Ethan Reed sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the golden cards his sister had sent him, their shiny surfaces reflecting the sunlight streaming through the window. He turned them over in his hand, still unable to wrap his head around the fact that these small pieces of plastic represented a fortune beyond his wildest dreams. His phone buzzed on the nightstand, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was time to call his parents and confirm the truth.

Taking a deep breath, he dialed his mother’s number. After a few rings, she answered, her familiar voice filled with warmth.

“Ethan, honey, how are you?” she asked, her tone laced with the usual affection, but Ethan couldn’t ignore the undercurrent of tension.

“I’m fine, Mom,” Ethan replied, struggling to keep his voice steady. “But I need to know… is it true? Are we really… rich?”

There was a pause on the other end before his father’s voice joined the call. “Emma told you, didn’t she?” he said, a note of frustration creeping into his voice. “We wanted to tell you ourselves, son, but—”

“But what, Dad?” Ethan cut in, his emotions boiling over. “You and Mom pretended to be poor and working in terrible conditions for years! Why would you lie to me like that?”

His mother sighed, her voice gentle yet firm. “Ethan, we did it for you. We didn’t want you to grow up spoiled, like so many rich kids we’ve seen. We wanted you to understand the value of hard work and money.”

“So, you let me struggle, humiliated by everyone around me, just so I could ‘learn a lesson’?” Ethan’s voice cracked with anger and disbelief.

“We’re sorry, Ethan,” his father said softly. “But we truly believed it was the best way to raise you with a strong character.”

Ethan was silent, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He had spent years scraping by, struggling for every dollar, while his family was secretly one of the wealthiest in the world. He felt betrayed, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny the pride in his parents’ voices, as if they truly believed they had done the right thing.

“I don’t know what to say,” Ethan finally muttered. “This is… it’s too much.”

“Take your time, son,” his father said gently. “Use the money wisely. And remember, we love you.”

Ethan hung up, still reeling from the conversation. To clear his head, he decided to put the new golden cards to the test. He headed to the bank, where the teller’s eyes widened at the sight of his VIP card.

“How can I help you today, Mr. Reed?” the teller asked, her voice dripping with newfound respect.

Ethan hesitated, then pushed the card across the counter. “I’d like to withdraw $100,000.”

The teller blinked, clearly taken aback, but she nodded quickly. “Of course, sir. Right away.”

As the cash was handed over to him in neat stacks, the reality of his situation hit him like a tidal wave. This was real. He was rich.

Later, back in his dorm, Ethan couldn’t help but think about Vanessa. If she had known about his wealth, would she have stayed with him? His mind flashed back to Nathan and Lucas’s mocking faces. They had always looked down on him because he was poor. But now… now he had the power to turn the tables.

His phone buzzed again, breaking his thoughts. It was his dorm supervisor, Mr. Stevens.

“Ethan, don’t forget it’s Megan Sullivan’s birthday today,” Mr. Stevens reminded him. “She mentioned she invited you to her party.”

Ethan frowned. “I know, but I wasn’t sure if I could go.”

“You should, Ethan. She’s a good friend. Don’t let her down.”

Ethan glanced at the cash and the golden cards on his desk. Maybe it was time to start living like he belonged in this new world.

“Alright, I’ll go,” he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks, Mr. Stevens.”

Deciding he needed a gift for Megan, Ethan headed to the most luxurious store he knew—Hermès. Walking into the store, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The opulent interior, the polished shelves lined with exquisite goods, it was a world away from anything he’d ever known.

He wandered around, feeling slightly out of place. A stern-looking saleswoman approached him, her eyes scanning his worn-out clothes with thinly veiled disdain.

“Can I help you?” she asked, her tone icy.

“I’m looking for a gift,” Ethan replied, his voice wavering.

The saleswoman raised an eyebrow. “Our items are quite expensive. Perhaps you should try somewhere else.”

Ethan’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he stood his ground. “I’d like to see your best selection.”

The saleswoman sighed, clearly unimpressed, but just as she was about to speak, another saleswoman, a younger woman with a warm smile, stepped forward.

“Hello, sir, I’m Jessica. How can I assist you today?” she asked, her eyes kind and genuine.

Ethan relaxed a little. “I need a gift for a friend. Something special.”

Jessica nodded, leading him to a display case. “We have this limited-edition Hermès bag. It’s one of the finest pieces we have.”

Before Ethan could respond, a familiar voice interrupted.


He turned, his heart sinking as he saw Vanessa standing there with Lucas. Vanessa’s eyes widened in surprise, and then she smirked.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her tone dripping with condescension.

Ethan straightened, trying to keep his voice steady. “Buying a gift.”

Lucas laughed. “Here? You can’t afford anything in this store.”

Ethan clenched his jaw, his anger rising. “I can buy whatever I want.”

Vanessa’s eyes narrowed, disbelief etched on her face. “You’re joking, right? This place is way out of your league.”

Jessica, sensing the tension, glanced between them. “Is there a problem, sir?”

Ethan took a deep breath, his fingers brushing against the Centurion card in his pocket. “I’ll take that bag,” he said, his voice firm.

Lucas’s eyes widened. “That bag costs $70,000. Are you out of your mind?”

Vanessa laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t embarrass yourself, Ethan. You can’t even afford a decent pair of shoes.”

Ethan ignored them, handing the card to Jessica. “I’ll take it.”

Jessica’s eyes widened, but she nodded, taking the card with a smile. “Of course, sir. I’ll have it wrapped up for you.”

Vanessa and Lucas stared at him, disbelief written all over their faces. “You’re bluffing,” Vanessa muttered.

But when Jessica returned with the bag, beautifully wrapped, and handed it to Ethan, the look of shock on their faces was worth every cent.

“Here you go, Mr. Reed. Thank you for shopping with us,” Jessica said, her smile genuine.

Ethan took the bag, feeling a surge of satisfaction. He turned to Vanessa and Lucas, a calm smile on his face.

“Have a good evening,” he said, his voice steady, and walked out of the store, leaving them gaping in his wake.

As he stepped out onto the street, the cool evening air filled his lungs, and for the first time in a long while, he felt in control of his life. This was just the beginning.

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