The next day, Morgan woke up earlier than usual. As soon as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Lyndsey's sleeping face.

It was a new sight for him considering that during their marriage, he usually slept secretly in the guest room if not known by his father-in-law, and sometimes if he had to sleep in the room, he would sleep on the sofa instead of being in the same bed as Lyndsey.

Morgan gazed at Lyndsey for a moment, recalling her attitude the night before, it seemed like their relationship could improve.

He reached out to touch Lyndsey's black hair and murmured, "I'll help you deal with last night's issues."

With a thin smile on his lips, Morgan got out of bed, went to the bathroom to freshen up. Even after almost half an hour in the bathroom, Lyndsey was still sound asleep.

Morgan went to the balcony to contact someone.

Once the phone call connected, the excited voice on the other end echoed, "Young Master, you've contacted me again, this is truly a blessing."

Morgan li
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