The lively chatter and laughter in the private dining room of Ru Yi Restaurant came to an abrupt halt when the door swung open, and Nathan Scott strolled in, a cocky grin plastered on his face. His presence immediately cast a shadow over the festive atmosphere. Megan’s smile faded as she spotted him, her eyes narrowing.

“Nathan, what are you doing here?” she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. “I told you not to come.”

Nathan shrugged, looking entirely unbothered. “Oh, come on, Megan. I’m just here to join the celebration. I even brought a gift.” He gestured to the elegantly wrapped box in his hand, smirking as he made his way to the center of the room.

Megan’s dorm mates exchanged uneasy glances, but Nathan ignored them, scanning the room with a smug expression. “Speaking of gifts, where’s the man of the hour, huh? Has anyone seen our dear Ethan? Or is he too busy running errands for pocket change?”

A ripple of uncomfortable laughter spread through the room as Nathan’s eyes gleamed with malicious amusement. Samantha, seated near the entrance, looked at him curiously.

“You mean Ethan Reed?” she asked, her voice neutral. “What’s your problem with him?”

Nathan leaned against a chair, his grin widening. “Oh, Samantha, if you only knew! Let me tell you about the little stunt I pulled on our friend Ethan the other day.”

Megan’s expression darkened. “Nathan, don’t—”

But Nathan raised a hand, cutting her off. “No, no, I insist. It’s too good not to share. So, Ethan here was tricked into delivering condoms to his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa. Can you believe that?” He laughed, the sound grating and harsh. “And to top it off, she was with Lucas Cole, making out like there was no tomorrow.”

The room erupted in laughter, except for Megan and a few of Ethan’s friends who looked away in disgust. Samantha’s interest in Ethan quickly evaporated as Nathan continued his story with relish.

“And the best part?” Nathan continued, wiping a tear from his eye. “Ethan just stood there, watching like a sad puppy while Vanessa and Lucas tore him apart. It was priceless!”

“That’s enough, Nathan!” Megan’s voice was sharp, her fists clenched at her sides. “You’re not welcome here if you’re just going to be a jerk.”

Nathan rolled his eyes, waving her off. “Relax, I’m just having a bit of fun. No harm done.”

Before anyone could respond, the door opened again, and Ethan stepped inside, carrying a red plastic bag. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him, a mix of curiosity and pity on their faces.

Nathan’s sneer returned as he eyed the bag. “Well, well, look who decided to show up. What’s in the bag, Reed? Some instant noodles for Megan? Or did you scrape together a few dollars for a cheap gift?”

Ethan’s face reddened, but he held his head high, refusing to rise to Nathan’s bait. “I brought a gift for Megan, just like everyone else.”

Nathan snorted, exchanging amused looks with his friends. “A gift? From you?” He glanced at the luxury gift box he’d placed on the table earlier. “I’d love to see what you came up with.”

Megan stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation. “Nathan, that’s enough. Ethan, you don’t have to show your gift if you don’t want to.”

But Ethan took a deep breath, steeling himself. “It’s okay, Megan.” He reached into the red plastic bag and pulled out the exquisitely wrapped Hermès box, placing it on the table in front of her.

The room went silent as the elegant logo on the box caught everyone’s eye. Nathan’s smug expression faltered, replaced by confusion. “What is this? You trying to fool us with some knock-off crap, Reed?”

Ethan ignored him, focusing on Megan, who looked at the box with a mix of surprise and disbelief. “Happy birthday, Megan. I hope you like it.”

Megan hesitated, then carefully unwrapped the box, revealing the Hermès 200-year Anniversary Collector’s Edition bag. Gasps echoed around the room as the exquisite craftsmanship of the bag came into view. The rich leather gleamed under the lights, and the intricate design was breathtaking.

Nathan’s face twisted with anger and disbelief. “This is a joke, right? There’s no way you can afford something like this. It has to be fake!”

Samantha, who had been watching the scene unfold with mild disinterest, now frowned. “You’re just trying to show off, Ethan. It’s pathetic.”

Her words stung, but Ethan kept his composure, the weight of the scornful gazes around him pressing down on his shoulders. “It’s not fake, Samantha.”

Nathan snatched the bag from the table, holding it up for everyone to see. “There’s no way a loser like you could afford this! You’re lying, Reed. Admit it.”

Megan, looking flustered and worried, tried to intervene. “Ethan, you really didn’t have to—”

But Nathan wouldn’t let it go. “I bet you stole this, or bought it from some shady dealer. You think you can just waltz in here and pretend to be one of us?”

The store manager from Hermès, who had been passing by, heard the commotion and stepped inside. Recognizing Ethan, she walked over with a calm yet authoritative demeanor. “Is there a problem here?”

Nathan turned to her, his face flushed with anger. “Yeah, this guy is trying to pass off a fake as real. I want you to check it.”

The manager looked at Ethan, then at the bag in Nathan’s hands. “That won’t be necessary. This bag is genuine, and it was purchased at our store earlier today by Mr. Reed.”

Nathan’s mouth fell open, words failing him for the first time. “But… but that’s impossible!”

The manager turned to Ethan, her voice apologetic. “I’m sorry for any inconvenience, Mr. Reed. If you need any assistance, please let me know.”

Nathan stood there, frozen in place, his face turning a deeper shade of red. Samantha and the others looked stunned, their previous assumptions about Ethan crumbling before their eyes. The tension in the room was palpable as everyone struggled to process what had just happened.

Megan, still holding the bag, looked at Ethan with wide eyes. “Ethan… I… I don’t know what to say.”

Ethan gave her a small, tight smile. “You don’t have to say anything, Megan. It’s just a gift. I’m sorry if it caused any trouble.”

Nathan, unable to handle the humiliation, clenched his fists. “This isn’t over, Reed. You think you can just buy a bag and suddenly you’re someone important?”

The manager’s voice was firm. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir. You’ve caused enough disruption.”

Nathan glared at Ethan, his eyes filled with hatred, but he knew he had lost this round. With a frustrated growl, he turned on his heel and stormed out, followed by a few of his friends.

Samantha watched him go, her expression unreadable. She turned to Ethan, her voice cold. “I still don’t get it. Why would you buy something like this? To prove a point?”

Ethan looked at her, feeling a surge of frustration. “No, Samantha. I bought it because I wanted to give Megan something special. Not everything is about proving a point.”

Megan, sensing the awkwardness, quickly raised her glass. “Let’s have a toast! To friends, and to new beginnings.”

The room echoed with half-hearted cheers, but the atmosphere remained tense. Ethan felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on him, their judgment and disbelief suffocating.

He stood up, forcing a smile. “I think I should go. I’ve caused enough drama for one night.”

Megan reached out, but he gently shook his head. “It’s okay, Megan. Thanks for inviting me. I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday.”

With that, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving behind the whispers and the cold stares. As he stepped outside into the cool night air, his heart felt heavy, the reality of his situation crashing down on him.

No matter how much money he had, it wouldn’t change how people saw him. To them, he would always be the poor, pathetic Ethan Reed, struggling to fit into a world that didn’t want him.

He glanced back at the restaurant, the laughter and music drifting out through the open door. Megan was still inside, probably feeling guilty for inviting him. He didn’t blame her. None of this was her fault.

As he walked away, a new resolve hardened in his chest. He would prove them wrong. He would show them that he was more than they ever gave him credit for. But for now, he would let the night fade away, leaving behind the bitterness and the pain.

Because tomorrow was a new day, and he had more than enough reasons to keep fighting.

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