"Okay, I'm sorry, I don't understand what is going on? How did you get my information and who is issuing the money? Is it a loan or what?" Anna asked in a state of total shock and confusion."Well, Ma'am the orders came directly from the top, I would like to confirm some details of yours, Ma'am," the representative who spoke with her said."Is everything alright, Ma'am?" James asked glancing at her from the rearview mirror.She raised her forefinger at him, signaling him to hold on momentarily."Okay, go ahead," Sarah said to the girl, praying and hoping it was not some prank of Peter Causey's to trick her and dupe her of more money than she had left."What is your full name?" the girl asked."Sarah Brown...Johnson" she added the last part in a whisper. She had never once said James'surname to hers, but to seek loans, she did that because it showed the establishments that she was responsible as well as trustworthy.It was absurd, yet, all the same, that was the structure of the world.
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