All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
162 chapters
Nate and Erica returned to her office. Arriving at her room, Erica immediately pulled Nate's hand and invited him to sit on the sofa. She still couldn't believe that the car she saw below was Nate's gift. Moreover, she knew that Nate had no money, and it was impossible for him to buy such a luxurious car.Although she believed that Nate would not steal either company or bank funds, she was still curious about where Nate got all the money to buy a car. She also felt bad that Nate had to go through such a hard time and even went so far as to buy her a new car just because she ordered an uber every day."What's wrong, Erica? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Nate with a furrowed brow."Nate, I wanted to ask you something," she said in a quiet voice."Ask what?""You didn't lie about the car, did you?" she asked reassuringly. "I trust that you would never steal money from anyone. I just want to know where you got all that money to buy the car."Nate smiled when he saw the worrie
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Chapter 92. FUNDRAISER
Erica was busy in the office with all her work after Nate left. After a meeting with all her employees, Erica was busy talking to the organizer of a business fundraising event on the phone. She got word of the event and immediately contacted him personally so that he could come to the event."Hello, I'm Erica, CEO of Starry White Company," Erica said, introducing herself."Hello, good afternoon.""I heard that you guys are organizing a business fundraiser. Can you do me a favor so that I can come there as a guest?" asked Erica in her friendly tone.Although she felt nervous and insecure, she tried anyway and just maybe she would get the chance to come to the event."Uh, it seems like it would be difficult," she said."Why? Is it full so I can't participate in the event?""It's not that, it's just that ... Your company is going through a crisis and has gone bankrupt. And we thoughtー""But it's not now. Don't you know the news that my company has entered into a partnership with Bluebell
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Chapter 93. CHALLENGE
They got into the car with Nate driving. On the way to the restaurant, they chatted with each other. But Erica was curious where Nate would take her because she didn't know which restaurant Nate would choose for their dinner. Because Erica let Nate choose the restaurant he wanted.But, their car headed to the city center where all the luxuries were there. All the buildings, hotels, and restaurants were full of glitter and it amazed Erica, but also made her nervous because she was afraid whether she had enough money to pay for all the food prices at one of the restaurants there.Nate then took Erica to one of the VVIP restaurants. It was a special restaurant for rich people who spent their money without thinking. And not everyone can rent a place there because the price is expensive.Erica was surprised to see Nate take her there, she was worried, but she had promised to treat Nate. Erica thought, maybe Nate had never eaten at a fancy restaurant and wanted it so Erica let him have it j
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Chapter 94. OFFENDED
Erica was frightened by Raymond's threat. Her hands were shaking but she hid them behind her back so that no one would notice. She didn't know how to act in front of Raymond because she was afraid that Raymond would do something bad to her family."You seem to have gone too far," Erica said defensively. "Why are you suddenly coming and bothering us? We never even bothered or hurt you!" Erica exclaimed. Her eyes were red with tears, but she tried to stay strong because she didn't want to be further humiliated by Nancy and Raymond."Your mistake was marrying a poor, stupid man like Nate," Nancy said, still taunting Nate. "If you were married to a rich and dignified man, you wouldn't be treated like this, Erica.""But that's none of your business...."Nate glanced at Raymond and Nancy, and remained calm while looking around the menu as if he didn't care about Raymond's existence and threats. Because he knew, whoever tried to disturb him, they would never get away with it and would be pun
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Chapter 95."Who's there?!"
