All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
226 chapters
Chapter 0131
The Valoric family still had supporters even though only Cassian remained. They had been operating in secrecy for the past thirty years. In addition to protecting Cassian, they also investigated the mysterious group that massacred the Valorics.When they fully gathered information about the enemy, t
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Chapter 0132
Elara could not come up with a defense for her behavior. She was indeed guilty of disobeying Cassian's orders and secretly following him.The other members must have had the same desire as her but kept quiet because they did not want to trouble Cassian."I expected you to answer like that," Elara si
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Chapter 0133
Alicia laughed at Elara, thinking she was pathetic for putting Olivia down. "How can this cousin of yours be so different? She even slandered her own family to cover up her insecurities!""I know. She doesn't have any good accomplishments, so she has to put others down," Hazel replied in a scornful
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Chapter 0134
Elara and Zeke had to control their facial expressions when Garett started bragging about his achievements in business. It seemed he was acting like that to increase his value in front of Zeke."You are a great businessman. No wonder my family partnered with you," Zeke complimented with a fake frien
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Chapter 0135
"Everything will be fine. I know Vance very well. He won't dare to say anything because it will harm him," Cassian said surely.The reason the Phantom Legion rejected Vance was because he was not a loyal person. He had a talent for handling a group of people and blending into any situation.Cassian
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Chapter 0136
Scott was serious about his threat, so Samuel and Hannah became worried. They were sure that Scott's patience had run out."Dear, apologize to your grandfather while he's still kind," Hannah said gently, hoping Elara would comply.While on the battlefield, Elara regularly contacted her parents, even
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Chapter 0137
Scott did not expect Olivia to still try to avoid the truth after her lies were exposed. Annoyed, he grabbed Thomas's phone and yelled at his favorite granddaughter."It wasn't Victory Hills' administrator who called me. It was Zeke Hawthorne!"Hearing Hawthorne's name was such a shock to Olivia tha
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Chapter 0138
"I should have punished Olivia harshly," Scott said regretfully.Becoming a member of the noble community was his dream. However, Ace rejected him because his wealth did not meet the requirements.Besides, he also did not have close connections with the community members. His reputation had improved
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Chapter 0139
Elara had not visited her parents' house because she was busy with matters that needed to be sorted out. Only now did she realize something was wrong because her parents did not invite her to their home."Did something happen to our house?" she asked."It's a long story," Samuel hid his true feeling
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Chapter 0140
Franklin responded to the president calmly. He had already read the information about Ronin sent by Cassian.As such, he had already predicted how Ronin would react to his attitude. He smiled, "I received a message regarding my partnership with Tiny Treats. It was important, so I had to check it out
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