chapter eight

Jenna draw Emma into the room and locked the door. " Don't tell me you left James Bennett for Mark Nelson. Are you nut!" Jenna shouted at Emma who was still not getting what was going on. " I knew something was different about him. I told you I saw how I met a man bowing to him just outside your home." She said again trying to remember what she had seen.

" It can't be? Did James play a trick on me?" Emma looked at Jenna

" Played a trick on you? You are kidding right? You had the Bennet inside your home all this while and you don't know who he is? I have always thought you were smart but this.." Jenna shook her head. " Don't disrespect me because it was obvious you don't like James too. I saw the way you treated him at the party the last time." Emma shot Jenna a hot look

" Well, I a not the one getting married to the second richest man in the country. But come to think of it, you would have become the most prominent woman in the city. No one would ever dare cross path with you" Jenna said looking at Emma

" What do I do?" Emma said grabbing Danny's hand

" What do you mean? You are getting married to Mark Nelson. Are you going to leave him at the altar and just tel everyone Yiu are James's wife? You do remember you have him divorced already." Danny looked at her

" Do you think I don't know that? I need solution not you telling me my mistakes." Emma looked at Jenna

The door was opened slightly and James walked in with Mark. " What happened? You left me at the altar without you saying a word. Don't tell me you don't want me anymore?" Mark asked looking at Emma and then back at Danny who was her bridesmaids.

" I think I am going to take the exit." Jenna bowed looking at James who was now a complete different person before her.

Emma was visibly sweating even with the air conditioners on. She stole a few glance at James and wondered if he was the James that she got married too or it was just someone who looked exactly like him. " The guest and my father is waiting for us all. I can't believe you would just leave me there all by myself. If you need to rest alittle, I can just go out there and .."

" Who is he?" Emma pointed her fingers at James who stood still looking at the two couples. " Ah! I wanted to introduce you but then I couldn't find you. That is Mr James Bennett. The eldest son of Richard Bennett. He couldn't make it so he sent his son instead." Mark replied and Emma felt her leg weakened.

She grabbed a chair making Mark more worried. " Are you alright?" he asked again

" She will be fine. I think she need a few time adjusting to the news." James said with a smile on his face as he looked around the room. " What news? What is he talking about,Emma? Do you know James?" Mark asked again

" Can you give us the room?" Emma looked at Mark

" Give you the room? You are going to be my wife and you want to be alone in a room with him." Mark paused and saw the look on Emma's face. " okay, fine but you need to be fast. I don't want father thinking I am not capable enough to lead a decent life." He said gently bringing out his handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. He kept thinking who James really was as he walked out of the room closing the door behind them

The tension was palpable as both James and Emma stared at each other. Suddenly, Emma fell to her feet " I know I have wronged you,James. I am sorry, this is all my mother's fault, she made me do it." Emma pleaded

James laughed and looked at Emma " Your mother,huh? Was it your mother that asked you to divorce me? You.. you..I gave you everything. My heart, my hard earned money and all you could do was betray me and get married to Mark. I had always thought you loved me but then things began to get clearer. You don't love me, you wanted a man who would afford your lavish life style." James said looking at Emma

" I loved you but I can see you don't. Why would you hide the fact that you are a Bennett. What point were you trying to proof?" Emma asked getting to her feet. " I can see you have finally lost it. Are you trying to pin this on me? Typical Emma, always trying to look for a way out of her mess." James said with disdain in her voice.

Emma walked stylishly towards James and kissed him passionately. James didn't resist but simply kissed her back. The two disengaged and Emma smiled, " Does that mean you have forgiven me? Can we just cancel the marriage and get married properly. I remembered the last wedding wasn't something of note." Emma smiled

" What makes you think I have forgiven you?" James said with his lips curved

" We just kissed right now, are you telling me you didn't feel anything?" Emma asked

" You kissed mw, I don't have a choice." James defended. " Anyways, I brought you your wedding gift." James said bringing out a parcel. " This is for you." He said slowly and walked out of the room. Mark looked at his expression and down to his lips. He saw his lips were having a woman's gloss on them and he quickly ran back inside the room. " Did you kiss him! Did you kiss, James Bennett, you witch!" He shouted at her

" You will keep your voice low if you don't want me to stand you up!" Emma looked at Mark

The two went back to the wedding and hall to continue with the wedding saga. James stood on the podium and looked at everyone of them. He congratulated the bride and the groom. " I am not here to congratulate the couples but I am here to pick a wife for myself too." James said looking at the multitude of crowd before him. He knew many men would want thier daughters to be his wife but James was going to have his revenge against everyone that had messed with him and he didn't mind marrying his enemy even if it meant getting back at them.

