Chapter Six

“Dadd!!”, Elara whined on the phone. “You are not going to be done till another hour and the event is just fifteen minutes away from starting!”

“Elara, I have said…”

“And it just can't happen! Urghh”, she groaned loudly into the mouthpiece.

“I have to go back to my meeting Elara”

“Ok, ok, fine, wait. Release our own invites and you can cut down on my allowance by 5%”

Her father was quiet for some time.

“It's a one time offer Daddy. And don't you think I won't get it back”

Gerald laughed. “I'll have my secretary mail the digital invites to you right away”

“Perfect. Have fun with your boring meeting”, she said and hung up.

Just then her mum walked into the living room.

“Darling, this or this?” she asked, holding up the pieces of jewelry. In her right hand was a simple pendant necklace with a heart shaped diamond designed with shiny little threads of silver criss- crossing the face. Her left hand had a fine gold torque necklace in its open box with matching earrings, bracelets and rings.

“Umm… I think I like the left better”

“Really?”, Her mother said, looking down at the open box in her hand. “I mean these are real diamonds. They are very expensive”

“The left fits your dress more”, Elara said, getting back to her make-up. The blush brush had pink powder on the top of it and Elara applied it effortlessly on her cheek bones.

“Purr…fect”, she said in a raspy kind of voice.

Just then, one of the maids entered into the living room with a fancy bag in her hands.

“Madam Elara, your dress has arrived”

“Oh great! Bring it over”, Elara said, looking at herself in the make-up mirror she held. The maid placed the dress beside her and waited long for Elara to dismiss which, by the way was a pretty long time.

Elara picked up the brick red coloured matte lipstick, running it over her lower lip.

“Time for the gloss”

That was when she noticed the maid.

“Yes?”, the disgusted look in her eyes.

“Ma'am the … I…”

“Yeah I see the dress. You can go. I don't need to tell you”

“Sorry ma'am”, the maid said, making her way out quietly.

“Hey you! Come here”, her mother suddenly called out to the maid.

“Are you dumb? Can't you see me with these?!”

“Oh I'm…”

“Oh shut up! Take these from my hand now!”

The maid obeyed, taking the jewelries shoved roughly into her hand.

“Take them to my walk in closet and leave them on the dresser table.”

“Yes ma'am”

The maid was about preceding to go when she called her right back. She drew the already frightful girl back, her well manicured fingers pulling at the the thin and light staff uniform.

“And nothing better go missing”

“Yes.. yes ma'am”

“Now get out”

The maid scurried out as quickly as she could and Mrs. Wilde watched her with a scorn on her face.

“Little pompous peasants”

“Mum!”, Elara exclaimed.

“What!”, she retorted sharply, making Elara swallow back her words.

“Let me see your dress”

Kate took out the neatly folded glittery red dress from the bag.

“You like, don't you?”, Ekara said, closing her makeup palette. She sprayed her face, mindful of her lash extensions so she wouldn't get them wet with the setting spray.

“It's an evening event Elara. There's too much glitter on it”

“That's the reason I have a second choice”, she said, getting to her feet.

“But that's for me to decide anyway, Mum. Lest I remember, we won't even be going anywhere if not for me”

“What are you doing with a suit?”

Even without the words, her mother's confused expression said it all.

“Oh that's for Alistair. That got that for him. He's supposed to have been back from work. I'll have that maid send it to him”

Kate just rolled her eyes. “It's a pity you have to be married to that dumb sock”

“Well, that's a mistake you both made”, she said, getting away from the mirror in her mind.

“Not mine”

She took the bag and gathered her make up stuff.

“Get dressed Mum. We are late”


And they were.

The driver had to park at the ‘extra space’ garage and there wasn't any space within the buildings premises. Kate Wilde and her daughter dropped off in front of the hotel.

“Oh you'll wait in the car”, Elara quickly said to Alistair.

“Just so you know where the driver's parked”

She faked a smile, walking away with her mother as they entered into the hotel building.

“Welcome to Dala Alvon Hotel and Suites.”, The receptionist welcomed with a kind smile.

“Reservations or fresh bookings?”

“We are here for the Voxx All Partners Meeting.”

“Right. Apologies if I came on as too strong. It's holding on the last floor of the building but the elevator only takes you to the penultimate floor. From there, you take the stairs”

“That’s alright. Where's the elevator?”, Kate asked, patting her hair.

“Right here to your left”

“Thank you”

Both women approached the elevator and stepped in as soon as the doors slid open. The elevator dropped them on the fourth floor and they came out just in front of the bottom of the short stairs.

Soon, they got to where the bouncers stood in front of the door.

“Your name and invite please”

“Mrs. Kate Wilde here and my daughter, Elara Wilde”

Elara showed them her invite.

“That's a couple's invite”

“Yeah, Alistair Bane is with me”

“And you ma'am.”

“My husband of course. Mr. Wilde”

The bouncer looked at the one with the list. “Valid. They are on the list”


Elara stepped forward to enter but they stopped her.

“We are going to have to wait for your plus one”

“Oh… right”, she said, her excitement suddenly deeming into an annoyed expression. She took her phone out of her purse. Embarrassment washed over her as other guests approached, seamlessly entering into the event while they looked on gatecrashers.

“Where's this boy?”, Her mother said in a low toned whisper to Elara.

“I'm trying … to call the I…”

Alistair just then, appeared at the stairs.

“About time Alistair”, she said, taking his hands forcefully as she encircled her arm around his. The bouncers stepped aside, and the doors slid open for them to enter. Flashes of photographers greeted them as they entered and Elara immediately disentangled her hands from Alistair.

“Oh ****, paparazzi”, she said to herself as she walked ahead of him. She tried to slow down so the cameras would get a good view of her slick, black, studded, body hug, knee length dress as she walked away from them. The small side gave her an almost perfect look as her stiletto heels matched perfectly, silver jewelry complimenting her outfit. Her mother too, stunning in a blue bou-bou, richly designed with blue pearls, walked slowly, swinging her ostrich feather hand scarf as she greeted some of her husband's partners.

Meanwhile, Alistair tried to get ahead of the people on the carpet. The flashing lights only added to his heightening anxiety and he feared that if he moved too fast, they'd be provoked to take more pictures of him. He finally got away from paparazzi but he regretted it too soon.

“Isn't that Alistair Bane?”

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