Chapter 8

“Hah! And so what? It still doesn't change the fact that you're stealing!” Leya turned to her manager. “Ma'am, I think we still need to check him to guarantee things. After all, our management does not tolerate stealing, right?”

“Yeah right! Check him once more and punish him if needed!”

“True! I bet he's not a real researcher! He still stole something!”

“Beggars these days are known for their tricks!”

The manager was slightly convinced by the peoples temperament. 

She looked at Isidore and started to talk. 

“You heard them. If you haven't stolen anything, then justice will be served upon you and the management will be asking for your forgiveness. However the contrary we find, you will pay for the damages and chaos you caused,” the manager said and turned to the security. 

“Check everything on his body and the CCTV footage,” the manager continued.

The security nod and started to check his body without his permission. 

He was slightly annoyed by their harassment. 

“Stop! Don't touch me!” dissention is evident on his face. 

The manager curled her brows for Isidore's disobedience. 

“This is clearly an harassment! I did not gave you the consent to touch me!” Isidore continued to defend. 

The manager was annoyed by Isidore's words. Her eyes shot up and and brows raised. Anger is plastered on her face. 

Leya smirked upon seeing her manager's rage. She knew Isidore will be doomed for his stupidity and senseless actions. 

“You worthless trash! Did I ask for your opinion, huh?! I never ask for your opinion! I gave you reconsideration but you provoked me to my limits!” The manager went to Isidore and stiffly pointed her fingers at him. “If you won't cooperate, I will drag you out in this store and show everyone how filthy you are and your kind!”

“Yeah. And your sister will be too ashamed to live because of her brother's stupidity. But isn't living your life that way already shameful? Hah! Ungrateful filthy siblings!” Leya smirked as she said those words with derision.

Isidore clenched his fist. He stared at the two lady in front of him as his hatred rose in his core. He can be calmed and accept all the mockery and humiliation about him but not his sister! 

No one must humiliate his sister in front of him!

“I am Isidore Medici. I do not accept this unjust investigation but rather I am willing to pay the damages I cause if there is one.”

The manager scoffed, so did Leya.

“What now? Are you trying to show-off again? What more do you have in your sleeves? Buying worth one-hundred thousand chocolates to prove your lying ass?” The Manager raised her brow, voice low and full of mockery.

They were already taking too much attention in these chaos. The Manager will be doomed if this will still continue.

Truth be told, she is only a junior. The Senior Manager is yet to arrive. 

If she will arrive in the middle of this mess, surely all of them will face a heavy punishment. 

Isidore smirked upon hearing her words. 'Actually, that is what I am going to do,' his mind thought.

“Why? Haven't you witnessed someone purchasing one-hundred thousand worth of chocolates?” Isidore asked, his voice playing with suppressed mockery too.

“What did you say?” Leya's voice was full of annoyance. “Are you trying to say you'll purchase one hundred thousand worth of chocolates?” She scorn. “Aren't you trying so hard, asshole?”

“Why? Can't I do that?” Isidore utter, slightly smirking.

The Manager laughed in a condescending manner. “You are so funny. If you could do that, then I will bet my boyfriend's bank account and quit my job! But of course you could not do that because you are just nothing but a worthless thief.” 

Leya smirked. “Me too! I would quit this job and clean every restroom in this mall without using gloves!” 

Everyone joined the derision.

“One-hundred thousand, in your butt!”

“If so, then I would bet my new car too!”

The crowds were humiliating him once more, laughing altogether. He became a laughingstock but he wasn't hurt since this is his plan all along.

'Mission time!' he said to himself.

He smirked. “Hmm. How about this? If I purchase one-hundred thousand worth of chocolates, you, you and the two of you...” He pointed to the Manager, Leya, and to the two Security. “Will kneel and kiss my feet ten times.”

The manager's face darkened upon hearing his words. She gritted her teeth. “Do you seriously think you are worthy enough? You are nothing compared to me. I am the Manager here!”

“Why? Do you honestly think there is much difference between our gap? You are just a manager. A low ranking manager at that,” Isidore said with clear emphasized words. 

“You asshole,” Leya utter in anger.

He didn't turn to her but fought eye to eye contact with the Manager.

The manager exploded as soon as she saw Isidore's serious yet mocking face. She couldn't believe she was insulted by a mere thief in front of many people! 

What is worst was that this is her workplace! This is where she rule! Everyone knew her for being savage and strict! And now some peasant is trying to get to her nerves!

She gritted her teeth. “You will pay for this. If you failed to purchase one hundred thousand today, I will put you in jail forever! And your sister will be my slave!”

Isidore shrugged. “Okay. But if I could pay today, don't forget about your bets and kissing my feet.”

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