Chapter 002 – Getting Surprised Instead


“Hehehehe. Do you know, I learned from a very trusted source last night that a powerful, erudite, and prominent Grandmaster is coming to our city today.”

“Huh? A powerful, erudite, and prominent Grandmaster?”

“You—you hadn’t heard the news?”

“Seems so.”

"Ugh! Whatever. According to the news, the prime minister, all the First-rank family leaders, and other major figures in our city have been at the airport since last night, waiting to welcome this god disguised as a man."

“Huh- Wow!”


“Are they talking about me?”

Xavier, who had just entered the city and was appreciating the massive changes around him abruptly mumbled as he came to a stop, staring at the two men in suits walking before him.

He frowned intently the following second before subconsciously looking at the crowded walkway opposite him, which contained people going to work.

Xavier quickly joined and blended into the crowd to listen to their chatter and as it turned out, everyone was animatedly discussing the same topic: the arrival of an Erudite, powerful, and distinguished Grandmaster, a god of war, and a highly esteemed figure, as they call it, coming to the city.

The more Xavier heard the crowd’s gossip, the more astounded he became before he eventually did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“Didn’t I warn those guys that I just wanted to live a low-key life?” he wondered speechlessly before sighing helplessly as he imagined how his seemingly low key life would have been ruined even before it began if he had let himself be dropped off at the airport.

Xavier instantly felt a cold shiver run down his spine as the image of himself being knelt to by all the various leaders of the city crossed his mind. He swallowed hard and quickly shook his head.

“Fortunately for me, I’m smart enough to change the route,” he mumbled as he swallowed hard, and with that, decided to stop sightseeing the city that had changed so much in the past five years, almost appearing strange to him.

“Time to go see my woman,” he abruptly muttered and his eyes brightened so much in the following second before his breathing quickened with pure joy.

“Five years isn’t easy at all!” he sighed heavily with a nostalgic tone, momentarily losing his composure—something he had rarely done in the past five years.

Unable to wait any longer, Xavier hailed a taxi and got in. A little over thirty minutes later, he arrived at his destination and got out, then looking at the house that had barely changed in the past five years, his eyes grew bloodshot.

This was the house he had bought for himself and his fiancée five years ago, which they would move into after their marriage.

Xavier clenched his fists once again, adding all strength and causing them to crackle hard.

Five years ago, he was just an ordinary young man from a humble family who managed to labor hard and work his way into a middle-class financial position.

Although not big, he managed to start his own company and buy a house on a mortgage, while also owning a small car.

That was almost all of Xavier’s dreams back then and just as he was about to achieve the last, by marrying the woman of his dreams, everything was changed by an unforeseen incident that led him to jail.

Recalling all this, Xavier failed to handle the drop of tears that fell from his eyes.

He sighed heavily, then with his eyes having turned red from his contrasting emotions, pushed open the door he had yearned to walk through for the past five and walked into the villa.

It was still pretty much the same except for some little changes here and there.

Xavier’s heart couldn’t help but melt at this, at how his fiancée was still taking care of the villa and making sure he would meet it as he had left it.

‘It shows that she still loves and cares about me,’ he thought and the massive love he initially felt for Jennifer increased by several folds.

Perhaps all the powerful jade beauties, numbering in the hundreds, who had always envied the woman who had captured Xavier’s heart, would immediately commit suicide if they were to know that such a simple thing as taking care of a house would deeply touch the godly entity’s heart and cause his love to grow exponentially.

Unaware of this, Xavier, unable to contain his anticipation to see the face he had been longing for and imagining days and nights for the past five years, quickened his pace and began searching for his wife, eager to surprise her with his return.

“Could she be in our room?” he mumbled to himself after failing to find Jennifer anywhere else in the small villa and once Xavier muttered this, he wasted no time and quickly made his way to the master bedroom.

As he reached the door, his heart began to pound wildly with nervousness.

Right now, he was no longer the scary entity known as Master Xavier. Instead, he was just a weak young man who was going to die from nervousness and goosebumps.

Many imaginations quickly surge through Xavier’s head in the span of seconds before finally, he pushed open the door that felt heavy.

“Surprise!!!” he announced loudly, his voice filled to the brim with unhidden joy, but in the following second, his voice hung and his face became stiff.

Right on the massive bed before him, the matrimonial bed he had bought five years ago to be used by himself and his fiancée after they got married, two naked bodies were tightly entangled with each other, and they both seemed to be having their climax.

Xavier’s heart and body froze in an instant.

He couldn’t react nor do anything, feeling as though he were dreaming, and following this, his eyes widened in shock, and his jaw nearly dropped to the ground from disbelief.

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