18. Attractions...
"Detective Matthew Hang," Alexander said as soon as a navy-blue-haired pot-bellied Asian man: in a peach shirt with rolled-up sleeves, brown elastic cross belt, and a black tie; walked into the interrogation room with a small pile of files in one hand and a steaming worldbest-grandma coffee mug in the other. "Man, you look like you've lost a lot of weight." She said with a mocking smirk on her face and a little bit of arrogance. "How is your hip?" "I don't feel like I will live much longer," Matt said, setting his mug down on the table as well as the files. "But I'll probably outlive someone, and out someone else in jail." 'How long has it been, seventeen years? Or is it twenty?" He said, putting both of his hands in his pant pockets. "Oh, and I got a promotion. It's Chief Hang now." "Congrats," Alexander said mockingly. "But I don't suppose it's long enough to dispose of your 'worldbest-grandma' coffee mug?" Alexander said with a smirk. "Oh yeah, ha ha!" Matt laughed, picking up
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