Utilizing Blood for the Water Chakra.

"Tsingg!" the sword thrusts of the opposing SAINT further overwhelmed Xong Hui Yong. He clearly felt outmatched in combat power when facing a sword strike from a white-mustached SAINT who was at SAINT level four.

While his cultivation level was still at level two SAINT. The difference in strength between the two felt completely different and made it difficult for Xong Hui Yong.

Repeatedly, Xong Hui Yong relied solely on agility techniques while rotating the sword in his hand, in order to perform defense techniques while avoiding the clash of forces.

"Rest!" boomed the mustachioed SAINT in the 'Twelve Steps of the Death Sword' technique.

"That's the end of my story!" thought Xong Hui Yung as he was thrown several spears backward with a tight chest.

Meanwhile, his opponent, the white-whiskered SAINT, pursued with a deadly stab, the strange Twelve-Step Death Sword technique.

"Suiitttt" the sword squeaked, locking onto Xong Hui Yong's chest.

However, Xong Hui Yong was suddenly reminded of
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