All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
225 chapters
Chapter 0071
"I bet you used dirty tricks to take out our comrade!" a guard accused.Before more people thought Ironclad was unqualified, he had to make them believe Elara was the bad one.Elara laughed as she released the guard in her grip. "Why don't you guys go up against me? That way, you can determine wheth
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Chapter 0072
The guards were not happy with Greta's decision. They had to make her change her mind to save their careers."This is not fair! The one at fault here is Vivian.""She's the one who told us to evict the guests.""Please don't fire us. This is the last time we'll be rash."Despite the guards' tearful
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Chapter 0073
The guards already knew about Greta's identity since she was Franklin's relation. But the problem was the two strangers who came with her. "I will surely allow Miss Greta to enter. It's just that she insisted on bringing these two with her," a guard explained while pointing at Cassian and Elara. U
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Chapter 0074
The doctors became even more irritated at the thought of Cassian taking bribes. They actually would take anyone qualified, no matter where they came from.Most doctors in Weltaria had the support of their families, resulting in corrupt and incompetent doctors. As a result, Franklin founded a special
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Chapter 0075
Sophia, the doctor who had spoken earlier, signaled to all the doctors to remain calm. If the security team alone failed to hold Cassian, then there was nothing they could do.They just needed to listen to his nonsense until Ironclad sent strong guards. Hence, they did not try to kick him out."Firs
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Chapter 0076
Landon's statement prevented the doctors from attacking Cassian. They did not expect the herb brew he was making was actually effective.Anyone can brew herbs, but to make them effective requires specialized knowledge. Moreover, Cassian's herbs had not yet been shown to the public.He should not kno
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Chapter 0077
Ironclad had received a report from the security team in charge of congressional security. The company immediately dispatched a special team that was only deployed to deal with dangerous people.If only the special team had arrived fifteen minutes ago, the doctors would have welcomed them happily. B
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Chapter 0078
"Wait a moment, Doctor Franklin! We can't just let you leave with Mister Valor," Sophia said, representing the other doctors who were curious about Cassian's identity.Their interest in him increased after Franklin addressed him as master. Clearly, he was not someone to be looked down upon.Landon s
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Chapter 0079
When Cassian suddenly disappeared, Franklin asked other members for news about their leader. But no one knew what Cassian was up to.He was disappointed when he heard that Cassian had submitted to Ronin. It turned out that he still did not know the Commander.Secretly, Cassian had devised a plan to
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Chapter 0080
As soon as Cassian and Elara left, Franklin flung himself on the floor with a long exhale. Greta entered the room and approached him worriedly."Are you okay? You look pale!"Franklin shook his head as Greta was about to help him. He smiled and replied, "I'm just too excited about my new mission! Gr
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