot be with a criminal decided to move on. Any other version is a lie! And do you really think people will believe you over me? I am the daughter of an esteemed CEO and you're nothing!" Jane screamed.

"Just leave me alone, Jaxson! Get the heck out of my life! I don't want you here anymore!!" Jane kept screaming, and her screams began to attract the attention of those inside.

People began to peek from Windows and doors, but Jaxson didn't care. He had never felt such pain in his life. Everything had fallen apart.

Then, a young man began to approach them with an umbrella over his head too. The flashes of lightning revealed an expensive pair of shoes. He walked over to Jane and she whimpered.

"Darling, your dress. Is this barbarian disturbing you?" The man asked and Jane nodded, still purring over a piece of outfit.

He kissed her and Jaxson rattled the gates again.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" Jaxson yelled.

The man gazed at Jaxson. When Jaxson saw his face, he staggered back in shock.

It was Damien, his own best friend! Was it all a setup from the beginning? Has he always been the fool?

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