All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
468 chapters
Blue Mink City.
NORTHWARD ADVENTURE...Suma Fen then distributed the compensation he had promised to the members of the Dong Xing Assassination team as well as Mr. Awan. Of course, he had not forgotten, it was just that the moment was not right in recent days.He handed out the compensation with a happy face, making the atmosphere more relaxed."To all the comrades who have accompanied in the liberation of Prince Ju Qin, I Suma Fen give each of them a Bodhisattva Body Formation Pill.I will also give each of them three Thunder Explosive Amulets and one Petrify jima, to protect themselves in times of emergency."All those people were naturally very happy with the compensation. And most importantly to them, the Bodhisattva Body Formation Pill would help them break through to the SAINT level. Everyone began to feel that their progress had been stalled all this time. Pills were an alternative to unlock their cultivation deadlock."I suggest you all cultivate with full concentration, so that the process o
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Shi Clan.
Inside the restaurant, as usual Suma Fen only ordered vegetables and drinks, but Fei Ma ordered a lot of meat. Fei Ma prepared a lot of energy for when he would fly through the notorious Central and Northern border storms."Eating a lot of meat is very helpful for the body to survive in this cold" Fei Ma said shyly, after seeing that his order was very large.As they waited for their food, there were a few people sitting around enjoying their food, talking loudly. Their conversation was still around the hottest topic in the Central Region, which was the Great King Jade Palace prison break, as well as the deaths of two SAGE experts and five SAINT experts.Suma Fen just looked away, indifferent as he gazed at the street."What I heard is that the rebel leader is still very young.He was able to kill two SAGEs from the West, single-handedly" The purple shirt intentionally spoke out loud. He hoped people would admire his knowledge of the latest news."The Cultivation level of a SAGE is no
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Heart-Shaking Poison Palm - Part One
"Where is your friend the man who looks like an alchemist? Didn't you all come from the central region to treat the Shi Clan Patriarch's old man?Hear my words, no one is allowed to treat that old man" the purple shirt said threateningly.Suma Fen was obviously even more confused. But he suspected that these two people thought Fei Ma was an alchemist. Nevertheless, even though he did not understand what the two people before him were talking about, he still tried to be friendly..."Gentlemen, this young me really does not understand the direction of your conversation.I admit that I am going to the Shi Clan. But my intentions and goals are not what you both say.I have trade dealings with the Shi Clan." Suma Fen once again held his temper, trying to keep his temper."Lies!" shouted the toya wielder."Brother, we'd better silence this young man right away. Then we'll find the alchemist's old friend!""I'd better act decisively to take your life from now on. Before you and your comrade
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Heart-Shaking Poison Palm - Part Two.
The youngster spent up to 4 times the tea drinkers ran out. After he felt that the poison in Patriarch Shi's chest no longer threatened Patriarch Shi's Spirit, he ended the technique of channeling pure air for poison cleansing.The sky was starting to turn orange, a sign that dusk was approaching. When Patriarch Shi fully regained consciousness he felt relief in his chest. His face turned radiant with joy,"Young man... How happy I am this old man. You have helped save me from this calamity.Even if I repay you with anything, this favor will definitely be irreplaceable. Life cannot be replaced with money or anything else."The half-aged man struggled to get up from his bed, and was about to make a respectful bow."Patriarch Shi Yong Seng doesn't need to bother getting up like that" Suma Fen prevented him from getting out of bed."What you need most right now is just to rest for over a week in bed and not do any strenuous activities "SimaYong then took out a small bottle containing his
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The Chase.
Aboard a spirit ship that split the sky on the border of the Gods' Filtering Continent's Central Region, with the Northern Region, three human forms could be seen sitting on the deck of the ship, drinking from the wine cup on the table.The strumming of the lute played by the young man dressed all in gray, sounded melodious, but the rhythm felt strange to the ears of anyone who heard it. Why strange? Because every strum of the lute always makes the feeling of excitement unclear, and the Spirit of the listener feel rebellious.Chaotic verses came from the lips of the other two, straining to keep up with the strange music. The two participants in the wine party were like drunk people."You're going into a trance," said the man in the gray robe.He tried to hold back a smile when he saw the other two begin to dance around, as if captivated by the atmosphere and the lute strumming.Instead of stopping the strumming of the lute in his hand when he saw people in trance, the young man in the
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Hell's Dove.
