All Chapters of The Legion Commander Strikes Back: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
201 chapters
• The Footage
Renee could not believe what was going on, she blinked a lot of times trying to confirm if her eyes were deceiving her, But she kept seeing the same thing. That was not what she had planned. How had Ethan ended up in the bedroom with Valerie? She immediately stood up and made for the door, as she opened it, she bumped into Jason who was just about to come in."Hey." She said nervously, standing at the door to prevent Jason from entering inside. She couldn't let him see the footage. Good thing he didn't even try to come in."Hey, I was just about to come call you but I can see you are already on your way out. I told you yesterday to not be nervous right? I am in this with you, let's go." Jason said with a smile." yeah. I was just about to come down,but could you give me a moment, I think I want to pick up something." Renee said.Jason raised a brow at her, he was about to ask her another question, but then he changed his mind."Okay, sure. I would wait for you downstairs. Do
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• The Video Goes Round
Valerie and Ethan were sleeping together in a very intimate position as they were both drunk. Jason felt both disgusted and angry."Ethan!" He growled."Jason, let them be." Desmond said, pulling Jason out. Ethan was still the legion commander so he didn't want Jason to act rash."Damn him. You are doing this to save his name and reputation as the legion commander, you have to show the world the kind of person he is. How dare he try to ruin my engagement party?" Jason fumed. "Calm down Jason. Go to your room, you are not in the right state of mind. Renee, you too. Let's leave." Desmond replied.They all returned to the event leaving the sleeping duo in the room. Everywhere was disorganized when they went back as everyone wanted to talk about it and some wanted to gossip."We are sorry about the temporary interruption. Everything has been fixed and is back to normal. Can we go back to the main reason we are all here today?" Desmond asked as soon as he got there.He was able to get the
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• Ethan's Wrath
Ethan furiously drove away from the house. He stopped at a quiet spot where he brought out his phone and began to watch the videos online. It had been posted by an anonymous account which had just been created few hours ago. Ethan called Keith. Keith picked up the phone almost immediately."Hello, sir." He said, over the phone."Keith, I have just been involved in a scandal." Ethan started."The one at a sterlings engagement party?" Keith asked."Actually, yeah." Ethan responded."It is all over the internet. What would you like me to do?" Keith asked."There is someone triggering the whole thing. First of all, Valerie and I were drugged, we had no idea how this happened, and now the video is online, it was posted by a newly created account. Don't you think someone is trying to play tricks on us?"' Ethan asked."Yeah, that is right. It sounds like a fool proofed plan which is already going as planned." Keith added."Exactly, which is why I need you to find out everyone involved in thi
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• Leader Of Men
Renee had just returned home from the mall, she walked into the house and Therese stared suspiciously at her."You do not look like someone whose engagement party was disrupted yesterday." Therese said.Renee rolled her eyes."Mother, am I supposed to keep crying over a split milk?" She scoffed."I know you did that Renee. Valerie might be rebellious but she has never had it in mind to hurt anyone." Therese said."Now is the time to take sides huh? Mother, cut the crap. You saw what happened, everyone did. Valerie ruined my engagement party and that is it. Pushing blames to me or taking her side is not going to change that." Renee responded rudely."That was a very wrong thing to do, Renee and I would never support you on that." Therese stated and Renee laughed."Mother as you can see, I am exhausted from standing for a long time trying to get what I want from the mall. I want to be left alone now. Valerie ruined my engagement party and that is final. I do not care what you think. Th
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• Who's To Blame For The Marriage Failure?
