Chapter 7

Alex took out his smartphone and pressed the fast call number 9.

“Good day, Mr. Leonhart. I am Julia, your First Royal Mastercard personal concierge. How may I assist you?”

“Do you know where I am right now?”

“Yes, your card has GPS. You are at Vancouver’s Noble Knight Club.”

“I want to become a member.”

“We are processing that now. You can use your Mastercard as the membership card,” Julia replied.

The glass door suddenly opened.

“Your membership has been approved. Do you need anything else, sir?”

“No, thank you.”

Alex put his smartphone in his pocket and walked into the club.

The guard hurriedly blocked his path.

“I think the system made an error. You cannot enter.”

“I am a member here,” Alex explained. “Why do you think the system let me in?”

The guard was confused but asked again, “Do you have a membership card? I want to check it. If you don’t have one, please leave.”

Alex took out his First Royal Mastercard.

The guard had never seen this kind of card before.

“Sir, I don’t think this is a membership card. You cannot enter.”

“Just scan it, or should I call your manager?”

The guard had a bad feeling since the card seemed so luxurious.

He was hesitant, not knowing what might happen, but when the manager came, it could turn ugly.

He chose to scan the card.

The scanner beeped and displayed the member's identity.

The guard was shocked.

He read

the identity, and his face turned pale.

Without hesitation, he quickly knelt.

“I am really sorry for not recognizing such a top member. Please forgive me.”

The guard was paralyzed with fear; he had just mocked the top member.

He might get fired, and his family of five would suffer.

“You saw nothing, understood?” Alex said.

“Yes, sir, I saw nothing.”

Tell me, where did the two girls go?”


Sophia and Lyra were warmly welcomed as they entered the club’s main hall.

They exchanged pleasantries until Lyra noticed the frightened guard guiding Alex into the hall.

Damn,” Lyra whispered to Sophia, “It seems like the guard wants to get in our good graces by letting him in. Shall I call the manager to chase him out?

“Let him be,” Sophia replied.

“You’re right, Chris will take care of him later,” Lyra said, and they pretended not to know Alex.

"Look! Chris has started his world rank competition online!"

Alex could see what seemed like a real virtual hologram: a man with a sword fighting a man with a spear.

The swordsman in the ring struck his opponent skillfully.

In just four movements, the spearman was cut in two, and the hologram destroyed.

“Chris wins the 1,467th Rank!”

The whole hall applauded.

“He is the best in Vancouver, pushing the 1,500 rank.”

“No one in Vancouver could pass this rank.”

“Yeah, from 10 billion people, he ranks more than 1,500.”

“He is rich, strong, and handsome.

Whoever marries him will be very happy!

Yeah, who wouldn’t be crazy about him?”

Sophia also felt happy for Chris.

Chris walked from a room with a special combat suit that could connect him to any opponent around the world.

He spotted Sophia and approached her with a smile.

"Sophia, Lyra, I’m glad you’re here."

Just then, Chris’s eyes fell on Alex.

"So that is the scum?"

“Yeah, the riffraff I told you about, Alex." Lyra sneered.

A muscle ticked in Chris’s jaw as he stared coldly at Alex.

How did this loser dare marry his sweetheart?

"I see, so you’re the leech. Divorce Sophia now while I am being kind to you."

“Why?” Alex coldly asked.

Isnt it obvious or are you too stupid to realize? You dont deserve her!”

Well, my opinion is just the opposite. I believe that, in every way, I am deserving of her.

Sophia’s eyes widened at Alexs shameless remark.

How naive! You don’t have any wealth that makes you fit for her.” Chris sneered.

“Believe me, you are poorer than me by at least a thousand times in terms of wealth.

Chris frowned and eyed Alex disdainfully.

Indeed, this was an ignorant fool with no shame.

"You know what, if you’re a man, join me for a bout."

Alex shook his head.

"I don’t play with children. People will say I’m a bully."

"BOO! Shame on you!"

Some of Chris’s fans were angry.

This coward doesnt dare!

"If you’re scared, just say it."

"Yeah, there is no need to deny it! Damn bastard."

"You are scared, aren’t you?" Chris mocked.

“Scared? Of you?” Alex laughed. “So cute of you.”

Chris’s eyes turned red with fury.

“A man can be destroyed but not insulted. If you dare, prove it then! Let’s fight there.

If you lose, I want you to divorce Sophia right now.” Chris added, revealing his final aim.

“What if I win?” Alex asked.

“You win?” Chris sneered disdainfully.

How could that be possible? He never considered that.

No one in Vancouver could beat him in virtual combat.

Meanwhile, a round of laughter erupted in the club.

"Oh my goodness! What shameless boasting and audacity!"

“Chris, teach that village boy some manners.”

“What do you want?” Chris scoffed.

“Do you have a house in Vancouver?

Put the biggest one up.

Alex looked at him expressionlessly and added, “Since you’re so eager to embarrass yourself, I’ll let you have your way.”

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