All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
226 chapters
Chapter 0181
"Let's get out of here too," Cassian said as the others left the headquarters.Elara and Zeke nodded, following him who took a different route when they entered earlier.Even though the route was different, they returned to the original path. A staff member was waiting for them to exit and helped th
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Chapter 0182
Samuel, who had always failed, suddenly became lucky, thanks to Doctor Franklin. This upset Scott because he really wanted to work with WBL.However, an incompetent person got the chance instead. Of course, Scott's pride was hurt. He thought Samuel was not better than him; he should have gotten the
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Chapter 0183
"I-I didn't know it would come to this," Gwen stammered. "No one knew that Mr. Garett would have an accident! It was out of my control!"Although her words made sense, the Wests did not care because Preston had made them buy the shares.Roy snapped, "Didn't you say you'd take responsibility for ever
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Chapter 0184
The man with burns on one side of his face was Elias, Twilight's boss for the capital. He often came to the Crimson Bar to meet his clients.His meeting with Cassian was not planned. Since the bounty was publicized, he found out about Cassian because Max's picture was also circulating.However, no o
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Chapter 0185
Goosebumps ran through Peter's body. He had been an affiliate of the underground for many years, so he knew Yash's character by heart.An affiliate's obligation was to give a certain amount of money to specific organizations for protection and other benefits.A tragic end was once experienced by an
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Chapter 0186
The Crimson was an elite bar, so the customers here were wealthy or at least had enough money in their savings.Everyone must know Emberlight, who ran a big manufacturing business. Zeke seemed to be from out of town, so he was unfamiliar with the wealthy families in the capital."Stop being so arrog
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Chapter 0187
An important person from the underground was unlikely to step in to handle such a trivial matter. Silas was as surprised as the others because he did not expect Yash's target to be Cassian."What has this guy done that you're looking for him?" Silas asked curiously.Yash tightened his grip on Cassia
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Chapter 0188
Blood flowed from the deep wound, and the man screamed in pain as he fell to the floor. Seeing that Elara had taken down one person, the other men immediately prepared to enter the fight.Zeke stepped forward. With full force, he swung his fists at several men who tried to attack him. His punches st
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Chapter 0189
Yash approached Vance, ignoring the change in the General's face as he thought it was normal for Vance's mood to change quickly."From your expression, I can guess that you're also annoyed at these two. They dare to challenge the underground just because they can do a little martial arts," Yash said
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Chapter 0190
Silas forgot about the pain in his ears because he had a bad feeling. Instead of being mesmerized by Zeke's laughter, he felt uncomfortable, as if the apocalypse was about to happen right then and there."Allow me to introduce myself formally. I am Zeke of the Hawthorne family!" Zeke declared, rolli
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