Valerie had been looking for Ethan for hours after he had left. She suspected he had gone out to do something related to the scandal. She had to go find Natasha after she couldn't find Ethan. Natasha had been very reluctant to tell Valerie of Ethan's whereabouts due to the fact that Ethan had given her a Stern warning not to. But after series of convincing by Valerie, Natasha finally gave in and took Valerie to the military training ground. "What plan do you have in mind about her? She tried to hurt you so whatever you say is what stands." Ethan said with a smirk.Valerie stared at Renee. Renee had a pleading look on her face."Valerie, I didn't mean to. I wasn't thinking at that point. I know you are a nice person and you won't let anything happen to me." Renee said. Valerie only chuckled and turned back to look at Ethan."Renee should go ahead with her wedding plans, don't upload the video." Valerie announced and everyone including Renee looked surprised."Why should she go ahead
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• For A Penny
"Jason, hold on." Renee said and Jason halted. He turned to look at her with a disturbed look on his face."What? Is there a problem?" He asked."Why did you just leave? I was talking about something." Renee replied."Well, I heard you. Did you ask for my opinion? You only said what you wanted." Jason retorted."Your opinion? Jason we are literally engaged, what other opinion do I need to get? Aren't we supposed to be planning our wedding?" Renee asked, a little surprised by Jason's sudden anger."Well that is a you problem." He replied."Jason, what is wrong with you? I really can't believe we are having this argument today. Are you not okay with the date? We can change it." Renee said, sounding a little desperate.Jason scoffed."You will do whatever it is you want, Renee. I really don't care what you want to do. You can even hold the wedding ceremony without me, I still don't mind." He said.Renee walked forward and held his hands. Jason only stared at her hands and back to her fac
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• The Legion Commander Marries Who He Wants
Valerie was a little surprised to see her parents there."Mother, Father. Hi...uh.. welcome." She stuttered. Therese looked confusedly at Valerie."Why do you have popcorns on your hair?" She pointed out. "Huh?" Valerie's eyes widened, she immediately rushed back in and shut the door behind her. She went to the mirror in the living room."You never told me I have popcorns stuck in my head." She accused Ethan and he chuckled."You look pretty. Who was that at the door?" He asked."My parents. Go put on a shirt, hurry up." Valerie ordered as she dusted off the popcorns. Ethan laughed and went into the bedroom to get a shirt.Valerie went back to the front door and opened it."Sorry." She said."Can we come in?" Clifford asked." do know this is Ethan's house right?" Valerie questioned.Clifford and Therese exchanged glances again."Of course, that's why we are here. We knew you would be here after we didn't see you at your own house." Therese replied."Oh. I see." Valerie said.
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• Who's Pushing Blames?
Jason shut the door properly."I don't understand. What is wrong with me?" He asked and Renee rolled her eyes."You should really learn to mind your own business. My decision not to attend Stacey's wedding is personal. You do not make decisions for me. What the hell." She fumed.Jason chuckled."I still don't understand." He said. Renee folded her arms across her chest in an annoying manner."Oh really. Should I spell it out to you? I said you should stop meddling in my business. We aren't even married yet. I wonder what would happen if we are actually married." Renee replied."Okay, I was just going to act like I didn't hear what those friends of yours said about me. But now, I can't keep pretending to not have heard anything. Do you think I didn't hear them comparing me to Ethan? Or saying you made a bad choice picking me over Ethan? Or that I have nothing going on with me or when you being questioned if you were happy with me." Jason said.Just then, Clifford and Therese walked in.
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• Watch Your Back
The launch date for the beacon was coming closer and closer. Ethan had employed and mobilized people to help in the social media promotion of the event. He wanted it to be loud and it was indeed working as everyone within and outside the country knew about the forthcoming event.Apart from promoting it online, he was also preparing his grand present to Valerie who still had no idea that Ethan was planning to give her a space in the beacon.They were both in the kitchen. Valerie was making breakfast for Ethan, she was going to leave soon as she had to meet with her parents by midday.Ethan sat on the kitchen cabinet watching her cook. He decided to ask her about her company just to be sure she had not made any move yet."How is it with your search for your new space?" He asked.Valerie washed an apple and handed it over to him."What new space?" "For your company." He stated, and took a big bite off the apple."Oh that. I haven't been able to do much yet. I have been caught up with th
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• Soldiers At The Border
Skyler saw Valerie's eyes widen in fear. She immediately stood up."Is there something wrong?" She asked.", no. I'm fine." Valerie responded, panting."Are you sure?" Skyler probed, staring strangely at Valerie."Yes, I am. I just recalled a bad memory. It's nothing really." Valerie said again."Okay. You do not look okay, but since you insist you are, I can't do anything." Skyler said with a shrug."Well, I think we should leave." Valerie started."Huh? Why? Is there something wrong? If there is, go ahead and speak now. We can call Ethan or something." Skyler stated."Like you rightly said, this place is toxic. I can't stay any longer. It's exhausting." Valerie replied, picking up her purse."I am glad you noticed it now, but why are we so much hurry?" Skyler asked, picking up her purse too.Valerie walked out of the house without telling her family members that she was leaving. Skyler on her own part didn't care."You're doing the driving." Valerie stated throwing the key to
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