Raymond grabbed the manager's hand violently and told him to beat Nate up and drag him out. He became very angry and impatient because the Manager just kept quiet and looked scared when he got there and saw Nate's face.It was as if something was happening there, but Raymond didn't know what it was.Meanwhile, Nate looked very relaxed and not afraid at all even when the manager came into their room. He just kept staring at the restaurant manager because he knew that the restaurant manager knew his true identity and would not dare to disturb him. Let alone hurt her and kick her out of there because if he did, then he would be in big trouble."Why are you still doing nothing?!" shouted Raymond in a burst of anger. "Hurry up and beat him up! Break his legs so he won't be able to walk anymore!" he shouted while pointing at Nate's face with his index finger."Watch your language!" The manager actually slapped Raymond's face so hard that it made everyone there surprised by the incident.The
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Chapter 96. HINDRANCE
Erica was scared to death because her cell phone suddenly rang and a woman screamed from the bathroom stall, making her body tremble violently. She struggled to turn off the call many times until she managed to turn off her cell phone.She took a deep breath, but it seemed that the woman outside was not happy because they thought that Erica was eavesdropping on their conversation, or worse, they thought that Erica was recording their conversation."Who's inside?!" she shouted so loudly that it scared Erica. Her hands were shaking as she hugged her cell phone and she didn't know what to do. Her mind was so muddled that she couldn't think straight. All she could do was stand at the end of the booth praying they would leave quickly and not do anything bad.What should I do? Erica thought to herself.Until she no longer heard the knocking on the door. Erica felt a little more relieved because she thought they had left. She tried to put her ear to the door to make sure that they were reall
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Chapter 97. DOUBTED
"Why?" asked Nate, confused by what the guard had said.He just wanted to enter the monitoring room to see the CCTV footage there to find out where Erica had gone. So that Nate could find out what happened to his wife who suddenly disappeared and did not return after more than an hour in the restroom."Because this is a place that cannot be visited by just anyone," he said."Just anyone how? I already told you that my wife is missing and I only found a bag in the restroom. I want to see the CCTV to make sure where she went. Is that wrong? After all, I'm a customer here. Of course, I can go inside," Nate insisted.The only thing he could do was look at the CCTV footage. He couldn't go to the police station because it hadn't been one twenty-four hours. So the police would not act. Moreover, Erica was an adult woman who clearly had the right to travel and could take care of herself."I'm not sure if you are a customer here. Are you serious that your wife is missing? Because this is a fan
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"WHAT?!" Nate yelled as one of the women who came out of the toilet shouted at him and accused him of peeping when he had done nothing but look for his wife's whereabouts.Nate, who had been desperate because of Erica's disappearance, could not say anything when she pushed him hard and pointed at his face while cursing him."You perverted man! Are you crazy to peek into a woman's restroom so blatantly like that? I think you're out of your mind!" she yelled while gyrating her waist.Nate didn't understand why she was calling him that when he was just standing next to the restroom door and not looking in. He had manners and knew that peeking was embarrassing and he shouldn't have done it. And indeed he didn't."Miss, I'm sorry. But I think you misunderstood," Nate tried to explain. Several other women who had come out of the restroom and were about to enter stood there looking questioningly at Nate as if they were trying to convince themselves that Nate was not peeping and was just wait
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Chapter 99. FIND HER
Nate massaged his temples as his head felt dizzy. He had lost hope because he didn't know what else to do to find Erica's whereabouts. He was very worried that something bad would happen to him and he couldn't bear to see his wife hurt.He wondered what else he should do to find Erica. Should he drive around again to make sure where Erica was? Who knows, she was just getting some fresh air because she was upset about what happened earlier and forgot to leave her bag in the toilet.But he couldn't get rid of his anxiety because he felt that something had happened to Erica. And it was something bad.Suddenly, Nate got an idea, he thought of going to the restaurant manager and asking for his help. Because he knew his true identity and wouldn't be bad to him, so he could definitely help him and find Erica."Right, I have to go to him immediately to ask for help," Nate said to himself, "I can't waste my time."Nate prepared to leave the restroom area, but just as he was about to walk away,
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Chapter 100. TRAPPED HER
In the hotel room opposite the restaurant, Erica, who had been brought by Irene, was still unconscious lying on the bed with her legs and hands tied. She had been drugged by Irene and brought to the hotel by her subordinates. And until now, Erica is still unconscious due to the anesthetic she inhaled.Irene deliberately kidnaps Erica because she is attracted to her. At first, she thought of killing her because Erica was going to tell everyone about the women's auction she was secretly holding at the restaurant. But seeing how beautiful Erica was, Irene thought that Erica might be suitable to be the woman of Alessandro's Mafia."I'm sure I can get more money than the girls I auctioned off before. Mr. Alessandro will definitely be happy and like her," Irene said as she looked at Erica who was still unconscious.Erica had a well-proportioned body, neither skinny nor fat, her curves at the waist were so shapely that men would definitely like her. Her face was very beautiful like a red ros
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