All Chapters of My Billionaire ex-husband: Chapter 91 - Chapter 95
95 chapters
Xavier and vera reconciled
In the courtroom, Ms. Jessica stood confidently before the judge. “Your Honor, my client, Xavier, did not steal from Renee. Renee willingly handed him the money under the influence of love. They were in a relationship, and it is not uncommon for partners to share financial resources.”Amos, the opposing lawyer, rose to his feet. “Your Honor, this is a clear case of theft. Renee did not give Xavier the money willingly. He manipulated her emotions and took advantage of her trust. We have evidence of text messages where Xavier coerced Renee into giving him the money.”Ms. Jessica countered, “Those messages do not prove coercion, Your Honor. They show a couple discussing their finances. Moreover, Renee never reported the money as stolen until after their relationship ended. This indicates that the money was given freely during the course of their relationship.”Amos responded, “Your Honor, the timing of the report is irrelevant. The fact remains that Xavier took the money under false pret
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Xavier and his missing child
"Evelyn, you better understand that no one will tolerate your foolishness. I treated you like a sister, but you ended up betraying me, thinking you could surpass me," Norah said, her voice dripping with disdain.Evelyn remained unfazed and replied, "I don't care what you think about this. But get it into your head that I, Evelyn, don't give up easily. Xavier can't leave me, not after I have a child with him."Norah laughed mockingly, "Oh, Evelyn, you're delusional. Do you really think a child will keep him with you? You're just a phase he will soon forget."Despite Norah's taunts, Evelyn was determined. She met with Xavier later that day, her resolve unshaken. "Xavier, we need to talk," she said firmly.Xavier looked at her, a mix of confusion and concern on his face. "What is it, Evelyn?""It's about our child," she began, her voice steady. "You can't just walk away from us. You have a responsibility."Xavier sighed, "I know, Evelyn. I promise to take responsibility for the child."B
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Vera chance
“Vera, it has always been you, my darling. You and only you in my life,” Xavier said softly as he found Vera at home, looking sad.“You claim to love me, yet you still give Evelyn attention,” she complained, her voice tinged with hurt.“No, darling, I have been her worst nightmare since she decided to be the trouble I face,” Xavier replied, trying to reassure her.“Who kidnapped her child?” she asked, her eyes searching his for answers.Xavier took a deep breath. “Vera, I don’t know anything about the boy’s kidnapping,” he said, his voice steady. But deep inside, he knew everything about it. Whenever he had private time at the office, he would call the child’s nanny to check on the boy’s well-being.Meanwhile, Evelyn stormed in, her face flushed with anger. “Vera, you kidnapped my child!” she accused, pointing a finger at her.Vera stood her ground, her eyes blazing. “I did no such thing, Evelyn. I would never harm a child, let alone kidnap one. You have no right to accuse me without
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Lucas humiliated Isabella
Isabella’s eyes filled with tears as she clasped her hands together. “Lucas, please, I’m begging you. Think about the good times we shared, the moments of laughter and joy. Surely, that counts for something?”Lucas smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Good times? Moments of laughter? You must be joking, Isabella. Those moments were nothing but a facade, a mask to hide your true nature.”“Lucas, please,” Isabella’s voice cracked. “I’m not asking for myself. Think about Renee. She made mistakes, yes, but she’s still a human being. She doesn’t deserve to rot in prison.”Lucas’s expression hardened. “Renee made her bed, and now she must lie in it. You think a few crocodile tears will change my mind? You must think I’m as naive as I once was.”Isabella’s desperation grew. “Lucas, I’m willing to give up everything. The restaurant, the house, anything you want. Just please, show some mercy.”Lucas laughed coldly. “Mercy? That’s rich coming from you. You and your family showed me none. Why sh
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Norah and Lucas involvement
Evelyn's heart was as heavy as a mountain as she watched Xavier keep loving Vera. "Why am I suspecting that Evelyn knows exactly where the child is? Why not ask the police to get her arrested? With that, she will confess," Vera suggested to Xavier. Xavier nodded after sipping from his glass of wine. "The truth is that Evelyn has to provide my son, wherever she has kept him. I don't mind how she will do it. I know that she has my son with her," Xavier answered. "Calling the police on her will definitely mount a lot on me, and I don't want to stress myself much on this," he added. Vera kept on persuading him, but the more she did, the more she received a "no" from him. "This is my child we are talking about here. Why do you act as if it's all about your involvement?" Xavier asked. "It is part of me. Whatever is yours is mine as well," she answered politely. "Darling, Evelyn doesn't deserve much good from you, but evil, and a little kindness if only she is worth it. So stop being disturb
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