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By: Oye Heritage Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 40

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Ethan Reed is cornered by bullies who mock his poverty. His desperation for money forces him to run humiliating errands for his wealthy peers. But when his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa, humiliates him further, Ethan hits rock bottom. Just when he thinks his life can't get worse, a sudden windfall of one million dollars changes everything. As he grapples with the shocking revelation of his family's hidden wealth, Ethan is thrust into a world of power and privilege he never imagined. But can he navigate this new reality without losing himself, or will the weight of his newfound fortune prove too heavy to bear?.

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  • Abioye Samuel


    This book is .........

    2024-09-30 20:36:27
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8 chapters
A boys' dormitory at a well-known university, around nine o'clock in the evening. The hallway buzzed with the noise of students finishing up their day. Ethan Reed sat on his bunk, a couple of textbooks spread out in front of him. His clothes were faded, and his sneakers looked like they had been through several rough semesters. He was focused, ignoring the hunger gnawing at his stomach.Blake from the neighboring dorm burst in, interrupting his thoughts.“Hey, Reed!” Blake's voice dripped with mockery. “I need my laptop and a bottle of water. Now.” He threw a few crumpled bills on the ground, not even glancing at Ethan. “That should cover it.”Ethan looked at the money, his eyes tightening with resentment. Before he could respond, his roommate Mike stepped in.“Come on, man,” Mike said, his voice pleading. “You don’t have to do this. We can lend you some cash.”Ethan forced a smile, trying to hide the frustration and helplessness. “It’s fine, Mike. I need the money.” He bent down and
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Ethan Reed sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the golden cards his sister had sent him, their shiny surfaces reflecting the sunlight streaming through the window. He turned them over in his hand, still unable to wrap his head around the fact that these small pieces of plastic represented a fortune beyond his wildest dreams. His phone buzzed on the nightstand, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was time to call his parents and confirm the truth.Taking a deep breath, he dialed his mother’s number. After a few rings, she answered, her familiar voice filled with warmth.“Ethan, honey, how are you?” she asked, her tone laced with the usual affection, but Ethan couldn’t ignore the undercurrent of tension.“I’m fine, Mom,” Ethan replied, struggling to keep his voice steady. “But I need to know… is it true? Are we really… rich?”There was a pause on the other end before his father’s voice joined the call. “Emma told you, didn’t she?” he said, a note of frustration creeping into his voi
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Ethan stood in the middle of the luxurious Hermès store, the shimmering lights casting a golden glow on the expensive displays. He held the Centurion card tightly in his hand, his pulse racing. Vanessa and Lucas’s sneering faces were frozen in disbelief as he placed the card on the counter. “Are you really going to go through with this?” Vanessa scoffed, crossing her arms. “You’re so desperate to prove something that you’re pretending to be rich now?” Ethan’s eyes met hers, the humiliation and anger of countless taunts burning in his gaze. “I’m not pretending, Vanessa.” Lucas laughed, his voice dripping with mockery. “Yeah, right. I bet you borrowed that card from someone. Or stole it.” Jessica, the polite saleswoman, glanced at Ethan with concern. “Mr. Reed, should I proceed with the transaction?” Ethan nodded firmly. “Yes, please.” The saleswoman behind the counter, Heather Smith, exchanged a skeptical glance with Lucas and Vanessa. “I’m sure this is some kind of joke,” she m
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The lively chatter and laughter in the private dining room of Ru Yi Restaurant came to an abrupt halt when the door swung open, and Nathan Scott strolled in, a cocky grin plastered on his face. His presence immediately cast a shadow over the festive atmosphere. Megan’s smile faded as she spotted him, her eyes narrowing.“Nathan, what are you doing here?” she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. “I told you not to come.”Nathan shrugged, looking entirely unbothered. “Oh, come on, Megan. I’m just here to join the celebration. I even brought a gift.” He gestured to the elegantly wrapped box in his hand, smirking as he made his way to the center of the room.Megan’s dorm mates exchanged uneasy glances, but Nathan ignored them, scanning the room with a smug expression. “Speaking of gifts, where’s the man of the hour, huh? Has anyone seen our dear Ethan? Or is he too busy running errands for pocket change?”A ripple of uncomfortable laughter spread through the room as Nathan’s eyes g
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Ethan stepped out of the restaurant, his heart heavy with frustration and humiliation. He took a deep breath, the cool night air doing little to soothe his anger. Megan and Ben followed him outside, concern etched on their faces. “Ethan, wait!” Megan called out, hurrying to catch up with him. “Please don’t go like this. I’m so sorry for what happened inside. Nathan had no right—” “Megan, it’s not your fault,” Ethan interrupted, forcing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I just… I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you. This is your night. You should be having fun, not dealing with my issues.” Ben nodded in agreement, his voice gentle. “Ethan, man, we’re your friends. We don’t care about what those idiots say. Stay, have a good time with us.” Ethan shook his head, his gaze dropping to the ground. “I appreciate it, guys. Really. But I can’t stay. Not tonight.” Megan reached out and touched his arm, her eyes pleading. “Please, Ethan. Don’t let them get to you. You deserve t
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Ethan stood awkwardly in the luxurious lounge of the Hot Spring Resort, his eyes scanning the opulent décor that surrounded him. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow on the marble floors. The room was filled with people dressed in designer suits and evening gowns, their conversations filled with the easy confidence of those who belonged in such a setting. Ethan, on the other hand, felt like a fish out of water.“Please, have a seat, Young Master Reed,” Robert Greene said, gesturing to an elegant chair near a grand table laden with gourmet dishes. His voice was respectful, almost reverent, as if Ethan were royalty.Ethan hesitated, then nodded, sitting down carefully. “Thank you, Mr. Greene.”“Call me Robert, please,” the manager insisted, smiling. “Your sister speaks very highly of you.”Before Ethan could respond, Robert’s phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, his expression shifting to one of urgency. “Excuse me, Young Master Reed. I need to take this cal
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“Sure, why not?” Ethan said, forcing a smile. He stepped closer to the group, trying to shake off the unease that had settled in his chest. Megan’s smile widened as she grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the entrance of the karaoke bar.“That’s the spirit!” she exclaimed. “Come on, I’ll even let you pick the first song.”Ethan chuckled softly, glancing at the neon lights flickering above the bar’s entrance. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. You know my taste in music isn’t exactly popular.”The group laughed, and Samantha nudged him playfully. “I’m sure we can survive one of your obscure indie tracks, Ethan. Besides, it’s your turn to suffer through my Mariah Carey impersonation.”He couldn’t help but smile at that. Samantha’s good-natured teasing felt like a lifeline, pulling him back to a place where things were normal, where people didn’t treat him like a walking bank account.They made their way inside the bar, the noise and lights engulfing them in a welcoming chaos. The sm
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Ethan trailed behind the group as they made their way into the Imperial KTV. The luxurious ambiance of the venue was a sharp contrast to the dive bars and budget karaoke joints he was used to. The plush red carpets, golden chandeliers, and private rooms with state-of-the-art sound systems screamed opulence. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of irony as he walked through the place he now owned, a secret he was still wrapping his head around.“Come on, Ethan, don’t lag behind!” Megan called, pulling him out of his thoughts. She looped her arm through his, a determined smile on her face. “I’m glad you decided to come. Tonight, we’re just going to have fun, okay?”Ethan nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah, sure, Meg. Whatever you say.”They entered one of the private rooms where the others were already settling in, and Nathan, who was leaning back in an oversized leather chair, spotted them. His lips curled into a sneer.“Well, well, if it isn’t the karaoke king himself,” Nathan mocked, loud en
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