A taste of wealth

"Found me? What do you mean?" Mike asked, confused.

In a shaky voice, the old man responded, "Mike, I've been looking for you for years..."

"How do you know my name?" He instantly interrupted Matthew. 

"Wow, you have a striking resemblance with your father. I wish he was here to see you," He said, causing Mike to furrow his brows, 

“How do you know my father?” Mike inquired in shock causing the old man to sigh before responding,

“I'm your grandfather” 

"What? That's impossible." He paused, "But... But, I don't have any family members," Mike added, trying to process this new information.

As far as Mike knew, he grew up in an orphanage, and there were no records of any family or relatives. "For so long now, I've been looking for you..." Matthew paused and gestured for one of the men in suit to give him a file

"This is a brief file about you, Mike. I had a detective run some background check on you after we got news from St. Gabriel’s hospital about a patient with a rare blood type, and that's how I discovered you are truly the one." He added.

"So you're saying that we're related?" Mike asked, still confused

"Not just related, child, you're my grandson." He informed

"Grandpa…" Mike called. The word seemed strange coming out of his mouth, and suddenly, tears started streaming down from Matthew's eyes.

"How did you find me?" Mike asked as he tried taking it all in.

"It was not easy because the only hint we've had for so long is your blood type. You have a very rare blood type, Mike, and that's what led us to you," He said, but Mike still couldn't comprehend anything. Matthew sensed the confusion and sighed before continuing, 

"Child, we've searched hospital records for someone with AB negative blood type online, but we found none; it's been difficult these past years, but earlier today, St. Gabriel's hospital sent out word." He took one step closer to Mike and smiled warmly.

"They needed someone who could serve as a blood donor for you, and that was how we found you," Matthew explained.

Mike shook his head, saying, "But the orphanage said I was abandoned, and I have no family or relatives." 

Matthew sighed and gently held Mike's face. "You now know that we're family," He muttered.

Mike's mind was clouded with thoughts of his father and mother and how he was abandoned.

"I don't get it! Why is everything happening all of a sudden?" He paused and looked down at his worn-out scandals. 

"If... If I am so special like you say, then why did my parents abandon me? Why was I left in the streets for the orphanage to pick?" He asked in a low voice 

"How is it that they knew nothing about my family?" He asked, sounding more audible. Matthew placed his hand on Mike's forehead.

"Son, I know you have a lot of questions to ask and I promise to answer them when you've been discharged," He said, causing Mike to slowly nod his head.

Matthew sat beside Mike's bed and gestured for the men standing in the room to move outside. "Not you, Paul!" He said, asking Paul to wait behind. The rest of the men walked out of the room and stood by the door; Paul wasn't one of them; he was Matthew's butler.

"Sir, you need some rest. I can see that you're tired," Paul said, watching the old man stare at Mike with teary eyes

"Paul, you don't understand what this means for me. I want to stay awake and watch him. I've been sleeping comfortably all these years while my grandson sleeps uncomfortably in any place he could call shelter." Matthew said in a low voice. Paul sighed and slowly nodded his head before saying,

"Okay, sir."

Throughout the night, Matthew made sure that he was checking up on Mike and soon it was morning.

Mike slowly opened his eyes and caught sight of Matthew in the same position he was in last night.

"Child, you're awake," Matthew said, sounding tired.

Knock! Knock!

The knock caught their attention even before Mike could respond to his grandfather.

The knock on the door shook Paul because it was still very early. He stood to check who it was. "Good morning, Doctor Bryan." He greeted

"Good morning, sir." Dr. Bryan responded as he walked into the room. He caught sight of Matthew, looking tired with swollen eyes.

"Good morning, Mr. Duncan." He greeted Matthew with the utmost respect

"Good morning Dr," Matthew said and yawned.

Without wasting time, the Doctor moved closer to Mike and asked, "How are you feeling this morning?" He pointed a penlight into his eyes, checking for any injury or illness by seeing how his pupils responded to light.

"I'm feeling much better, Dr," Mike responded, causing the Doctor to nod before checking Mike's head injury. 

He smiled warmly and turned to Matthew; seeing that he was tired, he said, "He can be discharged today, sir; the injury in his head can be left at home to heal." Matthew smiled in relief as the doctor exited the room, and Paul went along with him, leaving Matthew alone with his grandson

"Son, I'm glad that you can finally come home to where you belong. I'll make sure to get the best doctors to tend to you at home," He informed causing Mike to smile faintly,

"Thank you..." Mike growled as he stretched in bed. In a few minutes, Paul walked back into the room. He whispered into the old man's ear,

"Child, we can leave now," He said and helped Mike up from the bed. They exited the hospital and walked outside to see a long black Lincoln limousine

Mike was overwhelmed; he had never seen a luxurious car like this before, let alone imagined that he was being picked up by one. 

Paul stood by the door of the car and said, "Sir, the car is ready. " 

Mike turned to Matthew in awe and asked, "Is this a real Lincoln? " Matthew chuckled softly, amused by Mike's innocence, and responded, 

"The Duncan family only uses the best.” Mike got into the car with Matthew and examined the leather upholstery. The luxurious interior instantly fascinated him.

"Do you like it?" Matthew suddenly asked, causing Mike to nod his head, smiling warmly

"The car is yours now." He said.

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