All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
226 chapters
Chapter 0161
Olivia was also surprised by Rosalie's statement. Like the others, she thought Cassian was bragging about the fake watch for profit.Cases of fraud utilizing brand names are common. Olivia initially thought Cassian would sell his fake closeness with Rosalie to distribute Eternis watches secretly.Bu
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Chapter 0162
Some guests did not know about Cassian's rumors, so they became loud. Moreover, war had been a sensitive topic since the Great Commander disappeared.Many speculated that the Commander had been seriously injured after fighting in the war against Narman.Therefore, it was only natural for people to b
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Chapter 0163
Scott wanted to cheer because of Zeke's gift. It turned out that Elara did have a connection with Zeke, as she had claimed. But there was a problem he needed to solve first.The ones he was going to evict were Cassian and Elara. The guests were mad that they would not accept any explanation.However
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Chapter 0164
Scott exhaled harshly as the guests became noisy again. The family drama should have ended some time ago, but Samuel had made the atmosphere unpleasant again."How come WBL is working with Tiny Treats? I bet you've never met Doctor Franklin before," Scott said suspiciously.Samuel replied with confi
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Chapter 0165
Tiny Treats was West Corp's least profitable subsidiary. For this reason, Scott could not accept Samuel's company managing Franklin's product.He also feared Samuel would use the partnership with WBL to pressure him. Therefore, he would try to get the recipe at any cost."I agree with you," said Tho
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Chapter 0166
Since Samuel and Hannah gave such fantastic gifts, the guests expected Elara to at least give a gift on par with her parents.They did not know where Samuel got the gold card, which made them even more curious.After all these years, Samuel's family had finally moved up a level. They were no longer
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Chapter 0167
The guests agreed with Scott's statement. After Zeke's super gift, Alistair's painting was the second best.Olivia lost her grin when she realized Silent Night at Wisteria Lake was more expensive than all the paintings she'd bought."How can Elara buy Alistair Montclair's painting? It's hard to get.
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Chapter 0168
"Grandpa, I'm glad you like my gift. It's also my apology for troubling you back then," Elara said, remembering her parents asking her to apologize.Scott immediately recalled the terrible incident with the Twilight. However, he did not mind that now that everything was fine."I accept your apology.
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Chapter 0169
Brandon wanted to follow Elara because he was curious about the incident at Peter's wedding. However, his parents forced him to stay and socialize with the others."I heard you studied abroad," Vanya said, looking at Brandon from head to toe."Yes, my son is majoring in business management," Emily r
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Chapter 0170
"Isn't this Elara's boyfriend? Why is his picture here?" asked Gwen in wonder. She thought Cassian was an honorable war veteran because Zeke got to know him.Unexpectedly, it turned out that Cassian was the crazy person who dared to get into trouble with Peter. What's more, the explanation Peter gav
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