Everyone in the hall of the New Treasure Hall building was extremely stunned."Since when did a SAINT expert appear in Azalea City?""Is this Mr. Morenyu the SAINT expert who appeared in the Cloud Sword Sect some time ago?"Such a large question mark appeared in the hearts of the attendees in the auction hall of the New Treasure Hall. Furthermore, after the death of the three experts from the high cultivation Beacon Tower at the hands of Mr. Morenyu, the auction had become much more orderly. Everyone felt daunted by Mr. Morenyu who possessed SAINT cultivation.As time passed, various heirlooms were displayed and all were devoured by the bidders.Sects, Clans, and Royalty were all vying to buy items that were previously extremely rare to find in the North of the Silver Continent."When the time comes, the cultivation of experts from the northern region here will quickly catch up with the rest of the continent" Morenyu smiled with relief.Morenyu's mission, as advised by Master Fen, was
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The Man With the Hemp Coat.
By itself, the New Hall of Treasures had since shifted the position of the Beacon Tower, which had originally dominated the resource trade in the North. Seeing that progress, since then there have also been a lot of practitioners registering their found valuables for sale at the New Treasures Hall.Lord Morenyu even began to contact practitioners he considered to have the potential to become secret members of the Bat King Palace, where compensation in the form of sword and empty palm techniques, when members of the organization completed the mission, made the experts he contacted immediately interested in pledging allegiance as secret members of the Bat King Palace.Mr. Morenyu also did not just randomly recruit members. He required all those who intended to join the Bat King Palace to take the Heavenly Oath, so that all the secrets of the hidden organization would be preserved. And of course, the payments that Bat King Palace members received were not simple items either.Officially
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Ten Super Clan Young Masters.
The straw coat walked into the restaurant. He shook the straw coat, which scattered water and snow. Of course, the melted snow splattered everywhere, earning unhappy looks from the ten fancy dressed men on the other side."Fei Ma..." whispered Suma Fen using his transmission."Yes master.""I think it's too dangerous to take Jiang Fai and Wan Hui wandering north of here right now.You can see that straw coat guy. He's at least an entry-level SAGE. And those ten fancy men over there?" Suma Fen took a deep breath."Those ten people cultivate SAGE Quasi. Apparently in the North here is a gathering place for hidden tigers and dragons, which appear to be in a state of sleep.So I order you to take those two people to the Silver Continent, where Meirenyu has already gone.Leave them there with Meirenyu, then you can return north of here.""But I don't know which direction I'll take" Fei Ma argued. He had reservations about leaving his master at that time.Suma Fen secretly held out a jade s
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Flying Sword Technique.
As Suma Fen watched, the Black Sword made a snarling sound as if a giant black dragon was darting rapidly with the power of 100 million jinn, slashing back and forth."By any chance, that Flying Sword technique has the effect of a hundred million jin of Qi power!" Suma Fen gasped in horror at the straw coat's aerial display. His own maximum strength was only at 50 million jin. But the appearance before his eyes made him feel incredulous.In the blink of an eye those ten Super Clan young masters were seen falling down when the Black Sword only touched their aura. The Black Sword touched only their aura, causing them to die.The ten people then fell to the ground in a lifeless state, sliding swiftly to the ground.On the other hand, Suma Fen also saw that the Straw Coat also fell freely to the ground after executing the Flying Sword Technique. The black sword was seen flying back into its sheath at the waist of the straw coat."Wush" Suma Fen flew over to where the Straw Coat had fallen
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The Loyal Servant Part One.
Suma Fen looked into the straw-coated man's eyes, which were now wide open in surprise."B-ba-how did you know the karmic effects of the Flying Sword Technique?" the straw-coat man was shocked, looking incredulous as Suma Fen explained why he had become so badly injured."Hahaha!" Suma Fen laughed.He continued. "Of course I know. Not only did I watch you battle those ten Super Clan young masters, but I saw you become so powerful that you were able to execute a 100 million jin attack.Then moments later I watched you fall helplessly to the earth.”When I brought you to this place, I felt a chaotic pulse in your body. That's how I deduced this," he concluded."In my opinion, your cultivation realm is not mature enough to perform the Flying Sword Technique.Thus, when you force the battle using the Flying Sword Technique, your dantian seizes all of the body's energy, including all the energy that should be left in your internal organs.As a result... after finishing executing the techni
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