Andrea Marcus family's four bedroom bungalow apartment…After Olivia arrived home in the company of her parents, she went inside her room to prepare her business proposal and thereafter set out for a business collaboration talk with an interior decor material supply company located in Manchester City.Before leaving her house for Central Swansea, she went over her proposal and proofread it to ensure that it was worthy of presentation and capable of winning the business deal from her intended business partner.Next, she sent out a message to Charles informing him that she was going for a business meeting after waiting for his return for a very long time without any sign of his coming home soon, however, her message didn't get delivered to Charles.Then, she decided to give him a direct call. She extracted his number and dialed it out and then waited for it to get connected.Some few seconds later, Charles’s sweet voice came sounding into her eardrum from the other end of the call, “Hi
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