All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
90 chapters
Chapter 71: Jaxon vs Master Gu
"Master, since Master Qi wishes to use his disciple to fight, why don't you let me face the disciple? In fact, I can face all his best disciples and still come out victorious."Hearing those words, Master Gu nodded in acknowledgement, his pride in his disciple evident. "Indeed, this was his real disciple," he thought. He turned to Master Qi and replied, "Fine, since you wish to use your disciple, so be it. I will use mine too, and the rule remains the same. The winner can make any demands.""Fine, Jaxon, step out," Master Qi said calmly.Following those words, Jaxon, dressed in his casual anime T-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, stepped out and stood awkwardly before remembering something. "Greetings, Master," he bowed, almost forgetting that Master Qi was pretending to be his master and didn't greet him. Ah, he definitely didn't have talent in pretending."Is this the disciple?" Master Gu asked, looking at Jaxon from head to toe in amusement. "Aside from his slightly handsome face,
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Chapter 72: Meng Fei obsession with Jaxon
"Let me show you the difference between you and me! If you can last through my 5 Phoenix punches, then you will be the winner."Saying so, he dashed towards Jaxon and threw out the first punch. He only used 50 percent of his power, fearing that he might smash Jaxon to pulp if he used his full strength. The punch was swift and precise, aimed directly at Jaxon's face.Master Gu charged towards Jaxon, his fist flying towards him with 50 percent of his raw power. Jaxon, not backing down, sent his own punch to meet Master Gu's attack. Bang!The two fists collided, sending shockwaves through the air that felt like a gentle breeze to the students. Master Gu's eyes widened in surprise - Jaxon was able to withstand his attack!Not even his disciple, Xu Xi could do so with ease, now he understood that Xu Xi didn't lose due to his carelessness but it was because Jaxon was out of his league. Without hesitation, Master Gu decided to use his full strength, unleashing a powerful punch that shook t
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Chapter 73: face slap
"Meh, you sure have a manly scent. I will definitely keep this handkerchief safe to always remind me of your scent." She muttered, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I will keep it till I finally have you." She added, her voice dripping with determination and a hint of possessiveness.As she stood there, lost in thought, her eyes gleamed with a fierce light, her mind already plotting her next move to capture Jaxon's heart. The handkerchief, now a treasured possession, was clutched tightly in her hand, a symbol of her unyielding resolve.****Passing by, Jaxon suddenly parked his car as his eyes moved towards some classic stores. He felt like buying a gift for Diana and got out of the car, but didn't immediately enter the store. Instead, he stood outside, lost in contemplation, gazing at the jewelries displayed on the glass windows.Just then, a man and woman who had just left the store saw him, and the woman recognized him, sneering, "I didn't expect to see a beggar like y
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Chapter 74: Jaxon and Weiwei Xing confrontation
"You are wasting your time on a useless man like him," the woman said, her voice dripping with disdain. The three receptionists waited in anticipation, expecting Jaxon's bank card to be declined. But then, the POS machine printed out his receipt.Boom! The entire store fell silent, with all eyes fixed on Jaxon in disbelief. The three receptionists who had been mocking him were left speechless, their mouths agape as they wondered how he could afford such a luxurious purchase. Even the young receptionist was stunned, her eyes wide with shock.Jaxon broke the silence, his voice firm and commanding. "What are you still doing? Give me my bank card and package the necklace for me immediately." The receptionist snapped out of her daze, stuttering, "S... Sure Sir." She hurriedly packaged the necklace with trembling hands, carefully handing it to him as if she feared damaging it.Without even a glance at the three receptionists, Jaxon strolled out of the store. Only then did they notice the
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Chapter 75: the party
"Where the hell are you going dressed like a bodyguard?"Jaxon replied, "I'm attending the reunion party with Diana."Weiwei Xing's expression drastically changed as she hastily rushed towards the door, blocking his path. "What is the meaning of this?" Jaxon asked, his brow furrowed in annoyance.Weiwei Xing's tone was condescending, "How can I allow a useless man like you to go and ruin my daughter's day? Quick, go take off those cheap suits and mop the house, then wash the plates and my clothes too!"Jaxon's anger almost led him to burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. This woman was treating him like her personal houseboy, and nothing more!Not replying her, Jaxon grabbed her shoulder and under her bewildered look, he shoved her aside and open the door."How dare you push me? I'm talking to a useless man like you and you dare grab me on my shoulder?" Weiwei Xing roar and lifted her hand and grabbed Jaxon by his shirt."Let go of my suit." Jaxon said calmly but his
