Chapter Five

The red bubbly liquid filled the tall tulip glass in his hand.

“Honey, have you seen this?!”, she said, walking into the living room rather more hastily than


“The Voxx Group is having their first annual gathering in twenty years.”, Mr. Wilde said,

sipping his chilled rose wine. “I'm aware”

“And? Aren't we attending?”

“Of course we are attending. But I have a business meeting today. It depends on when I finish”

“And you didn't think to tell me Gerald? You had invitations from over a week ago! And I'm just

finding out today about this event?”

“I've been occupied, Kate.”, He said in a cool tone, putting down his glass. “I'm busy”

“Plus, you sit all day with your phone. How come you weren't aware?”

“So? What has that got to do with this?”

Gerald Wilde placed the glass out again for the wine chef to fill. He sipped slowly like he hadn't heard a word she had just said. He waved a hand, dismissing the young chef.

“What do you want Kate?”, he asked, dropping the glass on the glass centre table.

“My stylist is going to be here in minutes with new dresses, shoes and a make up artist . Make sure you get the bill cleared”

She turned sharply, headed for the door.

“I told you I have a meeting. Whenever I'm done with the meeting, I decide we go. Besides, it's a couple event, so you dare not go alone”

 With that, he got up from the sofa and went into the bathroom. In minutes, he was out and dressed, ready for his business meeting. The doorman got the car and Kate Wilde viewed from the living room window with anger.

Just then, Elara ran into the living room, calling her.

“Mum! Mum! Look at this!”, she said, running with her device to where her mother stood.

“What is it dear?”

“Glocker Eran Michelle is going to be at the first Voxx meeting today! Isn’t that totally


“Who the hell is Glockeran Michelle, Elara?”

“What?! Please tell me you are joking. How do you not know who Glockeran Michelle is?!”

“I don’t have an idea of who you are talking about Elara. But maybe if you can pull a few strings on your father to let out the invites, you can meet whoever it is”

“Oh I’m going alright”, Elara said, busy on her phone.

“Don’t chide yourself darling. It’s a couples invite.”

“So?”, Elara asked, raising her head, one eyebrow up. “I said I’m going”

“With who? Sterling?”, her mother asked, sarcasm unmissed in her tone.

“Yes...?”, Elara said, returning the energy.

“Elara, you signed a betrothal contract. We signed you up to marry Alistair, thinking we will automatically get to the top of the Voxx Group. But the idiot disappointed us and didn’t become president. That withstanding, it still doesn’t give you the freedom to frolic around carelessly with whoever you chose, not to mention Voxx affiliates and partners. Reputation, my dear daughter, is costly, especially when you have all the money in the world but not so much power.”

“And your point?”, Elara asked in a bored, indifferent tone.

“You won’t go with Ethan Sterling if you are wise.”

Elara rolled her eyes, but Kate already had her daughter where she wanted her. Call her manipulative or a blackmailing expert, it was simply what she did to have her way.

“So what are you saying exactly?”

“Get your father out of that horrid meeting so we can go. You with Alistair and I, of course, with your father. Nobody is asking you to act like partners. He’s simply your ticket to the gala”, Kate said, rising from the sofa.

“Urgh! I wouldn’t be in this stupid marriage if you guys didn’t betroth me”, Elara said angrily, storming up the stairs with her phone.

“My stylist will be here any minute. Make it quick darling”.


Alistair looked at himself in the fancy royal blue suit. The coat of the suit gave a furry and expensive feel, probably the most expensive thing he’d wear in his life. Not even his graduation suit had been this expensive.

‘A Jordan White piece’, he read aloud from the branded pack it had come in. The shoes seemed to be from the same brand too and they matched perfectly with the colour of what he had on. He had to agree he looked sharp even if he didn't want to go for the event. And yes, it had everything to do with anxiety.

Since his parents died, he hadn't been as much as within a four mile radius from the company. Of course the whole world knew who his parents were. But did they know him? Was he going to be welcomed at his father's own empire or would they pin the cause of his parents death on him?

It was what he'd been told too. That he had been the cause. It was probably the reason he didn't live with the confidence of inheriting his parent's company because the guilt of the story still hung heavy on him. As he walked closer to the long mirror, he could feel the memories and emotions rushing him all at once. He wasn't even there yet and he was already getting feelings of childhood nostalgia.

He adjusted the wrist of his hand and just then, a knock came on the door.

“Sir, the car is ready sir”

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