Chapter 7

Everyone turned to the man who utter the words. 

It was no other than Jameson Roy!

Mr. Jameson laughed sarcastically. “I mean, who would even dare to check or worst touch your dirty butt? Not even Doctors would try to do so.” Isidore clenched his fist after hearing his hypocritical logic.  

'This asshole is here again,' Isidore thought to himself.

The lady, named Leya, was suddenly satisfied upon hearing Mr. Jameson's words. She sweetly smiled to Mr. Jameson and asked with her puppy eyes. “Did you know him, sir?”

Jameson scoff. “My Hospital shunned him and his sister for trying to scam us. Good for them though, they deserved it. His sister was ill and I suggest to not touch him since I believe their illness runs through their bloodline.”

The security suddenly withdrew from touching him and they scurry away for fear. 

Everyone gasped upon hearing a twisted revelation. Twisted because none of it was true from what really happened. Jameson Roy, a cunning man he is.

“I shouldn't be wasting my time to you. I'll be having a rough night with your wife tonight, I must prepare for her since you were always a useless husband.”Jameson teased Isidore more that made his blood boil to his core. 

He calmed. Because he knew his temperament would only lead him to lose.

It was just hours ago since his wife confessed she cheated on him. The betrayal was still fresh, his anger was still fresh yet another pile of anger is now added.

Jameson left with his sarcastic laugh and went to the line to pay for his groceries. When an old woman was standing on his way he pushed the old woman to the side forcefully. “Go away, old woman! You're filthy like Isidore!” 

The poor grandmother was coughing hard when she was tossed aside.

Isidore couldn't help but clenched and grit his teeth as he witnessed how hypocrite to his job Jameson Roy is. For pete's sake! That old woman was already weak and sick!

Isidore went to the old woman and helped her to stand up. 

The old woman weakly held his hand as she stood. “Thank you, dear,” she said in her dry voice. 

“You have a very dry cough, ma'am. Some herbal medicines can cure that in due time.” Isidore advised the weaken grandmother and gave her his calling card. “I am a researcher. Here is my calling number so you can contact me for herbal medicines. It's free of charge.”

The old lady accepted his calling card and nod to him. “Thank you, son. I appreciate this.”

He smiled to her but was interrupted by a cunning voice again. 

“Hah! Now look at him trying to scam the poor old lady!”

No one even dared to help him to assist the old woman yet Leya is still atrocious enough to accuse him again.

“How bold of him to do that in front of everyone! Though I know that old lady doesn't have money to be scam with, but how dare him abuse the poor!” Another humiliation coming from the crowd was heard. 

“Yeah! Call the police! He needs to be jailed!”

“Jail isn't even enough for someone like him!”

Everyone protested and agreed to each other's voices. 

He heave a sigh and turned around to face the Manager and Leya. He took his ID card from his pocket and showed it to everyone.

“I am a Researcher in Herbal Medicine. Grandmother here is sick, and I am just helping her with free of charge. You can contact me too if you need help,” he defended himself with his calm and kind composure. 

He could be arrogant right now if he want to, but he chose to convince everyone about his pure intentions.

The grandmother smiled at him.

“Liar!” another man shouted from the crowd.

“Hah!” Leya smirked. “Like as if anyone here is willing to receive your cheap treatment. Who would use herbal medicine these days anyway? Unlike the old woman, we're not old school!” Leya scorned. 

Everyone laughed in unison with derision.

“Herbal medicine is not old school. It is actually one of the ingredients we put in our modern medicines and most of them are effective,” Isidore defended himself from the ridicule. 

Leya raised her brows. “Whatever! Don't be so full of yourself! I bet you can name herbs and their functions, huh?! How about you name herbal medicine that could ease the old woman's cough? Oh I bet you couldn't because you were a scam!”

“Lagundi leaves and ginger.” 

“What?” Leya was taken aback. 

“You can boil Lagundi leaves for 15-20 minutes and you can drink the liquid with ginger good for 24 hours and your cough will ease,” Isidore answered seriously. 

Leya couldn't believe Isidore really answered some bullshit. 

She scoffed. “You really think I will believe that, asshole? Your voice so serious that I would probably consider herbal medicine for cancer!” she laughed and so everyone.

“Trifolium pratense.”

Leya stopped and gazed at him with her brows curling. 

“It's a latin word for a certain herb. It has many benefits one of which is used in combination for chemotherapy for certain cancers,” Isidore answered again. 

A pause was heard between the crowd. Leya laughed awkwardly but interrupted by Isidore's words again.

“I won't tell the name, you wouldn't know it anyway. Search for your own,” Isidore continued.

She couldn't talk after what Isidore have said. She bit her lips out of frustration and annoyance. Her pride was hurt. It is true she do not know anything about medicine how much more about herbs!

She's illiterate, stupid, lazy sales lady who randomly accused anyone who she believe is more inferior than her. She's insecure because of her stupidity and for not being able to enter a University!

“Arrogant rat,” she hissed. 

“It's true! Trifolium pratense can have so much benefits! This is cited by Dr. Harold Leyton, the famous professor of Carreon University!”

Everyone gasped upon hearing those words.

They turned to the man who was scrolling through his phone for more informations. 

Everyone looked through their phones and gaped at what they learned! Because not only Dr. Harold Leyton is a famous professor but also Carreon University was known for its maintaining their rank as a Top 1 University in the whole country and Top 2 all over the world!

Leya hardly bit her lip out from frustration that it blood could be seen later. She couldn't accept that the worthless man infront of her was actually telling them this information!

She felt the urge to change the topic or else she will be deemed to humiliation instead!

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