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Chapter 76: parallel world l
Chap 76Skylar Hospital Inside a bathroom with bloodstain lays a young unconscious man with blood flowing from his forehead.This has been his regular experience ever since he was admitted to this hospital.The doctor, a man with a sadistic nature who took pleasure in bullying and torturing him did it again and this time, he took things extremely far by even smashing his head on the bathtub.Suddenly, a low humming sound could be heard coming from his chest as a pendant which he wore suddenly started shining brighter as soon as the blood dripping from his forehead touched it."Ugh!"With a light groan, the young man pushes himself up from the floor while holding his head.The funny smile which used to be on his face was fine, replaced by a look of confusion."Who am I?""Where am I?""Ugh!"Suddenly, like a torrent of water gushing into a pipe, memories upon memories rush into the young man's head, forcing him to clutch his head in pain for a brief moment.Slowly, his presence change
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Chapter 77: parallel world ll
Chap 77Reaching into the patient's dress and pulling out an old Motorola phone from his pocket, Duncan's cold expression slowly turns into one of melancholy.After being taken to the mental health hospital, everything of his was sized even their phone. It was while he was hunting and destroying everything in the hospital did he stumbled upon this phone, one which was given to him as a gift before he went into the army."Hubby, sorry I couldn't afford any much better gift but I will definitely work harder to get you one. For now, hold on to this and don't forget to contact ms after getting into the army. I want to always keep in touch with you."Those were her words but sadly, after entering the army and being posted in the desert he failed to keep I'm contact with her due to the area not having a signal. Gently cleaning the most due from the phone, Duncan, with a trembling hand turns on the phone.Message 999+Calls 999+Feeling pain for not even seeing all those messages and calls,
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Chapter 78: parallel world lll
"Ouch... It hurts! It hurts so badly!" Jasper regain consciousness and felt a pounding headache through his head. It felt like thousand of ants were gnawing on his brain at the same time and the pain made him feel like he might as well just die.Finally after few minutes, his mind finally calmed down allowing Nicolas to look around the surrounding.With the strong smell from disinfectant filling the room, Jasper Stone finally discovered he was on the hospital bed which baffled him."I am in a hospital? Why?" Jasper asked himself, his thick British accent permeating the air.Thankfully, his brain gave him the reason. After his girlfriend, Genevieve Musk broke up with him, heartbroken Jasper furiously drove his car through the the empty road which was blanketed with heavy rain just to vent his anger.Sadly, due to how sleek the road was and how dark it was, not to forget, he wasn't cautious. Jasper car which was moving at the speed of 130+ miles an hour went out of control dashing and
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Chapter 79: Diana rejecting Zach's proposal
"I will kill you!" The guard's anger was palpable, but Jaxon didn't give her the chance to attack. With lightning-fast speed, he threw a swift punch at his head, leaving him no time to react. The sound of the impact was loud as his head slammed into the wall, and he slumped to the ground, motionless. Without a second glance, Jaxon stepped into the room where the class reunion was taking place.As he entered, he was met with a chorus of gasps and whispers, piquing his curiosity. Stepping further in, he saw Diana standing at the center of the room, surrounded by flowers and pink balloons with sentimental messages like "love" and "together forever" scrawled on them. Beside her stood a handsome man in a sleek white suit, kneeling with a pleading expression."Diana, please, reconsider," the man urged, his voice laced with desperation. "I love you, and I can offer you anything - money, influence, anything you desire. Take me as your man, and watch how I'll transform your life." He held up a
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Chapter 80: Parallel world (4)
“The Mariana Trench is the deepest known oceanic trench globally, reaching a maximum known depth of about 100,070 feet (40,994 meters) at the Challenger Deep. For decades, no one has been able to dive to the deepest part of the ocean but from today, it wouldn't be so anymore.Professor Davis has finally invented a mini diving ship capable of reaching the deepest part of the ocean and today will be the first day of it undergoing it's test.”****This piece of news was able to cause commotion among the commoners as everyone would finally be able to know the type of animals that existed deep in the oceans.****Beep!400 ft700 ft1000 ft13000 ft...The constant change of numbers on the screen got most of the people dressed in lap clothes who were inside a room with computers were filled with worried."Do you think those level 1 beasts wouldn't attack that ship?" One of the scientists asked as she watch the scene capture by the mini ship of a thousand meter long silhouette of a snake l
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