All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
224 chapters
Chapter 0021
Liam was surprised that Cassian knew about the termination of Bridge Point's partnership with Aveline's business. He only knew the short story from his sister and did not listen further because Ruby asked for a dinner date. 'How could this loser know about that?' he thought suspiciously. It seemed
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Chapter 0022
The lobby was silent for a moment before it was filled with Liam's loud laughter. He was surprised to see Cassian pull out the card. He did not expect that Cassian would still dare to make trouble with him. "Private room? Now I'm sure you've completely lost your mind," Liam taunted, his stomach hur
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Chapter 0023
"There's no way that crazy guy is a VIP customer," Ruby muttered in disbelief. She looked at Cassian who disappeared from her sight as he turned the corner. Jesse said he would take him and Elara to a private room. It still irritated and embarrassed her. She could not believe someone in ordinary c
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Chapter 0024
Liam could not believe Aveline had just given up on the house. "Cassian cheated on you, and you're going to let him keep the house?" he sneered. "I'd have to find evidence of his adultery to sue him. But I want nothing to do with him," Aveline replied in a cold tone. "I can't accept my sister bein
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Chapter 0025
"Sorry, I just..." Elara was overwhelmed by Cassian's silence. She turned her face away in shame and explained frantically. "I should have asked your permission first. I'm sorry. You can be mad at me if you don't like it!" Cassian touched his cheek, recalling what Elara had just done. This was th
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Chapter 0026
Everyone was surprised by Logan's statement. Ryan and Cole recalled that Elara was the woman standing on stage with them. 'Who is that woman to get Mr. Logan's attention?' they wondered about Elara's true identity. Olivia could not leave the cooperation to Elara after all the effort she had put in
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Chapter 0027
Elara's words left the Wests thunderstruck and enraged. She fearlessly ordered Scott, the family's leader, to beg on his knees. Scott's forehead furrowed in anger, his lips tightened, and his hands trembled as he clenched them tightly. "How dare you be so rude to Grandpa! Haven't you learned any m
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Chapter 0028
"I don't want to beg Elara!" Olivia rejected Scott's idea directly. Scott glared at her. "All right. Do you have a solution to this problem?" he asked coldly. Since Olivia was silent, he glanced at the others and asked again, "What about you all? Does anyone have any good solutions?" No one could
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Chapter 0029
"Bridge Point will help distribute and promote all of the West family company's products," Logan declared as Elara finished signing the contract. Relief was evident on his face that the matter was settled. However, he still felt nervous since Cassian had come to his office. Had he been aware of Ca
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Chapter 0030
Aveline chose her best outfit to attend the appointment with the cooperation manager of the West family company. After her cooperation with Bridge Point was not renewed, she had to find another company to work with. West Corp's primary business was in the food sector. Its snack products were among
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