All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 461 - Chapter 468
468 chapters
The Servant Part Two.
"Ancestor Qiu's theory is that the Qi energy in this world is incompatible with someone of Immortal rank. So when one reaches the Immortal realm like that, the body naturally becomes unable to adapt to everything in this mortal world.According to Ancestor Qiu, it was the Wonderland Realm itself that came to fetch and take away Master Yang when he reached Immortal-immortality. That's why Master Yang disappeared without saying any message to all his followers in our Sect of Sword Kings."Then, how will your Sword King Sect continue?" Suma Fen was getting curious.Qiu Puren's eyes looked rather sad."Years passed, and there was a split among the Sword King Sect's followers. Some followers, namely highly skilled inner servants, left the sect and established their own sects or clans.Some of the remaining followers still loyally waited in the Sect of the Sword King, conducting activities as usual, as if Master Yang was still around. Then one day, five years after Master Yang's disappearan
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A Copy of a Love Poem.
Suma Fen frowned. "Hm... that's what the author of this copy is trying to convey."He then flipped through the copy of the sword technique to examine it sheet by sheet. However, our hero was in for a surprise when he started reading word-by-word through the copy of the Flying Sword Technique.There was not a single word explaining how to use a sword, let alone practicing the Flying Sword technique that was said to be the highest sword art of the Sword King."Is that Qiu Puren lying to me? This book is nothing more than a book containing a collection of love poems-which tells of sadness and longing for a loved one..." the more one flipped through it, the clearer it became, that the book was an expression of longing for a loved one."Never mind. The point is to find the Sword King's Relicui. I don't know where to go, there's not the slightest explanation from that Qiu Puren about the Sword King Sect's ruins."Suma Fen stopped his ranting. Intending to wrap up the sword and the copy of t
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Khar Amitan Peak.
The Khar Amitan Mountain Range was a snowy mountain range located in the western part of the vast Northern Region. The striped mountain range actually consisted of ten mountains lined up against each other, each with a different height.The one with the highest peak is actually called Mount Khar Amitan. The mountain itself has a creepy story circulating among martial arts practitioners "Once you set foot on Khar Aminta, you have said goodbye to life".Hearing that creepy story means that there are always creepy things happening in the mountains, which makes the people of the Telaga River World consider Khar Amitan a sacred place.But others believed that Khar Amitan was just a hidden place for runaways, fugitives and world-class criminals, who were hunted by sects, clans and even empires in various regions of the God's Filter Continent.On that sunny morning, a single human figure dressed in all gray, was seen running extremely fast, gliding over the layers upon layers of snow that co
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9th Bridge of Hell.
When Ge Kuo was still in indecision as to which door he would enter, the old man's voice rang out urgently,"Have you made your choice? Please speed up your selection, the other five people are lined up behind waiting for you.""This old fart didn't give me enough room to think. Sometime when I'm in the Hell World, I'll find him and kill him secretly." Ge Kuo's blood boiled at the disrespectful treatment from the old man at the door."The Ninth Hell! Yes, I choose to enter the Ninth Hell!" Ge Kuo shouted half annoyed."Okay. You have made the choice to pass through the ninth hell door.Then you can go to the bridge at the far end to enter the place of your choice."Ge Kuo rushed towards the illusory bridge called the ninth door of hell while pounding his heart. The other people at this time immediately focused on which direction Ge Kuo was going to cross.Ge Kuo had just made the third step on the illusory bridge when a giant lightning bolt flashed at him and gave him an electric shoc
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Ninth (First) Refiner of Hell.
They were mostly criminals who became fugitives. Of course, there was no one among them who felt happy when the gray-robed youngster looked like he had won over the man at the door.A few seconds ago, when they saw the man at the door turn friendly with the youngster, that very second a feeling of hatred instantly grew in the hearts of those evil people.Back to the explosive lightning on the bridge..."Duar!"Once again the thunder boomed and threatened the gray robe. But to their surprise, the Red Sword flew out of the young man's storage room and spun quickly around the young man. The two fingers on his right hand were seen twitching as if giving orders to the Red Sword.Then with a swift movement like a devil's dance, the Red Sword darted quickly, went to block four thunderbolts and then collided with each other causing a thunderous explosion sound."Boom-boom-boom!"The Red Sword danced quickly with the two fingers on the gray robe's right hand."Slashh!" the sword sliced through
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Ninth (Second) Hell Refiner.
The youngster then stopped at a fairly clean-looking place that caught his attention. The building seemed to be full of various merchandise; most of which were combat gear for martial artists' warfare needs."Dragon Mustika Trade Association" read the signboard hanging above the building, he nodded his head and entered the Dragon Mustika Association."Please feel free to choose goods. The Dragon Mustika Association always presents selected goods, and we never disappoint customers with selected goods" A man in his sixties could be seen coming to greet the young man, hoping that the young man was the first buyer at the association.Recently, the Dragon Mustika Association had suffered a setback after a similar association called the Heavenly Door Club was established in the Ninth Hell. It was said that the Heaven's Door Club had the protection of one of the Ten Supreme Demigods & Semi Devils of Hell World.The youngster only smiled, then walked around and observed one merchandise after
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Immortal Sword - Low Rank.
Suma Fen had finished analyzing the metal the prospect had given him, then presented the price question."This is the lowest material to form an immortal rank weapon" Suma Fen said.He glanced at the strange brownish-colored lump of metal that the half-aged man wearing quite luxurious clothes had given him."Since this is the lowest rank immortal metal, the compensation you have to pay is 50,000 high rank Blue Manna. You are lucky to still get a discounted price because I am still promoting this refining service.Since I have given you a discount, the price is no less and cannot be negotiated any lower." Suma Fen said with a smile."Well... Doesn't refining spirit weapons require extremely high Spirit power? This human is lucky to meet a DAO-ranked Spirit Master like me" Suma Fen thought.The male customer, on the other hand, gaped with his mouth wide open. He acted as if he was very surprised to hear the 50,000 Blue Manna that had to be paid for the cost of refining the brown immorta
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The Three Practical Realms Cross the Sage.
From then on, the Mestika Naga Trade Association became a bustling place visited by many customers, namely the denizens of Hell World. Many came with strange metal materials which, after being refined by Suma Fen, turned out to be, on average, materials for making Immortal rank spirit weapons.According to Liu Yanshan, below the metal materials for Immortal weapons, there are no other materials that sell well in this Hell World."These people have extremely high standards. But it's good that there are so many leftover materials that I can still use later," Suma Fen thought. Generally, the leftover spirit metal materials were not returned to the customer, and they became the property of the refiner.When Suma Fen asked where the special materials were obtained by his customers, Liu Yunshan explained the matter as follows,"They got those things from robbery in the upper world and so on. That is why they became fugitives from the upper world and retreated to the bowels of this earth.It
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