Ethan stepped out of the restaurant, his heart heavy with frustration and humiliation. He took a deep breath, the cool night air doing little to soothe his anger. Megan and Ben followed him outside, concern etched on their faces.

“Ethan, wait!” Megan called out, hurrying to catch up with him. “Please don’t go like this. I’m so sorry for what happened inside. Nathan had no right—”

“Megan, it’s not your fault,” Ethan interrupted, forcing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I just… I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you. This is your night. You should be having fun, not dealing with my issues.”

Ben nodded in agreement, his voice gentle. “Ethan, man, we’re your friends. We don’t care about what those idiots say. Stay, have a good time with us.”

Ethan shook his head, his gaze dropping to the ground. “I appreciate it, guys. Really. But I can’t stay. Not tonight.”

Megan reached out and touched his arm, her eyes pleading. “Please, Ethan. Don’t let them get to you. You deserve to be here as much as anyone else.”

He looked at her, seeing the genuine concern in her eyes, and felt a pang of guilt. But the thought of going back inside and facing those judgmental stares was too much.

“I need some air, Megan,” he said quietly. “I’ll be fine. You guys go back in and enjoy the party. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Megan bit her lip, clearly wanting to argue, but Ben gently pulled her back. “Let him go, Meg. He needs some space.”

Ethan gave them a grateful nod and turned away, walking down the dimly lit street. His footsteps echoed in the silence as he wandered aimlessly, his mind racing. The city lights blurred around him as he replayed the events of the night in his head.

“Is this what having money is supposed to feel like?” he muttered to himself, bitterness lacing his voice. “It’s supposed to make life easier, not more complicated.”

He thought about how people had treated him since he had revealed his wealth. They didn’t see him—they only saw the money. The admiration, the envy, the scorn… It was all because of the zeros in his bank account, not because of who he was.

Lost in his thoughts, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw Emily’s name flashing on the screen. With a sigh, he answered the call.

“Hey, Em.”

“Ethan!” Emily’s voice was bright and cheerful. “I’ve been trying to reach you all day. What’s going on?”

Ethan rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on. “Nothing much. Just dealing with some… stuff.”

“Well, I have something that might cheer you up!” Emily said enthusiastically. “I need your help with a business matter.”

Ethan frowned. “A business matter? What are you talking about?”

“Remember I told you that our family owns a lot of property? Well, I kind of used your name to invest in some prime real estate on Lexington Avenue a few years ago,” Emily explained, sounding a bit sheepish.

“Wait, what?” Ethan stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening. “You used my name to invest in what?”

Emily chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I know, I should have told you earlier. But it’s a good thing! We own a significant portion of Lexington Avenue now. Anyway, I need you to sign a contract on my behalf at the Hot Spring Resort.”

Ethan felt his head spinning. “Hold on, Em. You’re telling me that our family owns part of one of the most expensive areas in the city?”

“Pretty much!” she replied cheerfully. “And I need you to meet the manager, Robert Greene. He’s expecting you.”

Ethan blinked, still trying to process the information. “I… okay. I’ll go. But you owe me an explanation later.”

“Deal!” Emily said. “Just get there as soon as you can, okay? And Ethan… don’t let anyone push you around.”

He hung up the phone, feeling even more confused than before. Lexington Avenue? How deep did this family fortune go? Shaking his head, he hailed a cab and directed it to the Hot Spring Resort.

As he arrived at the resort, the opulent façade and grand entrance loomed before him. He approached the reception desk, trying to steady his nerves. The receptionists, two women dressed in sharp uniforms, looked up as he approached. Their eyes flicked over his simple clothes, and their expressions turned from polite to dismissive.

“Can I help you?” the one on the left, Rachel, asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m here to see Robert Greene, the general manager,” Ethan said, trying to sound confident.

Rachel exchanged a skeptical glance with her colleague. “And you are?”

“Ethan Reed. He’s expecting me,” Ethan explained.

The two women exchanged another look, and then Rachel smirked. “I don’t think so. Mr. Greene doesn’t meet with just anyone, especially not… someone like you.”

Ethan felt his patience wearing thin. “I’m telling you, he’s expecting me. Just call him.”

Rachel crossed her arms, her expression condescending. “I don’t know how you got past security, but you need to leave before we call them to escort you out.”

