Medici Return: The Ancient Healer
Medici Return: The Ancient Healer
Chapter 1

The sound of the ambulance that keeps coming was the reason why outside of the hospital was full of fuss. 

There were dying and injured individuals pushed by the paramedics towards the entrance. Families are weeping and crying. Everyone was in their own state of emotion. 

While there in the corner, beside the huge concrete pillar, stands a man who was persistently trying to call his wife. Biting his nails in a nervous manner, Isidore Medici almost wept when the last call was still rejected. 

'Please just fifty thousand!' he cried like his wife could hear his mind. 

When no response was initiated, throwing away shame and heavily carrying the last of his dignity, Isidore ran back inside the Hospital. He has come into resort of begging to the head of the cardiology department. 

He was in a desperate state just so her sister could have the scheduled operation today. 

“I promise I'll pay the needed amount. Just please...please have my sister undergo the operation while I gather the money.” His palm rubbing together, pleading to the head doctor.

“My wife was away for a business trip. She wasn't answering my calls but I assure you, she'll lend me some finances for the operation.”

The head of the cardiology department will be the leading surgeon for the operation. But it won't be approved if the hospital bill will not be paid today. Thus, making Isidore begging, pleading...making him more desperate.

Especially when the head of the department was the shameless doctor who was persistently courting his wife. 

The doctor laughed slightly out of mockery. “You are so pathetic, really. How will you even gather fifty thousand dollars on your own? Wipe everyone's butt? Clean toilets? Oh oh... I think I know. How about you lick my shoes? Perhaps I'll tell the superiors to reduce it to thirty thousand. You do know my family has the reputation, right?”

“Dr. Jameson, please? I'm begging you. I am not here for jokes.”

“Hah! And do you think I'm joking? Do you think you do not belong to any of these low jobs, huh? You are nothing but the worthless pathetic husband of my beloved Julia. How could you even marry her, you shit?”Jameson sneered in disdain. 

Julia White was the famous hot and sexy goddess during their university days. Thus Jameson was so frustrated when she married the loser Isidore.

Isidore clenched his fists tightly. 

If it wasn't for his sister, he would have left the hospital an hour ago. However, the urgency of the operation needs to be done by today. 

If not, his sister would suffer great damage and pain or worse, die. “Please? I'm begging you, Doctor. I'm not here for fights. I just want my sister to be operated on. I promise, my wife will cover for me.”

Seeing Isidore pleading, Jameson came up with an idea to tease and push Isidore to his fall. Jameson smiled cunningly and dialed the number of Julia. 

“Isidore, did you know that Julia got home from a business trip last night? And that we slept together in the luxurious Grande Hotel?”

“What?” Isidore does not want to doubt his wife despite the clear indifference she has towards him.

Jameson chuckled as he picked up his phone to make a call. “Poor you. You didn't know the reason why she's not answering your call is that she's preparing the divorce papers.”

“Are you accusing my wife of cheating?” Isidore aggressively burrowed his brows.

Before Jameson could answer Isidore, the other line whom he's trying to call, answered the phone. “Hello, baby!” The sweet voice of a woman greeted Jameson energetically. 

“Hi baby! Where are you?Are you getting ready for our date later?”

“Of course I'm getting ready! I'm here in our hotel room. I'm wearing a dress so you could rip it off easily after our date. Don't forget the time, okay? I love you.”

Jameson licked his lips, lust filled over him like joy. “Okay baby, I love you.” 

Isidore listened to them in daze. 

Completely shocked and in disbelief. 

He had never felt this kind of betrayal before. 

He couldn't be wrong. 

That voice belongs to his wife Julia White!

Jameson mockingly returned his gaze to Isidore. “Did you hear that, loser? Hmmm later on, I'll be tasting your sweet wife Julia White,” he said while maniacally smelling his fingers. 

“Now now...why don't you just sell your organs to come up with the amount needed for your sister's operation? But then … I wonder if anyone is willing to buy a stinky organ from a low–life refugee like you. Hahaha!”

Jameson’s laughter was like a fierce stab in Isidore’s heart. 

Isidore shook his head in disbelief. He was even more disturbed by what Jameson had suggested. 

After all, Jameson’s suggestion of trading one’s organs was illegal.

With his heart racing, he turned around and left the mocking Jameson Roy's office, heading towards his sister's ward without looking back. He knows his temperament was useless and that Jameson was only giving him false hope. 

But when he arrived at the ward, his eyes widened when he found another patient lying on his sister's bed.

“Wha...what happened here?! Where's my sister?!”

“S-She was kicked out a while ago because she failed to pay the medical bills,” a kind dying patient answered him.

Isidore was shocked. His eyes widened. His mouth agape. His heart frantically beating. 

He rushed to find his sister and checked every corner. He was so lost and worried that he fell down the stairs and cut his arm. The cut bleeds but no pain could take his anxious heart.

When he reached the hall, someone screamed that a girl just jumped off from the building. He ran towards the murmuring crowds with his blood dripping. Only to be shattered from what he saw. 

His frail sister was lying in her own pool of blood. Bones seen and body twitched from the fall. 

Isidore screamed a desperate roar and ran towards her dying sister whose breath was weak. He grasped her in his arms and called nurses and doctors to help.

“Help! Please help!” His tears couldn't be suppressed anymore as he pleaded. 

Doctors and Nurses rushed towards the scene to aid but was stopped by a menacing voice.

“Help them and all of you will be fired!”

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