The Mysterious Morgan Johnson
The Mysterious Morgan Johnson
Author: Shuyu Bee

Lyndsey stumbled in the hotel lobby, her legs trembling and her steps unsteady. Excessive alcohol had made her lose control of herself. In her confusion, she attempted to steady herself, but only managed to fall to the ground with a thud.

Morgan quickly approached her, trying to prevent Lyndsey from falling again.

"Lyndsey, let me help you," Morgan said.

But Lyndsey roughly pushed Morgan's hand away, grumbling in a slurred voice, "I'm fine on my own, Morgan! I don't need your help."

Morgan was accustomed to Lyndsey's rejections, but he also knew he couldn't let Lyndsey lie sprawled in the hotel lobby like this. Not only were hotel staff still milling about, but there were also many wedding guests coming and going.

Though irritated by Lyndsey's words, Morgan remained composed, though his anger showed on his face. They were out of town for Lyndsey's cousin's wedding, and with many wedding guests staying at this hotel, it wouldn't be amusing if he were caught by them neglecting his wife in the lobby, would it? So, he restrained himself.

Watching Lyndsey sway again and fall to the floor, even scolding the floor, Morgan furrowed his brow with a hint of mockery. He didn't expect that the woman who was usually firm and proud would have moments of losing control and appearing ridiculous.

With a tired sigh, Morgan approached Lyndsey again and tried to help her stand.

Yet, once more, Lyndsey shouted her rejection, not hesitating to insult and drive Morgan away harshly. "Get out of here, Morgan! I don't want to see your disgusting face again!"

This time, Morgan didn't back away; he held the woman's hand, helping her stand.

"I told you I can manage on my own, I'm not worthless like you who can't do anything!" Lyndsey shouted her hatred again, making several pairs of eyes peek in their direction.

Certainly, the way those people looked at Morgan held hidden meanings, some slight mockery though some felt sympathetic too.

Morgan was clearly accustomed to hearing Lyndsey's insults, but he still felt angry and ashamed, his dignity as a man torn. Especially this time, Lyndsey uttered such words in public.

"Let go of me!" Lyndsey exclaimed again, unaware of the rage in Morgan's eyes.

With great strength, as a former soldier in the secret service, it was not difficult for him to lift the small frame of a woman.

Lyndsey felt her world spin for a moment, and once she felt stable, she tried to break free and pounded on Morgan's back while continuously yelling, drawing attention to them. Fortunately, some hotel staff knew they were a couple, so no one suspected Morgan of kidnapping a woman.

"Let me go! I won't allow you to touch me! Let me go, you bastard!"

Ignoring her, Morgan continued to carry Lyndsey to their room. In such close proximity, he could smell Lyndsey's enticing scent, even her usually smooth skin seemed to have its own allure, where he desperately wanted to leave a mark of passion.

Swallowing hard, Morgan tried to calm himself from thinking random thoughts.

"I'm letting you go," Morgan said once they arrived in the hotel room, placing the woman on the bed. His treatment wasn't gentle, but neither was it rough. Still, Lyndsey let out complaining groans.

"Damn!" Morgan muttered under his breath, feeling truly tempted, his gaze on Lyndsey felt hot and deep, containing complex emotions.

It cannot be denied that he still liked this woman, and that hadn't changed even though he had endured too much insult and coldness during their marriage.

Morgan sighed deeply, with the remainder of his composure, he tried to go to the bathroom to calm himself.

However, before taking a step away, he felt a soft, teasing touch. Lyndsey's foot, which had been hanging off the side of the bed, now perched on Morgan's thigh, teasing him politely.

Morgan's intense gaze shifted from the smooth leg to the face of the temptress, her watery eyes, tomato-red complexion, and small, full lips. It could be seen that Morgan was restraining himself from being tempted.

Feeling his burning gaze, Lyndsey said mischievously, "Come here, have some fun with me."

Morgan still had some self-control, so he asked, "Do you know what you're doing right now? Teasing and cornering me, do you want to continue?"

"Um... I know, so have some fun with me," Lyndsey teased again with a seductive look. Her foot continued to move upwards, tempting Morgan and throwing his composure far away.

Gritting his teeth, Morgan held onto the foot, with a heavy voice he said, "You started it, don't regret it."

No matter what Lyndsey's reaction would be tomorrow, whether it's anger or disdain, Morgan only knew one thing at the moment, he wanted to dominate this woman, make her scream and cry beneath him.

Removing each other's clothes one by one, Morgan wasn't polite or shy. Nevertheless, he was very controlled because he was afraid of hurting his wife's soft body.

In a comfortable feeling, Lyndsey called out softly, "Travis."

As a former soldier, Morgan was used to maintaining vigilance and common sense no matter what the situation, so when Lyndsey mentioned another man's name, he could hear it clearly. It darkened his face and sharpened his gaze.

"No wonder you're so active, who are you imagining, huh?" Morgan scoffed.

For the rest of the night, he didn't hold back at all, as if venting his frustration by doing that to Lyndsey.

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