Before Ethan could respond, the door swung open, and a tall, well-dressed young man walked in, a stunning woman on his arm. The receptionists immediately straightened, their attitudes transforming into fawning politeness.

“Mr. Donovan! Welcome!” Rachel said, her voice dripping with admiration. “What a pleasure to see you.”

Blake Donovan glanced at Ethan, a sneer curling his lips. “Who’s this beggar? What’s he doing here?”

The other receptionist, clearly eager to impress, quickly spoke up. “He claims to have an appointment with Mr. Greene. But don’t worry, Mr. Donovan, we’re handling it.”

Blake laughed, a cold, mocking sound. “With Greene? That’s hilarious. Greene wouldn’t waste his time on someone like this.”

He turned to Ethan, his eyes full of disdain. “You must be out of your mind if you think you can just walk in here and meet with the general manager. Do you even know who I am?”

Ethan clenched his jaw, his frustration boiling over. “No, and I don’t really care.”

Blake’s eyes narrowed, and he took a threatening step forward. “You should care. My father is a close friend of Robert Greene’s. People like you don’t belong here. This is a place for people with real money.”

The woman on Blake’s arm giggled, leaning closer to him. “Blake, don’t waste your time on him. Let’s go inside. I’m dying for a drink.”

Blake smirked, his gaze still fixed on Ethan. “You’re right. This trash isn’t worth my time.”

He turned back to the receptionists. “Make sure he’s out of here. I don’t want to see his face again.”

Rachel nodded eagerly. “Of course, Mr. Donovan. We’ll take care of it.”

Ethan, feeling the anger and humiliation rise within him, stepped back and pulled out his phone. He was done being looked down on. He dialed his sister’s number, his hand shaking with a mix of anger and anticipation.

The receptionists and Blake watched him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and contempt. “Oh, look,” Blake said mockingly. “He’s calling for backup.”

Rachel snickered. “Maybe he’s calling a friend to come and pick him up.”

But Ethan ignored them, holding the phone to his ear. “Emily, I’m here at the resort. They’re not letting me in.”

On the other end, Emily’s voice was firm. “Put me on speaker.”

Ethan did as she asked, his eyes locked on the smug faces in front of him.

“This is Emily Reed, owner of several properties in Lexington Avenue and the legal guardian of Ethan Reed,” she said, her voice carrying the authority of someone who was used to getting what she wanted. “I need to speak with the general manager, Robert Greene, immediately.”

Rachel’s face paled, and she glanced at the other receptionist, who looked equally stunned. Blake’s smirk faded as he stared at the phone, disbelief in his eyes.

Ethan watched their reactions, feeling a surge of satisfaction. “Now, do you believe me?” he asked quietly, his voice steady.

Blake sputtered, his face turning red. “You’re lying. This is some kind of trick!”

But before anyone could say anything else, the door behind the reception desk opened, and a tall, distinguished man with graying hair stepped out. His eyes landed on Ethan, and a smile spread across his face.

“Mr. Reed!” Robert Greene said warmly, walking over and extending his hand. “I’m so sorry for the confusion. We’ve been expecting you.”

The receptionists looked like they wanted to sink into the floor, their faces burning with embarrassment. Blake’s jaw dropped, and he took a step back, his confidence shattered.

Ethan shook the manager’s hand, feeling the tension drain from his shoulders. “Thank you, Mr. Greene. I’m glad we could clear this up.”

Robert turned to the receptionists, his expression stern. “Make sure this doesn’t happen again. Mr. Reed is a valued guest.”

Rachel stammered an apology, her eyes wide with fear. “We’re so sorry, Mr. Reed. We didn’t know…”

Blake, still reeling from the shock, turned to Ethan, his face twisted with confusion and anger. “This doesn’t make any sense. You… you’re just a nobody!”

Ethan looked at him calmly, his voice quiet but firm. “I guess you don’t know me as well as you thought, Blake.”

As he followed Robert Greene inside, leaving the stunned receptionists and the humiliated Blake behind, Ethan felt a strange sense of vindication. It wasn’t just about the money or the status. It was about proving to himself that he didn’t have to be defined by other people’s perceptions.

He was more than they thought, and it was time they learned that.

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