Emma's heart nearly caved in hearing that James wanted to pick a bride. Her eyes darted through the crowd as she saw alot of ladies trying to gain James attention. But what she heard made her face pale, it almost looked like she heard him wrongly. For a moment, the atmosphere was hot as she blew air to herself with her hands. " Jenna parker, please come forward." James voice said cutting through the thick tension

Chapter nine

Jenna parker sat down in the midst of the crowd and didn't believe her ears. " Did he just called out to me? Did he just mentioned my name? it can't be? I must be going mad." She said to herself. Bruce Parker looked at his daughter as wondered how she had managed to captivate the heart of James Bennett when no one knew who he was. " Is that you, Jenna. Did he just called your name?" Bruce looked at his spoilt daughter

Jenna had always had fun with alot of men and she didn't care about her family image. Bruce had fought with Cassandra each time whe Jenna comes home drunk or another article was relewsed about thier family. Jenna looked at her mother, " It can't be me. I am. sure it is not me." She replied and smiled

The crowd murmured and wondered why Jenna was not getting up to her feet. Victor was quite lost and wondered why James would want to date Emma's best friend after what she did at the party to him. He didn't understand what was going on and he was lost. He looked towards the Parkers family and noticed they were equally surprised by James words. The atmosphere was tensed as Victor looked back at the podium James was standing on. " What are you thinking, James Bennett?" He said slowly

James got down from the podium as many of the ladies who bare the surname parker were all staring at them trying to capture his gaze but James knew what he was doing. He said nothing but kept walking making the wedding room more tensed. The camera shutters followed him as he took every step leading to Jenna. Emma couldn't believe her eyes. Her worst nightmare was about to materialise right in front of her.

Emma had always looked down on Jenaa, her family were below class and she was more richer than Jenna but with James asking for her hand in marriage then it changes everything. She would have to take orders from her and have to bowtonher each time she walked past her.

Emma felt a pang of fear and she walked away from Mark side following behind James. " What are you doing?" Mark said slowly trying to stop her. Thomas Nelson frowned seeing what was going on. James Bennett had managed to capture the show on his first day being introduced back into the society as the son of the popular Richard Benett.

He got to Jenna parker's front and smiled. " Jenna Parker, would you do me the honor of being my fiance?" he asked with the sound of the cameras flickering at the both of them.

Emma got to James side and looked at Jenna. There was a loud whisper and murmur as the people were lost and wondered why Emma would ran after James.

" Can you please help me tell your friend to marry me?" James looked back at Emma making it more difficult for her. The tension was even more palatable when Jenna couldn't decide and didn't understand what was going on but one thing was clear to her. She would do anything to be at the top of the food chain. She wants to be a predator and not a prey. Jenna looked at Emma one last time and looked at James. " I will marry you, James Benett." She said and everyone stood up clapping for the both of them. James took her by the waist and kissed her making alot of people laugh.

The wedding continued as Emma and Mark were finally wedded. It was a day to remember as many of New York citizen graced the occasion and may brought gifts and money for the couples. But throughout the day, Emma's gaze couldn't leave James and Jenna as they giggled each time with camera sounds flashing at them. She knew the news and headline would be about James, the son of the most wealthiest man in the city of New York. Emma but her lower lips as she looked at her parents who were equally surprised to see what was going on.

The wedding came to an end with the couples being led to thier new home.


The city of New York buzzle about the arrival of James Bennett, the son of the most richest man in the city. Many who haven't seen the face of James wanted to know who he was and not to mention that he was now engaged to Jenna parker.

Many of the citizens know who the parkers were. They were the least on the social ladder in the society. They couldn't stop wondering why James would want to date a woman of a low status.

" What are you thinking,James Benett?" Victor shouted at him.

" Have you forgotten what she did to you? I can't believe you would forget that already. She humiliated you, remember?" Victor snapped at him

" Yeah, she did and now I am going to pay her back in her own coin. Did you think I honestly forget about it?" James looked at Victor. " You should have seen the look on her face when I asked her to marry me. I was sure she wasn't expecting that." James said with a wired look on his face

" Ah, that reminds me. I need to get Mrs Harris away from that house. she had been nothing but kind to me. I am going to repay the favour and you are going to help me exact my revenge." James looked at Victor

" What do I need to do and what is your plan?" Victor asked looking at James. "First, I am going to make the Smith know what real powers is. I will make them wish they never cross part with me." James said with his blood boiling

" And Jenna? what is your plan, what are you going to do with her?"

" Well, she made me into a laughing stock and I am going to do exactly that. I will make sure no man would ever want her hand in marriage and make her a laughing stock in the whole city of New York but first I need to play along and make her and Emma hate themselves. It is time to see how much those two love themselves." James grinned looking at Victor

" Have you always been like this or the Smith had you changed over the few years of staying with them?"

" If you have seen and have passed through what I have, then you would see the reason why I had to become this way. But first I am going to deal with Robert Smith. The contract he wants with my father means alot to him. Let's start first by terminating it."

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